A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Best works

The best photos can only be created thru thinking abt u

Monday, April 4, 2011

What is she doing now

What is she doing now?
I'm very keen to know
Is she partying with her friends
Is she having supper with her date
Did she caught latest movie?
Is she doing well @ work?
Is she happy?

I know she will be fine without me
I'm not important in her life nor anyone else

But why I still thinking about her?
She is the best thing that has happen in my life
That is why I still can't forget.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Why wait when you guess it won't happen
Why hope when you already know the answer
Why persist when you know you can't do much
Why love when you expect nothing in return
Why are you so foolish as no one is going to care
Why bother when you know things are not going to happen
Why ask when you are not going to get an answer
Why you question yourself when you know you can't accept the truth

Why why why
Is why really that important to justify your actions
There isn't why you need reasons to do what you want to do
As some decisions are made using your heart and not your mind
Why's don't work in the affairs of the heart

So just accept it.

Killing time

Kill time is a wasteful thing to do
Lost time can't be returned
What matters most is how u use Yr time
Time is meant to spend it in a way most meaningful to you
And what will that be?

Chasing money?
Chasing for power?
Chasing for love?

Time is the most important resource we have
I wish I can use time more efficiently as I can
But my discipline and drive is weak
As my purpose in life is blurred with no one in mind

To spend quality time with someone special
Is what I seek most
But the other may not consider spending time with you is worthwhile

Time is priceless
But we often exchange that for a price
When we work
When we wait
When we spend it with other people

Time is all we have...
And will be most treasured
When you know your time is up

Reflecting on what you do with all your time
And think what you have make most of your time
Will that be a happy thought to leave this place
To another world where time stand still

I wish if time is to stop for me
I just want to be with the people I love
The person I love
Thats all to life, to give love and be love is the best thing can happen

I wish all couples happiness till end of time
I wish she Will eventually find her happiness

About Me

My photo
A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.