A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bday wish moment

I will pray that this birthday isn't lonely

and is a day filled with happy things

Reversed seat

Kinda sick of stompers posting stories about people occupying reserved seats, and not giving up to those who need it.

Its like people have their reasons to occupy those seats. If they are selfish, they themselves know. If you are unhappy about it, please go and talk to them, and stop posting on forum and complaining about it.

Boys before flowers

Of cos,

if a guy is rich, handsome,

he can get any1 he want...rite?

Haha..its just a show...but it reflect certain truth

A girl can only have one,

of cos she will choose the perfect one.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Double Star

Went to cc before catching a show. Felicia is cute and Ping hui has funny expressions...haha

Hazi, my camera for stars, scenaries, but i cant take for those i want dearly...so sad...so sad

4 days

4 days, then she is off to another place in the same building.

What difference does it make even if she stay here? Perhaps i should rephase, what diff bet me and her it makes whether she stays or leave...none.

If one can leave this forsaken place, please do.

Wont be able to get updates about her, but only thru her true friends.

If can, i rather get the details myself, but it seems if she want to shut me out,

Then it shall be.

Cable Skiing?

A cheaper version to wake boarding?


Looks intersting, dont tink need to even take lessons..haha

There is even a knee board skiing.

Abt Cable Ski

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Life quote

They say a pessimist is never disappointed

But an optimist has a much happier life

Albert Einstein say "The most fundamental question you will ever as yourself, is do i believe in a friendly or a hostile universe?"

Our state of mind is a choice - and the choices we make become the life we create.

Quote from "Dare, take your life on and win"

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Yah, finally a noobish Wind Surfer i become

Drink a lot of sea water and suffer brusies and cuts on my legs and arms.

But it seems quite worth it, as it make me forgotten abt the love i can never have, the daunting task which i have to do next week, and all the things i want to forgot to reduce my mental stress.

Nature is never wrong, the gusty wind, the choppy waters, are mere conditions, as a surfer, had to know to use the sail, the board, the techniques, to enable equilibrium and surf across the blue sea.

Feel so accomplish to attain a goal which i set, but it seem meaningless now..haha..why, cos the things i want to forget all come back. But i feel stronger now.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

U can do nothing about it

Yes, i cant do anything.

Somethings are like this, and cant be forced.

As long they are happy, thats all it matters.

This is life, its not a drama, not a book with happy ending.

There will be winners and losers.

So lets just accept it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One boy One girl

One Boy One Girl -


He finally gave in to his friend's girlfriend when she said "there's someone you should meet"
At a crowded restaurant way cross town, he waited impatiently
When she walked in, their eyes met,
And they both stared
Right there and then,
Everyone else disappeared, but


One boy, one girl,
Two hearts beating wildly,
To put it mildly, it was love at first sight.
He smiled, she smiled, and they knew right away
This was the day they'd been waiting for all their lives.
For a moment the whole world
Revolved around one boy, and one girl

In no time at all, they were standing there in the front of a little church
Among their friends and family, repeating those sacred words.
The preacher said "son, kiss your bride"
And he raised her veil
Like the night they met,
Time just stood still, for


He was holding her hand when the doctor looked up and grinned,
"Congratulations, twins"

One boy, one girl
Two hearts beating wildly
To put it mildly, it was love at first sight.
He smiled, she smiled, and they knew right away
This was the day they'd been waiting for all their lives,
And for a moment the whole world,
Revolved around one boy, and one girl

HAha..she is looking for the full streaming version in imeem, but i check its not available, only 30s. Thus the only way to loop this full version by playing under videos, and loop it!!! Im a genius!!! Guess she never thought i actually remember despite all this work stress going around.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Fried worms, taste like nothing, jus oily.

Can be the case of my illness this week. Somethings got to try once rite?

Friday, May 8, 2009

MC 2 days and still working

Gotten MC this wednesday and thur, but i still went for work despite a fever of 38 degree.


I dont want my collegues to suffer. The amount of calls and emails has reach to the point where your asking is it real.

