A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Although i know about the HOTA act and heard stories, not stories, but heard from my friends abt ppl being brain dead, docs will harvest their organs. Its only when i see this video, i think about how our HOTA act really works and to a extend, is it heartless? According to the family, the patient was still moving his fingers and weep tears on the hospital bed intitially. But still...

Should organ trading be allowed to save those who needs to be save? How about brain dead ppl? Do other countries of world class status harvest their organs? How do other countries health system works? I be updating this post once i done the research.

For now, these videos are for your viewing. Please do visit the link in the title for more alternative videos.

HOTA Saga - Sim Tee Hua

Source: http://uncleyap-news.blogspot.com/2007/03/mata-abuse-firearm-to-threaten-sister.html
Confirmed by both Miss Cally and her elder sister, a police officer by a Chinese name Goh, with his hand signal and clear verbal expression OFFERED MISS CALLY SIM A CHANCE TO TAKE HIS LOADED POLICE PISTOL FROM HIM, in a intimidating threat to dare this angry and agitated Miss Sim repeatedly, by inviting her to pull his gun from his holster belt.

Opinion: I do not know how true is this. But if it is true, i really feel disgusted at the officer who did that. I cant believe it. But again, if the docs in the video are even more heartless...

More details:
1. http://www.geraldtan.com/medaffairs/hota.html
2. http://uncleyap-news.blogspot.com/2008/01/hota-victim-sim-tee-huas-1st.html

Shine for Singapore Bleed to Death

On Tuesday, it was reported that her husband had been told by hospital staff that if the family wanted more blood, they would have to round up others to donate some at the blood bank.

But Raffles Hospital clarified that while it is common practice to ask relatives and well-wishers to help replenish stock, it is never a requirement for blood to be released by the blood bank.
Details: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/singaporelocalnews/view/287799/1/.html

Raffles hospital it seems to be the one involved for this incident. Even though the news is 1yr old already...this type of mess up i probably believe its not the first of its type. Things happen and probably details or truth will be kept under wrap and be destroyed.

My Posters!!!

Courtesy of Mr Kelvin for providing the link to allow creation of motivation posters...haha

Mr Kelvin's creation

Mine quotes

Do click on the title for the link and have fun creating posters :)

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Building self confidence

Some tips of building confidence
Avoid perfectionism. Perfectionism paralyzes you and keeps you from accomplishing your goals.

Turn feelings of envy or jealousy into a desire to achieve. Stop wanting what others have just because they have it; seek things simply because you want them, whether anybody else has them or not.

Stop worrying. What worries you today will be forgotten by you and people around you tomorrow. Can you remember what you were so worried about the same day the same time last week? If not, then you should not worry right now. You will not worry about it even one week from now.

Be Positive, even if you don't feel positive. Avoid self-pity, or the pity and sympathy of others. Never allow others to make you feel inferior--they can only do so if you let them. If you continue to loathe and belittle yourself, others are going to do and believe likewise. Instead, speak positively about yourself, about your future, and about your progress. Do not be afraid to project your strengths and qualities to others. By doing so, you reinforce those ideas in your mind and encourage your growth in a positive direction.

Why, the need to have confidence? Reason is a selfish one, the decision to test water, to pursuit a target. But doing this, also upset one of my fundamental principles. Totally no office romance or dating allow!!!

If action taken, intentions revealed to the party, results are as follows:

Yes - Optimum results, a start to next level. Easier say then done.

No - Complications: What will happen if each going to see each other in the couse of work? Won't it be embarassing? Actions following by "no" answer.

1. Remain as collegues? But the feeling will linger for a while. What if she share the matter with the rest of collegues?

2. Remain persistant.

3. Accept rejection, be a gentleman in front and be a tazan at night, hitting yr chest at nite.

Wait - No answers or whatever hints which is hard to understand. What shall i do? Wait?

Caution: Once intentions is reveal, the action is irreversal and relationship will not be as the same as previous. Endanger the current relationship which involves 2 aspects, a working relationship and a personal one, in this case. R u sure u want to do it?

Zahari's 17 Years

Filmmaker Martyn See said that Said is the only one of those detained in the 1960s under the Internal Security Act who is willing to speak publicly about his experience. "I wanted to show another side of Singapore's history," See said of his reason for making the film.
Source: http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=2022589417781119779&hl=en-GB

Editor’s Note:
Said Zahari was a journalist in the 1950s and 60s, crucial years in which the nature of leadership, public debate, and political participation were institutionalized in the emerging nation-states of Malaysia and Singapore.

