A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Random poem thoughts

Green slippers to high heels

Sneekering to sweet laughters

ban mian, prata and sandwitchs

Christmas kit kats, bau kua, melon snacks from taiwan, ties for the guys

your scream of the sales' teams guys' names

your cheese cake, one white, one chocolate

your daily fashion show, from green sweater, pink adidas coat, to your frequenst silverish skirt, white cutie frills, match with pink stipe top to clubbing sexy black.

your emails shooting all those who deserved to be shot

your customers who shower you with gifts, chocolate durian, sweet cakes.

your great reliable ability to clear emails, call logs

your laughing toes (which you stop saying anymore)

your Hui Hu Xi De Tong

Your Ai Xiao Te Leh

your back

your stories

straight hair to perm curlies which doesnt last long

black nails

Purple, pink, black are your frequent colours

your gray scarf

pony tails, to head band, to letting down of your hair

Farewell gift ideas

Guess the company may gave her a thank you card.

She want a coach bag, iphone, thats all i knw she desire other than findin a rich, good guy.

Hmm...what else

A poem via facebook?

A scrapbook with her photos in the company?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Career move 2009

Bond will end in Aug, preferable w/o breaking the bond, i can leave in Oct, but i will deprive my bonus on next feb.

Y not? If opportunity comes.

Thinking to go into FX or derivatives. But need to increase my knowledge in this field before i can have any chance to succeed in the interviews.

At least, i have a few goals in mind now to keep myself busy, that is my own goals, for my own sake, not for this stupid company.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Whats on my mind?

i always wanted to put

She is on my mind, in the FB.

But whats e point?


She say she will cry if she didnt get out of here.

Please let her leave, to greener pasture.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wat FB is for

Haha...quite agreeable with this video.

Windsurfing in SG?

Yup, there are courses. But once you have learn the "skill", how practical can u surf in SG waters? More research needed before venturing into this sport




Friday, April 17, 2009

Shes Leaving

It is gd news for her to move on..after all its expected

Just that, i still cant accept it..not seeing her...

Funny, its that she is leaving, it seems my chance is coming again??

Nope, chance will die off...

Time to plan for another next move?

Do i have a chance anot???


WT Crap..didnt you say dont have chance already???

Now it seems the whole office seems to know i got liking for her....

CRAP MAN...does she mean she already know?

Hmm...what my NEXT MOVE?!?!?!

To stop dreaming or pursuit and die a hero or hide as a coward?

How to leave the stage a man and as a friend

and not a shadow behind her back...

or to do nothing at all?

Time is the antidote

which fades the poison

that effects the heart, the mind and your intinct

which make you do things you never thought possible.

Regardles how potent this love will be,

time will dilute this toxic

if one choose to stop thinking about it.

Question, is how long will it take...

Love is a poison

but one which gladly take whole heartily

Despite it drains the soul, the time and effort

it seems worth it to take this poison pill

A poison which effect one's thought, temporary bluring life as you know,

making living so fufilling


as if your existance has a valid reason

That is to protect her

to accompany her

to be with that special person

till end of time regardless what happen

But its a temporary fab

as no one is perfect and one will grow wary with each other

time will then tell if this imperfections will make us perfect for one another

Will then love prevail

Live it once, live it good, live it as if its the last

3mths of WOW

Mage with ???

New DK with Lich King

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How to detox this love poison

Do u

Like her?

A colleague ask me this question.

Guess my actions aint that bad...so it must be oblivious.

So her responds must be telling me what i need to know as well.

She is happy, thats all i i care...whether i like her or not, it doesnt matter.

Haha...trying to be a saint is it...please...

Wake up dude..wake up

Indirect Kiss

Luv Cheese Cake

i feel so pervert...savour the flavour from the fork

Friday, April 10, 2009

Hate myself for being so jealous

Learn to look

Learn not to imagine

Learn to control

This is the choice you make and these are theirs.

Get yrself busy...and move on...

At least you know whom she is with

and she is happy.

Grow up and be a man.

Hating, Jealous being imperfect...

How can i b jealous to a friend whom lead

me to where i am today

and i know its best for both of them

What can i do now

But to hope they find each other

and hopefully be blissful in their journey

Whatever! Haha...ur out of the picture!


Ur are never in the picture in the first place

Ur started running when others are finishing

Its too late? No its not, but ur the permisstic type where you see yrself lose

but whats there to lose

Cos to like someone is wish for them to be happy

And thats whats happening

Just its without you.

This is life.

Green sour numbing feeling which cause rib cages to close in to yr chest

The taste of jealously

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Wax Apple

Wear for whom to see





Chump Chump



Standing near

Far from friends

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


To pyscho oneself that its not possible, but cant help thinking there is hope.

Hazi..easy to say lets move on, but haha...i rather stay in my dream...

Sleep my live away...living in a fanatize world...

About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.