A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Friday, May 28, 2010

lost my phone

Sad sia...n i oslo discover i missing 1 contact lens as wel...poof...

Yesterday nite trying to take out my right eye contact lens, but find it difficult to do so, tis morning, i went to try again, it seems like i dont have the lens....crap.

Went drinking yesterday nite, it was nice, getting tipsy, drinking, met my chio colleague...but didnt went in wit her into the club...now being to feel regrets....what m i expecting, a chance, nope, just to chill out...

i feel so bad asking them to leave the pub but dessert them at the club and left by myself...perhaps im too blur minded to make right decision. But i do know that, to keep your possessions in check all the time if u go chiong...

What i lost is a phone, aside from the pictures, no naked ones, but only those of embarassing types like my army mates kana sabo with toothpaste and half naked posing in the bunk....whats more critical, is the information i stall in the notes, schedules, there are some emails as well, and i didnt clear the cache....oya, time to change my password fast...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Love the tissue smell

Tats my colleague. Serves as a reminder as to what to give her on her bday

Tissue + oragami = tissue rose!!!


Duno if im up to it....

hard sia...from the fb photos, cant help wondering if she is attached....

AHAHAHAHA.................suddenly my confident drop.........

Shld i ask her out? I also not ready...fb chat already quite nervous....

Duno wat to do.........where is my gao ren

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Member and 1st email

After going to the wedding, and being single for so long, looking at friends getting attached...i also cant resist looking for one.

Sign as a member for a dating website and send out my first email. Guess wat, i gotta a reply and added her in the FB. Technology is fast. N i discover her blog. There are many suitors...hmmm..its a open mkt

I also send out more than 1 though, but she is so far my favourite....time to change

Friday, May 21, 2010

Dinner conversation

Not sure how it got started, but she say she want to get married.

I wanted to say, "How about now?"...haha...well, in my fantasy world.

Monday, May 17, 2010

First wedding photo shoot!

Volunteer to be a photographer for my colleague...good that im a spare...haha..i really amature...i really learn alot from this experience.

A wedding photographer not know much know what lens and camera he is using, but most of all, to get the atmosphere up, with the family members, friends, to get high, posing them for shots they value on their big day.

Its really memories that matter...although the quality of the shots matter, i tink tis time round, it is the feelings that photograph will evoke from the memories of the wedding that matters...

Its tough being a wedding photographer...and im glad to have this opportunity to bring my understanding abt this passion to a higher knot!

Pass my ippt!

I was sick but still continue wit the test, cos there wasnt much of a choice. And i pass! Miracle!

3mths plus of training, gyms, interval training, speed training, until leg pain...its worth it!

Finally with the free time and slimmer body, i can do things i wan!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Coming test


I need inspiration and tips to pass the test.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


She has a egg shape face, tan complexion, big oval eyes, long wavy perm. Whats most mesmerizing is her smile. She smile so naturally.

She look younger than her age. Always so motivated. I notice she never seems to reject people...could be her weakness.

She has 20 over boyfriends...haha...duno true anot, but think it can be possible? Her wear a polo raulph shirt, should be expensive...she been to many places such as europe, usa when she was young and studied at Australia.

Rich and beautiful, no wonder she have so many bfs. Glad to have her as my colleague.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cash is the bait, now time earn it

My senoir is getting married and is going off next 2 weeks. It will be a crash course to train me within this week...haha...i duno wat to say man. Im happy for him but no so much for myself. I will be excel expert if i carry on with this role. I didnt expect one to do so much data management....man...u have to c it to know.

Looking at the pay im getting, tink with higher pay comes higher responsibility, steeper learning curve, and being initiative to learn the ropes.

People say my face look stress...haha..and my team mate, my dear colleage, so cute, keep saying "Steady boh", smiling at me, just sitting opposite to my desk. Think she must have felt my stress feeling...haha.

Went home together, ok, on the train, just for 2 stops, sitting beside each other, her face is oval shape, large pearl shape eyes, tan complexion, she really look cute. Despite her model look presence, actually, she is very warm, always smiling...duno if this is her tactic to get the seniors to help her...haha...im so bad to think this way...hazi...tink i have enough of eating and shitting at the same place...i dont want to have a crush on my colleague, especially one that i will work closely for the next yr...

at least, i have a eye candy to look, to feel motivated to dress up, who knows whom i will meet

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

1st day at work

now i have a ang mo boss, but he dont act like one, he chat up wit me, i have not yet feel the pressure from him using his rank. It is only me who draw the differences.

My perm colleague, is a chio bu, mature, knows how to dress up. Never probe abt her age, whether she is attached, she always smile, vy approachable, sometimes when i c her smile, i tink my work seems to feel much lighter, easier to cope. haha. I guess it will be a matter of time i will get her on my face book with the rest of the team.

My seniors, all of them are from other departments, they are just temporary here to help out. After they have hired another 2 more persons, 1 more manager, tats it, we are on our own sailing this ship.

Work basically is just excel, reconciliation, matching, calling, emailing. Seems like nothing to do, repetitive. Unlike my dealer work, which is dynamic, you wont know what to expect!

Hrs are flexible, ppl are cooporative, seems like there are no loofers yet...guess they pay much to get quality people who can work and produce.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Nervous abt change

2mor going to work at the new company after abt 2 weeks of break. Feeling nervous about meeting new people, colleagues, adapting to the new culture and everything.

Self doubt begin to set in before i even started. Wish i have more confident in myself that i be able to deliver what i promise.

About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.