A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

If she likes u, it doesn't matter how u confess

Met her for dim sum. Later ask her to walk to marina bay front.

The weather isn't too hot. It was raining just a few hrs ago.

We walked, closer n closer to the office.

I ask her to stop, took out the flowers, a first I bought for a gal.

She was shock. More shock than the bday surprise.

She immediately ask I like her? She went histerical. But she was smiling. Happy.

I sort of looking forward for her to rej me. Cos I knw I like her but I can't maintain the rs.

For me, it's too stop this headache, this constant thinking about her in my mind. I sink myself too deep.

But she is by far, the best gal I know. Beautiful in the outside n inside.

She told me she will be a monster if we r together. I believe. I'm ain't ready.

Gave everything, done almost everything my heart want to do.

I can rest now.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lunch date!

Yipi! Coming next week w her.

I ask one, to see her. Cos once i work, the hours will be hard to meet. N she say Yes!

Haha...cant say its a date, just a meet up. But im so thrilled!

Time to get ready.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


is a magic that freeze time

Got a new job, but still something is amiss

I'm still not going to see her.

The attachment is not strong as before, but you will know some things which you cant get, you will miss it.

She is not a thing, she is a want for me.

She is happy now. I cannot forget my goals, that is to build a another source of income, other than my work source.

I must remember that

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

She was beautiful

On sat. Wearing a white tube top w a colorful red orange dress. She look beautiful.

Don't dare to check fb...I be reminded of old memories and worry I will check her status.

It doesnt make a difference. Perhaps nw someone is driving her home, supper or other stuff.

She will be happy. Tats all it matters rite. The one u luv happy but just isn't with u.

The one that can Bri her happiness just isn't u, that's all. Accept it.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Blog shop has been around since blogging has been made popular, and easier to sell items without listing in ebay or other popular auction website.

But you will need to make your site looks good and easy to search and doing a mass selling to keep the appeal.

Whats yr market, niche, etc.

Sounds interesting to a jobless man like me. Time to venture into stage 2 of brain storming.

What should i sell? Inventory, target, price, cost, marketing, etc.

Sticking to my passion, photography, seems to be compatible as well.

A photography blog shop, providing photo editing, photo shoot, services for certain events.

2 gatherings on 2nd Jan

Dont feel like going for the first one @ 1330.

But somehow force myself to go cos someone planned it. I rather meet each of them personally then a mass gathering. It feels so distance and hard to communicate. N there are some others i don't want to meet.

I'm selfish right. Just selfish. Thinking about myself.

Well..guess i just stick thru the lunch, then i go off to the 2nd one.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Origami flowers. will it sell? im not sure, but just try, since ebay account n paypal account are up n running.

Tried making one, failed many times...but since i have lots of time..time to start again....woo hoo bzbzbz

My first item on Ebay!!!

Woos...something i want to try yrs back... now im a online seller. Garage seller.

Testing out how it works. Apparently there is a insertion fee, whether or not yr item sell. Testing it out.


Think going to try 2 items first. Before i list the rest of my stuff.

Start of a new yr

at Marina bay front, with thousands of ppl crowding just to see the fireworks.

Didnt bring my camera, just my iphone, whose batt flat out completely by 1217. But it has accomplish its task.

Taken pics of fireworks, and sending the message to the one i matter most.

Time to set out what i planned to do.

Happy New Year 2011 from Marina Bay

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About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.