I have to work till 12noon to 4am and i cant finish it. This is how bad the situation is.

Ms Atas, a fighter, didnt even have time to visit the ladies, didnt get out of the office to have lunch, all way, picking up calls.

The boss, he was a slacker once, now, i guess he change, think when he saw that we have reach our maximum capacity, more work still just came pouring in from everywhere. Our department is like the filter where all CRAP have to go through.

Its not a place to work anymore. This is a torture.

Im glad she is leaving this place for good.

Idoit Slacker King

Thks to him, just 1 nite when he take over the 3rd shift, he just wont pick up calls, the scaarey management, w/o finding what is the problem, change the shift structure.

This causing the day shift people to bear more work, but in the first place, he is doing nothing. He is a sucker, a leech, a fake.

A waywang king.

Worst Work Week

It seems finally the day when previous warnings signs had fall on deaf ears, the day of armageddon has arrived.

A series of news break record of technical failures over this week and now, a phone line outage, well done.

I really hope it will lead to another outrage similar for the lehman brothers saga, things will be written all over the press.

With growing client base, the head will say "we have capture increase market", but we do not have the facilties to support this kind of growth.

The head will say "we will venture to another market", but how can we do that we having severe problem with our existing one DOH?

The head will say" Lets cut cost, freeze hiring, and increase efficieny", but it seems whatever idea we pull thur, its not being use.


Do you know we have been fire fighting while you are cudding on your bed? How many times had we been screwed and feedback and i know its pointless that you guys wont heel and tink everything is fine?

Monday, May 4, 2009

What is life? - something i always ask

I tink i ask myself many times when i have nothing to do or i encounter something which i cant resolve...

There was this answer, life is what you made up to be...
my metaphor of life also changes...

when ur in love, life is being with someone you love

when ur in business, life is about taking risk

when ur ill, life is about living like there is no tomorrow.

Life is indeed what you made up to be.

Look Cool in Blue

My colleagues say i look bloody cool when i stress. Haha..i tink so too...but theres drawback...I DONT WANT TO BE STRESS!!!

Well, im a star of my own blog. I want to award my self..."Cool blue dude"

Too much physically actvities is frying my brain under the hotsun.

Theresa's US muchies

It has already melted. Its peanuts but in powder form, wrapped in soft chocolate. Sinfull and nice to put inside the mouth.

She also bought some famous cookies, which i didnt take as the people have finish them all!

Seems US is still the shopping haven..she bought 10 bags, couches, xoxo, duno what other brand..o Guess, and clothes for all her family members and friends...haha..destress from the stupid work.

Stressed? Visit Ally's Place

Ideal spokes person, looks so song song

ZZZ at sofa

Relax ambience

Pay Ally a visit tink abt 2-3 weeks ago. She is doing GREAT despite the economic situation. HAHA! Doing promotions, and sourcing for productions, marketing, what a women...

If u wonder where i run? haha..who cares but ME!!!

Influenze by ZR, finally move gradually to longer distances and short time completed. Nice rite...Langao smell (sewage smell) and bbq (during the weekend) along this stretch of running pathment.

Think i will change this route when i complete running a full 1 round within 20mins back to my house...haha..possible..i guess so..20mins.

I read somewhere, that the best way to run, is not to run the same running route but to change it, so u will be motivated as you may something interesting.

Yup, i agree.

Wind Surfer

Remote part of east coast near changi airport where surfing can be learned

Ya..finally sign up for the 1 day course but not today, next week...hopefully will not give like my guitar and cycling (will be done before june cos got shalet)

Plan to take up blading after learning surfing..haha..too ambitious..cant event ride the small waves.

Saw people falling into the murky water, getting up onto the board, struggling to balance on the board, holding on to the filmsy sail..haha..and falling into the water again.

I wonder if i do surf into the deeper water, wont i be scared of falling into the water and i will be like the only one who can save myself...haha

Why do i do it...i dont know. Subway diet, going to swim for another weekday and running to boost my endurance for this uphill new experience.

About Me

My photo
A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.