A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Friday, May 30, 2008

2 early to say quit?

Today took half day went for a interview for a HR job.

B4 going there, i already knew its wasn't what i want...it must be a moment of rush that i apply for the job...cos having alternatives is being then none right? Send a few resumes, but no replies..being having flashbacks when i took a long time to secure a job...now im saying im giving up..what the hell..

U know what..another collegue just resign. I just been here for 4 monthts, in these months..my department, 2 collegues have left during this period, and another leaving next month. The company is desperate looking for ppl to fill the slots...o/w i be work to death sooner...

More on investments...cough cough..or speculative watchlist...SGX mkt

Oceanus..bloody stock rose to above 0.3c now peaking near 0.4.. initially was 0.24 i think....low fundamentals..yet ppl buying in...hard to judge whether will it be another Jade

Oculus..another recent speculative stock...now trading halt...duno whether will it get its debt back and its new board of directors will be its white knights..also low fundamentals..but high mkt volumes.

Goldagri...thxs to high oil prices...think soy bean prices also up..no idea how it affect..but ppl sure tink if oil price up..alternatives will in demand..perhaps this trend...reach high record today at 1.08 i think :)

Chinahong..bleeding man...duno hw low will it drop...mayb a good time to buy cheap wait for it to go peaking..just a matter of when..applies to all stock...always buy low, sell high..or hold long

Some bolaio tips

1. if you plan to contra..means 3 days after your purchase date..rememb that for each buy and sell contract, there is separate commission charges and misc fees..so you may end up at a loss if you sold even at a profit.

2. if you sell w/o having the shares in your CDP..means you sell w/o buying the shares first...remb to buy the shares the day you sold your shares..o/w u will be penalised by SGX when they buy in for you on D+1 date..means 1 day after the due date of your contract

3. Always know when its your contract due and how your trading account is linked for payment...you wont want your shares to be forcesold due to late payment

4. Try to be mentally prepared that the stock market is emotional. There will be good times and bad times. Good fundamental stocks will be in "reds" despite no reason and junk stocks will be in "green" for no apparent reasons. U shld be prepared to loss this share's value til a certain percentage then you can consider to sell your shares if you cant stand the "paper" loss.

Websites for viewing news on mkt talks

1. http://forum.channelnewsasia.com/viewforum.php?f=13 -- more on investors' insight and news on recent hot topics

2. http://forums.sgfunds.com/portal.php?sid=957a1a780c16a5fc03528eedf20b8ccc -- more on trading should knws and how to

3. http://btstocks.asiaone.com/ -- nice display of all mkt gainers, losers, better than SGX cos i need open diff windows..but i seldom use it..cos sgx site got corporate information...cant load the java chart..always error

Take note the above information are not intended to guarantee any financial advice or recommendations to any person viewing this site..im just a amature bolaio blogger trying to empty my mind.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

time to quit

Finally, after some thoughts, i decided to quit and move on...there are more reasons for me to quit than to stay on.

Started to send resumes to hr, ops perhaps some more to sales related work. 1 thing for sure, i will feel better without this work.

I can remember my supervisiors' angry faces, harsh loud tones...wow..call it respect to collegues. Hmm..how about a blacken face of a lady boss...thats a lasting impression.

Can still remember her saying "we dont want 2nd rate dealers", i can remember my supervisor saying "dont play with fx".

Even my supervisior already say, its a dumping ground...ppl has left and those remaining want to escape to the 3rd shift, the one which i initially was assigned to do. But looking at the current situation, the likelihood of me doing this last shift, chances were almost none.

Pay wise i have to say is reasonable, but i can give it up for this amount of crap work...liason with almost all departments, and all departments have to pass by me to pass message to clts, and i have to be the middle man to get scolding, rejection, complaints from all sides...and from my lazy boss as well...i throw the towel...go find some1 who can take yr crap.

Now this stupid slow elephant decide to lump its business together, but in fact, its 2 separate entity but advertise to the clients as its merge..bring more trouble, inconvenience to us. Who's stupid suicidal idea is this?

Yaya..the ceo will say...our profits are in reds...like the chay kweo teok man, b4 he open his business, he already have a loss. Ya...but whats different is he's the boss...we are just employees...with your current operations, this type of management, this type of inflexibility, clts are leaving as soon as they join...only the die hard fans will stay on.

Guess there's a reason for the extension of probation..and my "bonded" collegues telling me this place is a shit hole and advicing me to quit. Whether is it they want to bring their friends in or just telling me the truth...i somehow feel its both...but its definitely what they describe this place as, a shit hole. Haha.

i'm leaving...for good. IM LEAVING!!! Unbelieveable....hope got job interviews calling me soon.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Meet bao and Zr for badminton at night. The courts are filled. Thus have to seek other area to play.

