A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Chinatown lights up!

I happen to be near Chinatown and i saw there are barriers, with crowds starting to form as early as 6pm. It was a event to mark the official light up for Chinatown CNY decorations!

There are fire crackers and fireworks this day!!!

Correction is better than crash

Attended the yearly gathering for the trading system i have once paid. Decided to renew it again after hearing the motivational talk from the founder.

The recent correction is a good one as it will reduce the overheating of the China economy. He says it is still a bull market.

Good debts, its something i relearned when i visted this gathering. CFD allows one to gain leverage without paying for the full amount. Being a middle class, im worry about paying my bills and having limited funds to enter the market. With a system he says, it helps to reduce the bottom line and let the upside run by itself.

I was lucky, i say, to pick the right stocks, without having the system. But i know how to buy but not knowing how to take profits or cut loss. The feeling of knowing its a bull market and market will still fall makes one's heart flutter.

Mental psychological to remove emotion from the market and trusting the charts, the system is important, critical. I glad to attent the session with one of my close pal, Dexter.

Lets all make money, to gain financial independence...HUAT!!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

A shallow view

Can i really do it, chasing someone who is a colleague again and is attached to someone u know in the office and catches you alone with his girlfriend!!!

Well...i did that...but that's not the whole picture...hope he have some confident with his girlfriend. Being a colleague with her for almost a year, the news of me going to another shift affect her very much as she is the only few true worker left.

I beginning to have some thoughts of what if...but that isn't me...i am not determined enough to make the move...i'm just 2 passive...maybe it be better to stay this way.


The golden couple has breakup. As much as i don't believe, i hope they patch up soon.

Sometimes people need to get through this stage to know really do they like each other. Its very often u have to lose someone to know how much u love him or her.


There's a major staff movement and im the key personnel, going to work in the US timing. This cause a uproar as my colleagues are not happy...affecting the morning shift as well as the noon shift which im currently in.

Why they are upset?

The stupid boss do not ask for opinions, but merely impose this decision on us. There is no room for negotiation. His favorite phrase "I'm flexible, but not that flexible", "I know where ur coming from"...Save the crap from your pie hole.

2nd, as im one of the most efficient worker or slave, removing me will certainly increase the work load of others as they need to do my job.

3rd, i kinda miss my colleagues in the morning shift, so sad...i wont be able to see them, chat with them

The only benefit i see is i can go interviews during the day without applying for leave.

I really want to leave this crap place...i read a survey that people often leave because of their boss, it seems true in my case...i was hoping it will be another reason, i left because there is a better job out there. i want to leave this place as a bird with strong wings rather than a convict release from a prison.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hunger for balance and M&M

Finally settled my bills, send my hp for repairs, miss out going to the gym. Guess i have to make it up tomorrow. Time to trim the fats. Saw a opera episode, she mention about her long battle with weight, it turns out, she was hunger for balance.

Hunger for balance. Everyone's balance is different. But guess, u cant sell yr life away at work. U need something to fill up your remaining life span. That's where interest, love, passion in the things u do, take up and balance your time on earth.

Love...v day is coming. M&M, i called them. I once told her over the FB to take care of him, soon he break off, now is with her, the golden couple. Compatibility, guy is charming, gal is sweet, almost like a magazine cover. Sometimes u cant argue that they design for each other.

There was a email to vote whether Ms M is flirtatious. I'm the first to reply with a +1 vote, almost ended the email in a disaster with c.c to almost the whole group of people i'm working with. Luckily, phew..save by other replies to make the whole email seems like a waste of time rubbish thingy.

Time to focus on sending resume, hope i get on something soon.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Last 365th day to 2010

Was at the office till 12mn. i can still remember wat happened on the same nite last yr, i was at the office as well, with her. We didnt talk much. I remember the show was pocahontas. She commented she like the song, Colours of the Wind. Well, 2day i guess most probably she with new bf, haha, my wish did came true, she become happy...as depicted in my favourite song, "My Wish"

Well, head dwn to marina bay, hopefully can catch some shots of this event. I wasnt good at navigating, thus i decided to use the mrt underpass to fullerton. I was expecting heavy human traffic, but this time round, i cant move, i was just stuck before heading to the cross junction when u choose which exit to go. i was stuck midway just entering the tunnels. Unbelievable!

I have to walk back and go round about. I duno where im going, but heading to the direction where music is play. The concert last till 3 in the morning.

Saw many foreigners, ang mos, drunk, ladies some more, with heels, throwing their straw hat around, shouting happy new year, more like chirping. Couples kissing, hugging. I saw one hot couple, the guy was squeezing the butt of his gf, and then his finger...u know, i guess i dont have to explain it. He did it twice, before the gf get abit agitatied.

Well, i also saw the pinoy idol, not the finalist, the 3rd one that get voted off, her distinctive face makes her stand out among the crowd. i was like...m i blurred or is it her. She looked cold, walking to the raffles city direction. she looked glum, perhaps of the long nite of hosting, saw her at the countdown program when im in the office.

Finally, reach merlion park, took shots around 1hr plus. I knew im going to regret without a tripod. Despite missing the fireworks, the floating balls or wishes, in the river was a view, with different colours reflecting on them. In the day, they do not stand out, but at nite, with the colour lights, they light up the river. Some shots that manage to turn up "ok". Not really please with the shots. ITs the camerman problems, not the camera. Loading it later.

Space of Pics

Going back was tiring, took the nite rider, which take 1hr plus to reach home. Wats worse was there is a teen, keep talking, complainting abt the slow traffic, as if he is the radio dj, reporting the traffic flow along the roads. Whoa, shut up!!!! I wonder how come his friends can take his shit!

Well, make my blood boils, i worked for 1 full day, tired now, and have to hear his big mouth for 1 hr...his voice was so loud that it was inviting stares from behind the bus. Even im the bus driver, hearing his complain abt the slow bus, traffic, i surely be pisses. SHUT UP!!!. Ok i now, y m i doing this now, ok, i dunwan to start my new year or mess with someone new yr by scolding them. Tats y i have to vend it here. ok.


About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.