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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Hot spring

The only accessible hot spring in SG, near sembarwang n yishun.

Went there in noon with bao. The water is bloody hot. Dont take so much..take 1/2 pail of water enough already...then pour some cool water to top up. If you filled to the brim..going to have hard time carry the pill to one corner to put yr feet inside the water.

There are also those large blue barrels which can fit the whole body. There are ppl who also wash clothes. Since there are half naked bodies in this place..so wont be taking pics so openly...haha..actually old men lah

Wulu entrance of the hot spring

Whats in the Red house?

Must be the pumps in the house. The taps are infront of the red brick house. Hot steamy spring or sulphuric water will flow non stop.

Soaking in the warm water

Met a 70yr old man..have a conversation with him while he waits for his bath water to cool. He say he ex commando...the story of "Stand by organ" is real..theres no cuts, the guy just sit there wit his inners display...he also mention 4 other of his bunk mate commit sucide and the bunk was seal..no longer to be use..and some mas nasi lemak news...haha...jus hear...no need to believe.

After the soak..te feet will feel powedery. Rem to bri a towel..dont soak too long or soak when its hot..or will kill the sperm count..base on this old man's advice.

Chao..happy bathing

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.