Born and raised in Singapore, Pak Said wrote for the anti-colonial Malay-language newspaper Utusan Melayu and became its dynamic editor at its main office in Kuala Lumpur in 1959. In 1961, he led the workers of Utusan in a historic 3-month strike to try to preserve its editorial independence from the ruling political party UMNO.

As a result, he was banned from Malaya. Moving from journalism into politics, he joined the effort of the multi-dimensional and multi-ethnic left to forge an alternative to the conservative turn of Lee Kuan Yew’s People’s Action Party.

On the very night in February 1963 that he joined Partai Rakyat (People’s Party) and was elected to its leadership, he was swept up in the mass arrests of Operation Cold Store. By this means the governments of Singapore and Malaya cleared the way for their (ill-fated) merger as Malaysia. A contemporary of Mahathir bin Mohamad and Lew Kuan Yew, Said Zahari was held without charge for over 17 years
Source: http://kyotoreview.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/issue/issue2/article_226_p.html

In a Singapore government media release highlighting the ban, it was stated that the documentary in question, "gives a distorted and misleading portrayal of Said Zahari's arrest and detention under the Internal Security Act in 1963
Source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhiHD1ATY32TxW71l3zRNnap_WNV4Fs8uwVbCu5V4mxSWfXZD6tlAwovbn4y7PmsLITEFveCA12Gs8UB8QTc83GtM8sKSt7c1WXJxPIz1Z6zjFMVhvoqVbl7B3D0C63rX2D1uK1FeAly1rr/s1600-h/media+release.jpg

Chia Thye Poh

Chia Thye Poh was the longest-serving political prisoner in the history of Singapore and perhaps the longest-serving prisoner of conscience of the 20th century, or if not, one of its longest-serving political prisoners.

Detained under the Internal Security Act of Singapore for allegedly conducting pro-communist activities against the Government, he was imprisoned for 23 years without charge or trial and subsequently placed under conditions of house arrest for another nine years - in which he was first confined to the island of Sentosa and then subject to restrictions on his place of abode, employment, travel, and exercise of political rights.

Chia's low security detention in Sentosa left the public bewildered as to the purpose of his original and continued detention. Was Chia being punished for his political opposition or was he a genuine internal security threat. If the former, then surely this was a travesty of justice, and if the latter, then why such low security?


Heard from ZR that he has top his major class. A pleasant surprise. My target competitor, Mr M, also get top the finance major class, a goal which i set when i enroll in this school.

Being a rejected of the local universities, a repeat student of the "A" levels, im convinenced im have average academica abilities. The university i renroll is a distance learning program. And my lower than average results was granted admission, allowing me to have a chance to be a "Bachelor". I'm glad i have the opportunity given to me and strive to be number 1 in this population which i have a higher possibility compare to mere surviving in the local universities.

Reason to be number 1:
I want to prove that it was wrong for local universities to turn me down despite i passed my A levels, but i wasnt given an entry because my results were not good enough and lies in the the lower percentile of the bell distribution in the whole island's academia elitists population and FT as well.

To prove their choice is wrong, in my own way, i strive to be number 1 in this distant learning population, which hypothetically speaking, i should stand a better chance or higher odds to be in the top tier in results compare if i am to be in a local university as i be squash flat..since im being rejected.

Results of my pursuit
In my 2nd year, i have achieved the degree of distinction standard set by this university. However they announce a change to GPA grading which requires a 3.0 mark to get this degree of distinction. But the ppl in my batch appeal and thus my batch perhaps is the last to have the point system instead of the recognised GPA grading that is already widely accepted in the working world.

Sad to acknowledge, if base on GPA, i wont be on the distinction list and my performance in the 3yr wasnt as good as my first 2yrs. There can be reasons to quote but being a perfectionist, one will always think that its your own fault, planning skills and inconsistency which results in this. But i never regret as i have done my best.

Im still glad that im able to finish the journey and when the last sem results was announced, i know i had graduated. My savings has drained and i spend extra 1 yr working to save up for this course and borrowings from my mum. Thus has attaining this degree been paid off? Yes, in a emotional terms, my baggage has been lighten, but a realistic measurable terms, NO... i need to work and repay the money and increase the returns.

My Convocation
Convocation to me is a ceremony to officially recognised for your family, loved ones, or perhaps yourself that had graduated. The journey to attain this degree is what i looking for. Being able to push myself, doing things that i force myself to accomplish despite delegated task assignment, time management, working with different ppl with different priorities.