Thus we used this area...a grass patch near a playground..using this banner as a net..innovative sia.

Saw couple of babes walking home...this area not bad.

Playin badminton in the area need skill as there is wind, the ground is not level, there is not enough light and we have amature skills haham oya...and be looking gd n cool when the babes walk past...anyway who cares...just eye candy nia. We almost hit the shuttle cock several times at trees, lamp posts and pedestrians.

Overall it was a good work out...must stretch 2nite...worry my muscles ache.

Send 1 more interest mail to the match.com. Begin to feel like sending resumes..need send many times..then meet 1 prospect 1..haha..or mayb shld change photo, the resume and salary. Well...its always harder to be the pursuiter than the one being pursuit...1 cant give in easily o/w it make seems the other party is despo etc.

Paint ball war

Referees/safety officer at the middle of the battleground. Two sides heavily arm ready to shoot their paintball on each other...
Leopard crawl

Trying to outsmart the enemies' fire by leopard crawling...but think he still kana shot..haha
Matrix shot

He was about to fall but still in the process of falling. This is the matrix shot

Any1 game for this paintball war?

Bottle tree

Prawn Fishing
14.50 for 1 hr. There are rates for other hours. Every1 fishing for prawn...saw a few caught mini lobsters. I can imagine myself, armed with a book and mp3, waiting for my catch...
Lankau Fishing

The children are on the rampage...disrupting peace in the ponds. Armed with nets and fish containers, they want to seize all the fishes and guppies in the pond. No doubt, in this war, there is some guppies that can be seen floating dead due to the stampede.
Bottle Tree

Thus the name for the resturant...
Lotus Pond

One of the last 2 surviving flowers in this pond...
Swan Lake

Romance in swan lake..of cos, this isnt free...

Theres a resturant at the back. You can ask the chef to cook yr catch. This is a fishing/dinning resturant for familes, friends and lovers.

Im just here wit bao to kaypo..cc..looklook...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Mum's Bday

Went with her to VIVO city..yup...i know...why didnt i bring her eariler. Well...i'm not a exactly a "mall" person...i dislike going window shopping..bcos all i can do is seem yet i most likely won't bear to spend $ to buy them.

There's a Volkswagen fair going on. Seems that she wanted a car, maybe due to her aches from her work, standing for long hours, causing long term injury to her leg joint and muscles. Perhaps i can start by taking my driving theory test, in the near future, then take my license, then it will be another few more years, before i can afford a 2nd hand car..maybe i can try my luck on the "put my palm on the car" competition marathon.
Feeling shiok after touching the car seat...haha

Saw a new outlet in front of CROCS, the name is SIMONT. Its a jewellery retailer specialise in crystals i think. The founder is apparantly shaping the crystal using the torch infront of us. The light from the blue flame attact the crowd to his shop like moths to a candle light.
The owner at work

The owner has also been awarded enterprising business award if i remembered correctly. There was a certificate and photo display about this award in one of the displays. Quite a talented guy.

Was planning on having dinner in one of the resturants at VIVO, end up walking to harbour front center..too tired to walk back. Thus just go to the near by hawker to makan...haha. BTW, the char kweo teo there is great...near wait about 15-20mins...near the fish soup stall, if you guys know what i talking about.

End up going home with some cookies made in germany from CANDY EMPIRE.

Updates from friends
Ally just opened her spa and massage center, most likely will be heading to her shop opening next Sat. She's one of the most determined woman i ever met. Heavily pregnant, still sourcing for business opportunities, working towards her dream.

Ms Sze just started her blog business to sell her crystal jewellaries.
Wish her all the best.

Her blog reminds me of another friend, Ms Ying, also has a business blog, appear to be quite successful. For ladies who like to shop online for clothes:

Mayb i should start one...online business..question is that what will i offer that will keep me interested in investing my time and effort? Adsense? Products?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


With our current technology, i think we wont be able to be immortal but our genes can be duplicated and clone into another vassel, using the same genes to replicate continuously every time the body or container breaks down. But the container in which the genes start will always be in its most initial stage, it will have to adapt to its environment, learn new ways of adjusting to external forces of life. Get to know more about this genes from the lib book i borrowed. Makes me wonder we are machines for the genes that make us up. We are sub consiously control by these genes, yet the genes that form our brains thought us to overdrive these instincts. Weird right...not sure if i interpret the information from the book accurately. One thing for sure, if 1 is to mate, the gene will replicate itself, but we will live on thru our genes.

