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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Chronicles of The Park Walkers: The Jewel

The fellowship still stick together and move as one towards the forest walk, crossing the steel bridges over the canpony of the trees. Reminds me of the "Lost World", the one where the characters have to work through the bird cages, crossing this type of steel overhead bridges.

Hortpark - Jewel among the parks in SG

A jewel in Sg and outshine all parks i have visited so far...i mean man made parks in this island

The park is surprising big, with many playgrounds for kids to climb about, resturant with a great view of the outdoor garden, smell of the exotic flowers and plants, beautiful structures. Great for a weekend family, couple and friends gathering

Taking a well needed break from the tiring long bridge walk

The resturant's view in the park

Guess it will be even more romantic at night

Different type of gardens in this park

These different gardens are made by companies, advertising their works in this park, from zen type to modern and exotic types. Nice to zzz here with a hamock.

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.