Finally got an offer from the counter party. Cant believe its happening. Sometimes its hard to swallow that good things are happening to me.
Although the role wasn't what i expected, it fits my selection criteria before i decided to go full venture.
Pull Factors
Its a global financial institute, reputable, will make yr resume looks good when u decided to move on to the next higher income bracket
The products involved is totally new, but complementary to what i have learn in my current company, which will increase my expertise and expand my arsenal of knowledge and experience in the financial sector.
The pay is decent, not alot, but definitely much much more than what im getting right now.
Corporate culture emphasis on internal mobility, leaves a lasting impression on me, im the person who will be bored once i perceive i have learn and master the competencies required, and manage the task to be successful and excel in this new role. It will be great to move up the career ladder.
Push Factors
There seems to be nothing much to learn, except being repetitive.
Stagnation, minimum pay increment, bonus incentive is low to retain workers.
Conflicts with certain management practices. Biases towards certain individual on the expanse of the whole team. Despite several confrontation, it seems to be useless. He is fair only to himself. Period.
What i will miss
My colleagues, my team, whom i can trust, we fight together in the dark periods, thrown into the forest fire, doing fire fighting everyday. I will miss them.
Still, its a valuable experience and a good stepping stone for me.
5 years ago