A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Seems like Im sensitive to knw she is having problems. Hope she will be happy soon.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Congrats to my collegue

For her official bf!

Happy for her. Seriously happy for her. No sour grapes.

Happy sotong found the plane. Fly off through the clouds and across the blue skies.

Hope u will settle down soon :)

Falling lover boy

Read a news abt a guy jump from the 3rd storey to escape from his lover's employer who is a maid. They only met I tink a few days only...yet this guy Loves this woman.

Even it's crazy that two ppl can b in love in such a short time, I can't believe it happen in reality except in movies.

But is this love? Or more of a infatuation?

Whatever it is, they found each other....hope they will continue to be together despite the upcoming hardships...

Then love of theirs will be put thru the test of time.

Haha...I'm a admirer of them...cos they found each other...

Sunday, July 25, 2010


This weekend has been a quiet one. Just rest at home, zzz like there is no tomorrow.

Didnt expect the thought of not going to see her any soon devastate me that bad.

Subconsciously, i just keep thinking about her when i don't want to.

I have to focus on being a successful single


Little lost lamb...im the underdog, perhaps 1 day we will meet again

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Meet up for te last time

Not sure of there's going to be the another time. She will return to sch
only on Jan next yr.

Many things will happen...will I still miss her?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Lack of drive

Feel like a zombie. Jus work, eat, zzz...nothing else

hw to find back the drive I need to feel confident

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Farewell montage

Done my first photo montage and send it to the gals n every1.
They say it's wonderful, impressive, awesome.
The gals were touched!

My friend ask y u wan to do so much for
the interns.

Guess I have fun I ever have b4...n I like one of them.

But she's attached, n they r happily in love...I shouldn't step in.

I'm feel something for her...but that's history now.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Getting fat

Time to go back muay Thai n trim away...

No more fun n games

Lack the drive to do anything...work work work Is boring...I need to
find a venue to unleash my energy

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I'm weak

I can't stop thinking abt her

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hugs xposed


got my ans...can't read 2 much into hugs n kiss. Hahaha...I'm so nerdy...u can't ask permission for hugs.. U jus do it...I'm lucky guess...to feel young again...

But the kiss...really can't xplain it...mayb I'm 2 cute :)

nxt wk their last week...plan to bk table at butters...a place they been wanting to go but always dnt have the chance. Hope they like it.

Hugs n kiss

Met néw ppl for drinking. Was with 2 syt. Last destination was arena. We. R high...but tis isn't the first time we dance like tis. She hugs. Omg....I was caught by surprise....n she kiss on my cheek...a wet one...for a while...wet....I was like..is she crazy....she has a bf u knw...I remind myself....it mayb it's the age of the young...where Im still can't accept these behaviour...but she did won my heart for th nite....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Missing u

Duno y...send a MSg asking her hw is she, n I reply missing her without thinking....guess I really miss her ESP on fri nites when we hang out together.

Goin to meet new ppl 2nite, my counterparties frm other broking hse...so cool...haha...but she isn't here to soak the fun...

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Visit her grandma's wake today. Saw her parents and she share some stuff wit me regarding the times she have. I'm glad she's ok. Still smiling. Her pilot was beside her, accy her since yesterday. Gd. Decent guy with deeper pockets, at least more than me. Looks honest, a gd husband that can care for her life. Glad she has someone with her right now. Guess they must be having chiong pang nasi lemak.

She needs some1 nw. N there is someone there, the problem is that I wish it's me...haha...why?

Monday, July 5, 2010

Run out of motivation

Work has become difficult. Ppl has finally left. More will be leavin next wk. Inflatuation had ended. Seems like there is nothin to look forward to. Emo boy I hav become.

What it takes to fire up my drive to live fully?

About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.