A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Achieve the next career move!!!

Finally got an offer from the counter party. Cant believe its happening. Sometimes its hard to swallow that good things are happening to me.

Although the role wasn't what i expected, it fits my selection criteria before i decided to go full venture.

Pull Factors

Its a global financial institute, reputable, will make yr resume looks good when u decided to move on to the next higher income bracket

The products involved is totally new, but complementary to what i have learn in my current company, which will increase my expertise and expand my arsenal of knowledge and experience in the financial sector.

The pay is decent, not alot, but definitely much much more than what im getting right now.

Corporate culture emphasis on internal mobility, leaves a lasting impression on me, im the person who will be bored once i perceive i have learn and master the competencies required, and manage the task to be successful and excel in this new role. It will be great to move up the career ladder.

Push Factors

There seems to be nothing much to learn, except being repetitive.

Stagnation, minimum pay increment, bonus incentive is low to retain workers.

Conflicts with certain management practices. Biases towards certain individual on the expanse of the whole team. Despite several confrontation, it seems to be useless. He is fair only to himself. Period.

What i will miss

My colleagues, my team, whom i can trust, we fight together in the dark periods, thrown into the forest fire, doing fire fighting everyday. I will miss them.

Still, its a valuable experience and a good stepping stone for me.

Ways to save money, tips from hwz

REF: http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=2702361

Interesting read, sometimes u know u can save money, but u choose to spend it anyway, Y, i guess life is short, sometimes u have to spend to feel alive.

1. For lunch, no drinks, drink plain water in office after lunch
=> saves money and calories

2. Turn on fan instead of air-con.

3. Even if need air-con, set timer so that it turns off 3-4 hours after you go to bed.

4. Take bus or MRT, no taxis.

5. Buy items from supermarket only when there is discount.

6. Wear SAF issued shorts, singlet, or vest at home.

7. Go out wear SAF sandles and shoes.

8. Use SAF issued towel for bathing.

9. Eat at home or at parent's/in-laws' place whenever possible.

From another forumer

1) chiong less hardware if you are a hardware or benchmark addict.

2) Stick with your gf ( if you have 1 ) and dotn go chiong around.

3) Buy clothes once a year unless the clothes broke

4) Eat at home or strictly hawker center/coffee shops. Food court if really no choice. Restaurants, cafes, drinking places, eateries is the fastest way to empty your wallet

5) As above even with gf. If you are chasing her also no need everytime go restaurant.

6) Dont go chiong at whatever happening place. Those cost a bomb for a few hours of your time

7) Stay away from alcohol (they cost a bomb)

8) Dont smoke if you can (they cost a bomb too)

9) Find a timesink that you can devote your free time too (EDMW, Online games, reading, Drama, Movies, Sports, Hobby, Religion etc)

10) Dont gamble (this cost a very big bomb)

From another forumer:

1)Skip breakfast.
2)Lunch money cap at $2.50
3)Drink plain water for lunch.
4)Dinner eat cheapo stuff. Cap at $5.00 to $6.00.
5)Drink plain water for dinner.
6) Tao pao is the best to reduce temptation to take sweet drinks. Downside is collick might think you anti-social.

Debts and liabilities.
9) Don't get a car until you are ready. As in 0 debts and all loans like study loans whatsoever is cleared.

10) Yes a sweet looking car can net you chicks, but if your wallet empty, you can go squeeze your balls, not their neh neh.

11) Get an affordable car. Maintaining a high maintainence car is like maintaining a GCP with only 2.5K a month salary. Powerful cars eat more petrol, just FYI.

12) Strictly no credit cards. Use either a debit card or NETS.

13) Read 12 again. Multiple credit cards WILL kill you.

14) If you decide to get one, DO NOT GET A SUPPLEMENTARY CARD FOR YOUR GF/WIFE. Unless you can handle it.

Real life sexample, my friend, a guy is high flyer. 1 month take home easily 8k to 9k but he is struggling because his gf / GCP swipes his supplementary card like free and his life style is high flying kind. On average he will only have 2k left to spend on himself after everything is done. And he has not even factored in insurance and savings yet.

15) Don't bite too big of the pie if you cannot handle it. Yes installments / contracts look good but once you get too many.... It is like slowly drowning yourself.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Frustating waiting

The HR say they will email me to confirm the venue. They have change the date to another date. Yet, i have not received the email.

I cant wait to leave this place...seriously. I cant say the other place will be better off, but i know i have enough of this place already.

Please interview me fast...it chokes just to be in this office.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Email to reject higher paying job

Haha..i didnt even have the offer, but decided to send a email to reject my application to be further consider for this role.

I am crazy to reject a higher paying job, but a job which i see no prospect in the long run, except to have access to internal mobility to other department.

I feel like taking a break.


Went for the ops interview...sad to say, im not interested in the job scope...seems like there is no valued added to my existing job skill, see no career progression...sucks man

Now i have to wait for the dealing position to call...which has a slim chance...

Been preparing, running ard, attend interviews...seems to be futile.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A ring

The HR has revert to me regarding the ops job, something to do with reconciliation, processing...sounds boring now to me...after attending the dealing interview.

A consolation was that at least they have call, and will arrange another interview session with this particular operation manager. I have to wait for the email on the specific details.

I wasn't that delighted, i was pinning on the dealing one to call.

If the operations manager was to offer me, if the pay is attractive enough, what do i say...can i wait for the dealing one to revert to me?

A dilemma i foresee. How should i phrase my words?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Deal or no Deal

Went for the dealing position last nite. I was not in the best shape. Didnt perform well and make mistakes which may cause me my job application.

The payout is gd, straight and direct.

I wish i can get it. He say i will have to wait for HR to call me.


About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.