
A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Love is overratted

or i can say, love is overrated when u found it in the wrong person.

Many times friends advise its wrong, it cant be right in that person.

Time to end and quit

Santa claus

I dont believe in Santa claus...even as a kid

When ppl grow up, do they still believe in Santa Claus?

Movies kept on replaying the theme of Santa, preparing gifts with his elves at the north pole...in my perspective, a lie which adults choose to deceive themselves and even their kids to anticipate gifts.

This can be said to the act of believing the idea that there is a supreme being.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


No dream, no purpose, no ambition. A lost of direction.

A standard routine of living life so I can get on with the next day to get my paycheck.

What is happiness?

I'm tired of living as i can't find purpose to proPel me to live my life.

Kk, is a strong guy. Advin is getting married. Wish him all e best.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

2nd ops

Just when my surgical wounds is almost heal, i have to go for another ops to remove the screws in my leg. Need to endure the process of getting the stitches removed, waiting for the wound to heal, before i can start physio.

Going to take at least another month i guess. Tired and strained. Deprived my freedom. Almost sick and tired of my life.

Sitting down or lying on the bed too long makes me feel like a zombie. Going to work is a time killer, but having to endure not going for a normal lunch break dulls my senses...almost glued to the chain for almost 10 hours straight.

It really change my life.

Friday, September 9, 2011

1st week

Manage to get a regular cab driver to ferry me to work every morning. Expensive. Adds up to about 40plus with ERP charges. If i go work early, i can save up to bucks itself, due to the traffic conditions and erp. It pays to go to work early.

Colleagues are ok, generally nice. Just realize yesterday i got this role as they are moving functions out from Australia to Singapore. People will be fired and i got the role of replacing them. Its remind me of the book "Who move my cheese"

Its a large company but very nimble, as it consolidates all its main function under one system. As a employee, i can try out "multiple" roles by using the other functions, this is a potentially learning jump board for one to move anywhere in this place, as one is expose to all functions.

My work still seem simple. Not as difficult as my previous employment. But i have yet to fully hands on doing the task. So far, its pretty straight forward, just a matter of time on getting use to it.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

23th july to 4th Sept

Got into accident around 23th Sept, going back to the work force tomorrow.

That is about a month away from civilization interaction.

Had been wasting my time away. Grow fat, play wow, on and off looking at share prices but lost money.

Mentally and physically, i feel I'm not capable to go back to work. But i need to bring in money right? Cant depend on my parent...a parent to put food on the table, and my transport and medical bills to pay...with no assurance that my claims will be successful.

Didn't expect life after the accident to change so drastically. Feel like a old uncle. The only reason to live, is to help my family ease the financial burden, that's the only thing i can do, despite being uncomfortable.

This yr suppose to be a very good year for me, a year for the people who born under the year of dog. Ya...got retrench last year, bounced back to work within a month, a contract job which i don't like, but i endure and found a better job which is financially attractive...and that's all to it. Its all about the $, no passive whatso ever.

But the accident came, took away my "freedom", my way of life. My clock in life seem to reset. I have come clean with the woman who accompany me during this time. I can't give her what she wanted...and I'm in this state, trust cant be maintained...its seem to be for the better.

Friends seems clearer, who are the ones who really care, and who don't. But the world don't revolved around you. So i should stop becoming so petty.

This will be my toughest challenge in my life...going back to work in clutches, enduring the new environment with a handicap, a difficult task of defering my in camp training which has no results yet and a 2nd operation.

I have started praying to the deity in my house which i stopped since i'm in secondary school. I need some luck, to have a better fortune in my route ahead.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Accident that came

A sec later or earlier, will change my life.

I may end up in the coffin or i may end up going to work normally.

Been doing nothing for almost a week, just basic survival skills like eating, sleeping.

When im old, and there is no one to take care of me, what will happen?

Am i goin to stay at home whole day and rot? What can i do to make myself better off?

Relationship has become stale due to this accident. She has been good. I cant be expecting more, as i cant give her more.

About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.