A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

So many shock in one day

1. Shock at the preinterview question that i just received, make me feel so little i know about my job

2. shock to see my p mates wedding photos, and asking why i wasnt there but i cant even be there

3. shock my hardworking friend was laid off

4. shock that i am still awake due to all these news

5. actually the real shock is why so many shocks happen on the same time when i open my facebook account and reading my emails.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


This is the 2nd time attending, this time round is for a company training event. Nice to group up with my colleagues, especially cute ones. haha.

Got to hold hands, tease around, tease me more lightly, nice...feels like reading a boy's manga, and im the main character.

The gal has a boyfriend, and she knows i like the other person. Feels like a good story plot to write a drama series.

She looks cute wearing the helment, influencing the positive energy to us.

Thats all, a day where i live as a real life character in a plot that can be found in a boy's manga.

Slow Turtle, thats the OBS group name. Jas, u brighten my day.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Goals being accomplished

Feels great to move forward, at least something to look forward.

Book a tour package to Japan, one of a dream i have, being with my mum, feels good. Will be there for 7 days during end of Nov.

Manage to find my licence, haha, can bring it for interview.

Feels good. What left is a miracle, to pass the CFA. HAHA...truly a miracle.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Life after reverist

It seems im back to work. Dont tink im happy cos i dont feel like goin to work, but i know i miss my colleagues, some of them.

My boss bias attitude towards one still prevails after sending him a email "complaining" to him regarding this, but his reply is the same.

Gotten 3 interviews coming next week. One of them, from another local bank. I was thinking perhaps i shld change my mind, and switch to a foreign one. Im septical about how much they can offer me. I want average of minimum 3k plus after cpf, can i have it? But do i really one to carry on this career path? Optimum average will have to be more than 4k if i want to live a comfortable life style.

I have given up on the lady of my dreams. Its better this way, otherwise it getting out of hand with others disturbing and spreading rumours that i like her. Well, its seems childish that this news spread like wildfire even i didnt acknowledge. but i dont tink we are suitable for each other...haha...Loser's excuse, no, i think its mine own perception of true. Some things are better not known than to find out.

WOW gaming is back, and my lifestyle seems 2 go back to the fansty world. Guss i have to control myself, time to swim, pick up martial arts, wind surfing again?

CFA, plan to fail or plan to study? Plan to pass?

About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.