A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Theresa's US muchies

It has already melted. Its peanuts but in powder form, wrapped in soft chocolate. Sinfull and nice to put inside the mouth.

She also bought some famous cookies, which i didnt take as the people have finish them all!

Seems US is still the shopping haven..she bought 10 bags, couches, xoxo, duno what other brand..o Guess, and clothes for all her family members and friends...haha..destress from the stupid work.

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.