A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Youtube interactive and new goals

Its something i can play abt, unleash my imagination, using still photos, incorporating choices, making it a game, a drama, a sim city version or perhaps informative.

The goal of making a "SIMS GIRL" SG version is tempting, but, before that, i will have to make a few simple version, to win people to believe my cause and conviction to make it reality.

Still photos, videos can be use, this will allow me to play with my dslr, increase my desire to explore this island different places at different timing, to capture beautiful or timeless pics that one will feel is this SG?

UndergroundDV video has inspire me to take this project. Using disney land, hk local flavors and cute gals to make it a nice video that one will enjoy, mixing with popular game music,popular themes of otaku nature, i find it vy fun to play with, perhaps to curb the inner desire of what is it like not to get rejected.

All right, on with this, a long term video project, need to decide to theme to start. A short term one which is typical funny, but with a theme and plot as well.

And finally, funds, coming from 4everbloom flower at Vday? I promise myself to make a paper rose, but hasnt been successful and gave up after sometime as i cant make it before her bday...but i gave up the idea even before wanting to make one.

Looks like i can use those paper i bought after all, hopefully, it can be successful. Slight less than 1 mth now. With the green campaign going on, using paper plup will be great, saving cost.

Will it be talk or action? Time will be the judge

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Xmas eve

2nd yr in the row to do shift on this day. Kinda sucks when clients call in to ask lame questions.

Went for the xmas lunch with colleagues this noon, it was kinda nice.

Hazi...lonely lonely xmas...

Where shld i go...after im done...head to town with my trusted camera?


Merry Xmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


It was fun. Perhaps im the one who went there to play with them, instead of them asking to play.

Some of them kept to themselves, being void of contacts from the outsiders for a longtime.

Twight 4 Xmas

Bought the book New moon and has been reading it on the way to work. Its a easy read and it stirs my memories and emotion, while i recall the movie scenes. The main leading actor, "Edward" as well as the rest of the gang, "Alice" etc, all closely follow the novel very well.

I wish for a the first book Twight as a gift for the corporate xmas gift exchange. Now, i need to find the 3rd book, Eclipse.

Friday, December 18, 2009

2nd thoughts

There is a food distribution event on sun, but i turn it down as its too early. N sat im goin to be a regular of another group.

Begin to have 2nd thoughts, do i want to survey that area bcos its sort of taboo to me, or i really want to help. Perhaps its more like to want to know more about myself, facing this situation, whether m i normal or m i like one of them, who needs help, seeking them for answers by observing, being with them.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

70 cent for a bowl of rice!!!

Went to eat salmon hotplate from cavana express and order another bowl of additional rice. It cost 70 cent!!! I told the lady it is so expensive. She replied if i have not bought the meal, the rice will cost 1 dollar!!!

How much it cost for a bowl of normal rice? 50 cent at the coffee shop? 70 cent is a rip off!

From my experience in Japan, so far i been to 2 restaurants, the rice has been free flow. Ok, im in Singapore now. I been to the new shopping mall at Sommerset, think is 313, there is also another Japanses restaurant that offer free flow of rice, even though i didnt actually ask for it.

Hazi, this is the last time im going to patron this stall.


New goals for the year or repeating old unaccomplish ones

Ya, having a credit card make life easy, can buy stuff online, perhaps time to invest in a different hobby.

Bought a DSLR for photography, taking buildings, scenery, kawaii mei mei, people, anything that will make me want to snap. Going to invest in lenes, perhaps longer range type. Well, have to wait for my pay check or bounus....hazi, no luck in changing job.

Going to learn driving. Feels outdated, most of my friends they have a license. Well, time to get one, since i have time to make the trip down, end decemeber, Basic theory test, here i come,

National skin center, want to retain my hair..haha...y have i become so vain, nah, im not, perhaps i want to look young, thats all. Book an appointment, hopefully it will reply me. Google many hair growing services, seems like general review arent good, better consult NSC.

Otaku, m i? Feels like i have 2 much money to spend if i went to buy PVC figures. Want to get a Seras Victoria figureine. I will need to buy air pump, air brush, paint, to paint it, perhaps if im good, i can resell it, along with my other Mecha models, some, which i didnt open. M i becoming to otaku cos i dont have much social activites? I being to understand that social interaction to me seems like much of a time wasting event only when there is some exchange going on..basically. But im not like tat all the time.

Social activities, what shld i endulge in? Hmm, hip hop dancing seems nice, but cant find a time slot due to my work commitments...how....headache. Kickboxing, or evolve marital arts seems to rough, im ugly enough, dont want to make matters worst, haha. So, what activities i like to learn as well increase my social circle?? Food for thought for te next yr...

Voluntery activies, only been to one activity when i volunteer as a misc helper for a forum. Now, there is a chance for me to be serious contributer to a organisation. Need to write a letter on why i choose to do this for this organisation, what is my motive. My reason is i want to understand view from the other party, how they percive life around them. Told this to a close buddy, he says my reason is wrong. Do i really want to help them??? Or is it i want to gain something from them???

About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.