A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Hot spring

The only accessible hot spring in SG, near sembarwang n yishun.

Went there in noon with bao. The water is bloody hot. Dont take so much..take 1/2 pail of water enough already...then pour some cool water to top up. If you filled to the brim..going to have hard time carry the pill to one corner to put yr feet inside the water.

There are also those large blue barrels which can fit the whole body. There are ppl who also wash clothes. Since there are half naked bodies in this place..so wont be taking pics so openly...haha..actually old men lah

Wulu entrance of the hot spring

Whats in the Red house?

Must be the pumps in the house. The taps are infront of the red brick house. Hot steamy spring or sulphuric water will flow non stop.

Soaking in the warm water

Met a 70yr old man..have a conversation with him while he waits for his bath water to cool. He say he ex commando...the story of "Stand by organ" is real..theres no cuts, the guy just sit there wit his inners display...he also mention 4 other of his bunk mate commit sucide and the bunk was seal..no longer to be use..and some mas nasi lemak news...haha...jus hear...no need to believe.

After the soak..te feet will feel powedery. Rem to bri a towel..dont soak too long or soak when its hot..or will kill the sperm count..base on this old man's advice.

Chao..happy bathing

Cosplay moments 2

Mr Afro and the Fedual lord i tink..they sing Mr GapSebe, u knw the haircream song...cos both of their hair is funny type one...sori..cant manage to google the right name..damn funny..but i have no clip of that..haha

Mr Afro's Dance

Warning..1min plus clip

Fedual lord

Nina? From D Grayman

Cute gal. She's the 2nd place winner.

There is also Tifa, Susuki i tink and a unknown Samurai, a white hair Priest and the metal transmuter anime...o, the alchemist..perhaps there are many more which i cant remb..haha.

Misc pics


Mask rider..no idea y i take..haha

Lego competition

Cosplayer playing WII

Theres a booth which one cant take pic..if u try, the "security" will prevent u from doing so..duno y. But theres one model which caught my eye, the Death note gal..is bonded..bind folded...being investigated by L..tat particular scene. Quite nice.

Cosplay moments

Hope no neck strain for u guys viewing these amature videos :)


He later "bankai" to impress the crowd

Fate Stay night?


Mr Classified as hes not allow to disclose any information relating to his chara in his anime

Winged chara?

Serving her master..she is holding 2 feathers...suppose to help in serving her master.

First time using my mum's hp to take video..cos my hp sucks...nv expect the videos to be display in an unnormal view due to incorrect handling.

The batt only last till the semi finals.. then no batt laio...wasted..still got chance to take with the Cosplayers at the suntec lvl 1 and close up shot compare to stage...neverthless...its satisfying. When my batt is gone..i saw other photographers shot so stylo and sharp...feel regret not having invest in a good camera for these moments which i truly want to take and remember.

CosPlay ShowDOWN!!

One of the compelling reason to come dwn on Sun is the anime cosplay competition. Saturday is the movie theme cosplay. Its the time where fans get to dress as their favourite characters..whether anot they win or loss...to me..a fan of the anime...definitely feel they are all winners. They do not feel embrass and embrace the character of the anime fully. I enjoy the show alot. Thank you all for making my day. There is a total of i tink 19 individual entries, semi final 10 then finals.

Opening of the Cosplay competition

Kakashi of Naruto anime

Kakashi's Speech

Naruto and Sasuke

Winner of the contest

Cant remb the chara name. But remb her real name instead..haha..Ms Goh i think. Her sleeves have lighting displays...think she mention by Yamaha. Dont quote me...i cant remb much. Vy friendly person..know how to speak and sing in jap to win the crowd. Too bad..by tat time..my batt flat liao.


The Force :)

I was wonderfully surprise by the volume of different Starwar models surrounding me in this booth. Thanks for the company and whoever responsible to bring the "Force" to SG

Hope you dont get dizzy...an attempt to recreate the atmosphere i felt as i view the displays. May the Force be with you.

Singapore Toy and Comic Convention

Definitely worth the trip. Always nice to see ppl engage in Cosplaying the anime characters and live for a day as them.

Im like Alice in the wonderland, exploring the different speciality shops, selling toys, manga, designer books, dolls and etc.

Rei Doll So KAWAII!!!

Saw a tcs actor promoting..duno he's the boss anot. But the dolls is nice..attractive. The price of this Rei is 150..if buy with Asuka..is 130...the website is : www.magmaheritage.com. Based on its posters..its specialised in Pullip dolls

Exotic Dolls in a Garden

This is by Domuya. Website: www.domuya.com
Specialised in ball-joint dolls

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fahrenheit 9/11

The power to rule, dictate and control the direction the wealth of the masses and the flow and type of information rules and create powerful man.

