A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


My work will be judge in nus this coming sat. Kinda keen to view my own works..haha..like my own exhibition....

Hope i can win something...tat will make my day and a boost to my portfolio.


Having a studio shoot session and a wedding course session soon.

Feeling exciting to embark in a journey i wish to take.

Hope it will divert my attention and energy to my goals and less of her.


Being a good man in a bad place is still a bad man.

Although i seem to been burning my pocket, it seems i'm still willingly.

Whats real, whats fake, whats lies, whats truth, doesn't matter in that room.

When should i put it to a stop...i guess the deadline will be till her bday.

A show, a dinner, a gift and a sweet goodbye.

She has been a great company, a treatment for my lost of another friend.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Poison medicine

Having someone in the arms helps me forgot someone I have lost.

I have miss her lesser. Is it time or is it the black swan?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Poison is medicine

A poison pill is a medicine. Knowing it will do me no good in the long run, it helps me overcome the current poison I have.

Real and fake is define

by your outlook of your world around you.

Lies and truth are words perceived by what u think it would be.

Is it important to know whats true and genuine as long no one get hurt?

Life can never be perfect, perfect according to your own standards which is flawed by another person's standard.

Compromise is what make us human, what make us love each other whom we are. That's what I'm looking for.

Not a mask, not a feel, but a understanding, a respect, which feel weirdly justified in a place where the black swan baths and the toads came by, watching the swan peddle silently under the moonlight...

A toad and the ugly duckling

If the toad doesn't lust for the swan, but instead of the ugly duckling, will the ending be any different?

Both probably can complement each other by their insecurities in life, but it will only be a momentarily meeting of the hearts. The duckling will soon fly off as a swan, be it a black or white swan, its still different from a toad who have no future with it.

Its fate that may have bought those 2 together, but its just only for that exchange and temporary comfort, so both will move on with each other individual life.

A toad is always a toad

The tale of the Princess and the Frog is only admired by the Toad who lust for the Swan.

How can a princess ever love a frog and how possibly a toad can be together with the swan, its just not possible, but one did it in their fairy tale dream.

No matter where the toad goes, be it, a smaller pond, a bigger lake, or just a sewer, it will always be a toad no matter what it thinks itself to be.

Spare tyre

Being with another woman really can help forget some emotional issues for a while.

For once I can give in to my emotional needs, it's like a therophy.

But like all therophy...u can't form rs w the doctor n client. It's forbidden.

I dont miss her at all...but just for 1 day. The medicine can only last 1 day.

I want a cure for the long term..and not a temporary relief that can numb the pain.

About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.