A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Whats next after YOG

Still feeling restless after the YOG.

Preimum F1 walk about is sold out. Mariah Carey is coming on Sun. Guess i stick to the zone 4 walkabout. Cheaper tix for walkabout zone 4 and I can experiment more with my noobish skil before investing in a more expensive lens. YA...something to look forward to after work, 24, 25, 26 Sept...here i come

Going Natas fair end of the mth to plan for a trip. Taiwan most probably will be my no 1 choice.

Hope i can survival the pending outfield.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

How much is that Porsche at the window

Porsche...powerful, sexy...and it means ur loaded.

Money makes the world go round...

N u cannot have enough of it

Hazi....36 yrs old, that will be another 9 more years...

Can i afford one?

100k min...guess if im earning 20k per mth, y not?

Affordability is the key.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

My unread poem for Sarah

When I saw these intern gals
I ask myself what would they be
Never did i expect
This is how crazy they will be

Hey Sarah Sarah
We ate French cheese and drank wine
Play Indian Poker
And i end up staying overnight

Hey Sarah Sarah
We went to KTV
Ah Ben is the K prince
Khalid is the control king
Ur the screaming queen

Hey Sarah Sarah
U drank the wrong sakura
Puff seesha with us
and Merlion it comes

Hey Sarah Sarah
We chill out at Arena
Have fun at Attica
We have many great nights together
Friday nights will never be the same without you
Will sure miss the fun we have

Inspire by the name Sarah

14 August

I be there @ the opening ceremony of the YOG...ya...i always want to be first...for events like this.

Didnt expect the tix to be a form of a cash card, a visa cash card. Havnt read in details how to use it, but its suppose to activate only for that day. No wonder i have to go all the way down to stadium to collect.

Cant remember why i wanted to go...perhaps i want a good firework shot...bringing my mum along. Hope it wont rain.

Javanese Massage

Finally visit my good friend's massage place. 1st time doing a body massage.

Feels weird at first, but later its ok.

After the massage, i join her at her secondary school class gathering at a Malay pub near Golden landmark. First time being there as well.

They have not met for 20 years. But it seems all good, they chat, laugh, share stories...i being to reflect on myself that i also miss out on my primary school class gathering.

I guess it doesn't matter where u r now, u just want to know these group of friends are around to celebrate life with u for occasions like this.

Cosfest 2010 part 6

Cosfest 2010 part 5

Cosfest 2010 part 4

Cosfest 2010 part 3

Cosfest 2010 part 2

Cosfest 2010

Its been some time since i update my blog without using my iphone. Cant upload photos with the blog with it, neither embedding utube videos...kinda sucks.

Plenty of time ahead, so decide to upload a few pics..hehe.

Went to Cosfest a couple of weeks ago, it was a last min decision. Well...after the trip, i was still feeling moody...guess i really long for something to fill up my empty time...

About Me

My photo
A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.