Now central is showing "Fahrenheit 9/11" which show the other story of America, the rise of bush and perhaps conveying a conspiracy message.

As much as the "truth" is presented to us by media, how much can we believe as the mass often are perhaps too busy with their daily life.

Oil hikes, inflation, credit crunch, even our own political environement, is control to a degree that no one really answers or dare to question these experts.

Sadly, the truth is given to us is often packaged in beautiful lies to cover our incompetencies, at least this is how i view it.

NGs of Chronicles of PW

The map of the route we about to take, tried to search it over the internet, but not able to find it as the website has revamped before the day we set off. This is the new one: http://www.nparks.gov.sg/cms/

Mr Brazilian Jiutsu and pika san talking about how come the telescope cant work without 1 dollar.

Mr Perfert and Pika was about to take photo inside one of the shelters of the henderson wave when pika's spider sense have a tinkering sensation

U guys figure this out...but nothing happen..haha

Mr Bao and pika testing the spider ropes.

Thank you Mr Perfect, YH, for passing me these shots.

Bloody Requiem

New mmo..more free mmo spawning, f2p somemore...wow. Duno whether will i be playing this in the long run..recommended by Mr Kelvin :)

currently there are 3 races, and each race theres 2 different sub jobs where u can customerise what skills you want. You can customerise your chara's genes, to further improve the skill, and you can transform to a beast once you have reach the "hardcore" mode i guess.

The return of the PW

Spiderrope playground at Horpark

Any idea how i get this shot?

End of hortpark, now figuring how to continue this journey

Kent Ridge park

Its a heritage trail, showing the tanks and theres a bronze book statue, stating historical facts..but too tired and lazy to read..haha.

Now at pond before we reach science park...here is where the journey ends..there's no more clear signs on hw to go on to west coast park. We are lost here and end up at Mr Brazil's work place and he say "WTF"...his expression is priceless.

Guess im tired also, time to call it a day and reward ourselves..ending in marina square having buffet at Yuki Yaki

You can make customerize icecream, but we never order that, tink its extra 2 bucks for that. Right now its free flow of drinks. The dory fish is nice and Yuki is a flavoring for the meat to be used for bbq. Overall, quite nice. The waitresses also young..haha...think school holidays...nice..erm..i mean nice service.

Chronicles of the PW: The tinman, the lion and flowerpot

Hortpark, a place to bring kids and take photos. With different exotic gardens, flowers, plants and structures...a must see.

Boy meet tintin, lion and flowerpot

Doesn't feel like being in Sg looking at these plants- Quote: Mr Kelvin

Bamboo Labrinth

1 of the mini parks, the labrinth is imprint on the grasspatch, and the surrounding is fences by bamboos. Here. Mr Kelvin trying to figure his way out of this maze.

Chronicles of The Park Walkers: The Jewel

The fellowship still stick together and move as one towards the forest walk, crossing the steel bridges over the canpony of the trees. Reminds me of the "Lost World", the one where the characters have to work through the bird cages, crossing this type of steel overhead bridges.

Hortpark - Jewel among the parks in SG

A jewel in Sg and outshine all parks i have visited so far...i mean man made parks in this island

The park is surprising big, with many playgrounds for kids to climb about, resturant with a great view of the outdoor garden, smell of the exotic flowers and plants, beautiful structures. Great for a weekend family, couple and friends gathering

Taking a well needed break from the tiring long bridge walk

The resturant's view in the park

Guess it will be even more romantic at night

Different type of gardens in this park

These different gardens are made by companies, advertising their works in this park, from zen type to modern and exotic types. Nice to zzz here with a hamock.

Chronicles of the Parkwalkers

Today the fellowship of the parkwalkers gather, aimed to reach the westcoast by adventuring and exploring the parkconnectors. They are Mr Kelvin, Mr Brazilian Jisu, Mr Perfect, Mr Bao and Mr Pika

Its was a tiresome journey and along the way, we discover some treasures.

The journey begins at mount faber

We have to walk up a long flight of stairs, take around 15-30mins i guess. Im getting old and panting just walking up a few meters.
View from the top

There are telescope there where you need to paid 1 dollar. Thats where you investment on a good camera comes in.

On the way to henderson, we saw a few monkeys...our replacement for our ah meng?

Henderson wave
A bridge made of wood with wave like structures. Guess something to make Sg "unique"

About Me

My photo
A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.