Has been staying late...collegues went for leave, company going thru a major change, thus more work to do, even in bad market times, there will always be work to do, that is handling complaints. Sucks..this department is the "dumping ground" for the whole company. This is what my boss say. You wont hear him say that when he's interviewing potential recruits. Turnover rate is high. Have browse a few job opportunities, seems like having 2-3 year experience is the typical criterical most mid-career jobs are seeking in candidates.

Want to take this friday leave...really sick of staying late everyday while every1 can go off on time.

Saw this on my way back home. Kinda cool...but probably its a fake.

Lunch time break, relax at the temple

On the way to Amoy Hawker, there's a temple right in the heart of this commerical district. Its undergoing some renovation but we can still go in to have a look. There's even a vending machine inside the temple. Visting the temple does calm my nerves for a while, get myself distracted that my lobo time only last as long as the lunch break.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

CBS's no theme Gallery

Alone Waiting

Me n bus uncle alone

12mn train

Pigeons' buffet

Wanton worth a ton

Y do i look like a kid

i feel like i have baby face, or a face that will reflect much younger than my age..even though i have ppl calling me uncle..haha

Went for a haircut in the salon...finally..not crowded in sun, must be all the aunties went celebrate mother's day..haha

before haircut

after haircut

accepting the haircut

Still kiddish like...the lady tink is a malaysian, medium size, but her fingers a bit plumb, thus massage not that shiok. but neverthless i still enjoy the head massage, the oil treatment, the wash.

Send 3 interests emails, hope will have news from them..

Decide to be more knowledgable, borrow "Selfish gene" and 2 dating books, end up its for gals...aiya...

Celebrate mother's day over a dinner session on fri nite as my mum workin on sun. She's a good mum. Her b day coming, have to get ready something.

Hope my stupid haircut entertain u kongming..haha...monday work again...

Yes, im a attention seeker..haha..no..im just crazy temporary due to many reasons.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

numbing myself

Been numbing myself by playing games, watching endless movies, to distract me from the fact that im reporting to work on monday.

I drag going work more than going army i guess..haha..mayb not, but around the same level.

Hazi..jus 3 mths working, i already feel like retiring...

How long can my batt last? My mum jus resign, my dad is now where to be seen...guess i had to just hang on...endure, persist.

Went to sg museum without buying tickets and walk into certain restricted venue of that building. End up climbing over obstacles to get out of that area with bao...damn funny. Been going out with him on weekends.

Sg museum

Giant naked exhibit

Blockage at the urinals at the place (yes, i knw i bolaio)

2 grown man cant find a proper place to piss...no we r not gay

Some1 finally replied to me via speed date, however, i duno wat to reply to her..haha...

Feeling damn numb, life as i describe is sucks. Y? Isnt having good health, having income, good?

True happiness comes not from materials, or external factors but from psychological, or internal factors. Happiness is a mental, not a physical state - It's all in your head by Stephen Pollan and Mark Levin

You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happinss consists of, You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life - Albert Camus

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Frog farm at kranji

Take bus there, there are many other farm, but cos its too late, only hav time for frog farm. ah bao bought frog leg home...duno hw he cook it

Mass frog orgy

Reminds me of the wallaby shower

More ubin photos
bao thinking when he can go back to sg again as he board the boat to ubin

"Secret garden" at ubin
If you explore beyond the garden, there are 2 secret mini beach where there are ppl who pitch tent and fish. Great for camp fire, bbq the fish u caught, get away from urban life...but sure alot of mosquito

Scare Crow at the garden

Ubin trip

Mangrow swarmp
Overgrown bambo falling apart
some shell gathering
a house built over the swamp
some house with banzai planted in along the perimeter

Also saw monitor lizard and wild boar, but they run away too fast to take a shot.
End our day with First stop resturant, must try their crabs and fried buns.

Bachelor beer gathering

Prof JS, new modern punky doctor to be
Bday boy :)
Liver pool fan plus torrent king
drunk or tipsy
our cheap brew

Bad apple

These past weeks had been both a joy and nightmare. But the nightmare is caused by my own mistakes.

Recently both collegues has left and the company is undergoing stupid changes which will cause more confusion and inconvenience, but the inconvenience is to us, the employees of the company.

Probation period has been extended due to my mistake. Put it simple, i didnt follow clt's instruction which end up in a dispute. haha..tat clt is younger then me and is earning so much more...shooting letter, threaten to expose the issue to public channels...im really blew it this time. However, the coy didnt choose to fire me, instead they extend my probation...i wonder is it because they are really short hand now...i believe so.

About Me

My photo
A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.