At this day, im touch that i received many missed calls and messages asking whether did i go. Actually, i did go there, but not physically, but my heart is already at the convocation, graduated myself silently at the day when the last semester results is announced. Just that i been waiting there and sharing this joy in a different dimension.

Side note: Whats yr purpose of having a degree?
Throw a stone at a busy street in at this island i currently staying, what u will u have, a secondary school qualification? a poly grad? bachelor? a master? a phd? Is it the end of the journey?

Its easy to get lost once you have attain what u set out to achieve. I knew my passion lies in the largest casino of the world, the financial markets before i choose.

This is when u decide to use your paper to gain entry and pursuit and embark in this unknown realm of dangers and hidden treasures. This is the best applause to myself having acquire a position that is one of my top choice. Ty Marcus. Haha...u c, even with a distinction degree holder, a foreign degree that is, its still crap or useless without having the opportunities to try. N even if u have secure that opportunity, challenge to take on this responsibility is another uphill task.

Again, having the passion and appropriate certification does put you in a gd position in searching for jobs, but you are a plankton among the planktons. You have just been moved from a pond to a lake to a ocean. In this ocean of planktons, you will grow and evolved into fishes, then some into other type of varities, surviving in the food chain. Natural selection will take place and survival of the fittest perhaps will prevail.

Source: http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=1985606&page=40

There is no guarantee that you will experience your success in your own definition but my philosophy, as long you tried and did your best, there's no regret.

The most negative, self defeating person in his own world.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Speakers Cornered

Hmm..recently think theres some amendment on the rules of engagement at demostrating or voicing out at Speakers corner.

Singaporeans can demonstrate at Speakers' Corner from Sep 1

SINGAPORE: Banners, placards and effigies will be allowed at the Speakers' Corner when the site is opened for public demonstrations from September 1.

For Singapore citizens, there is no longer a need to apply for a police permit.

The new rules came about as the government seeks to open up the space for political engagement and activism in the country.

It is Singapore's version of London's Hyde Park. Hong Lim Park in central Singapore was designated as a site for public speaking on September 2000, but interest has waned over the years. However, with the new rules, things may change.

From September 1, Singapore citizens can organise demonstrations at the Speakers' Corner without a police permit.


Our Speakers Corner a Sneaker Corner?

Initially popular, with 400 speakers registering in the first year, by 2006 this figure was down to 26. The New Paper reported that the area might now be more aptly named "Sneakers' Corner", as visitors are more likely to be playing soccer or just hanging around than listening to a speech.

Said Dr Balakrishnan: 'Why has it failed? Because Singaporeans are sensible people and have decided that there's not much point going up there standing on a soapbox yelling at the mosquitoes and the flies.'
- Additional reporting by Cherie Wong

Hyde Park Union: Documentary about Speakers' Corner

Found this video in google. Not sure about the authencity of this video is it really hyde park speaker corner. They speak about religion, races and direct and open in the way they converse, free to speak of their thoughts. Haha..and being open to criticisms. So is this what Singapore initially wanted to have at their speakers corner? Its completely difference in how our speakers corners is carried out.

Food for thought: Quotes on Free Speech

“Liberty is meaningless where the right to utter one’s thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist. That, of all rights, is the dread of tyrants. It is the right which they first of all strike down. They know its power. Thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers, founded in injustice and wrong, are sure to tremble, if men are allowed to reason… Equally clear is the right to hear. To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker.”

Frederick Douglass, 1817-1895, American author and abolitionist

One Nation Under Lee

Do keep a open mind and be aware of various sources of information. For your viewing pleasure.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Reach by Gloria Estefan

Some dreams live on in time forever
Those dreams, you want with all your heart

And I'll do whatever it takes
Follow through with the promise I made
Put it all on the line
What I hoped for at last would be mine

If I could reach, higher
Just for one moment touch the sky
From that one moment in my life

I'm gonna be stronger
Know that I've tried my very best
I'd put my spirit to the test
If I could reach

Some days are meant to be remembered
Those days we rise above the stars

So I'll go the distance this time
Seeing more the higher I climb
That the more I believe
All the more that this dream will be mine

If I could reach, higher
Just for one moment touch the sky

From that me moment in my life
I'm gonna be stronger
Know that I've tried my very best
I'd put my spirit to the tart
If I could reach

If I could reach, higher
Just for one moment touch the sky
From that one moment in my life I'm gonna be stronger
I'm gonna be so much stronger yes I am
I put my stirit to the test

If I could reach, higher
If I could, if I could
If I could reach
Reach, I'd reach, I'd reach
I'd reach, I'd reach so much higher
Be stronger.

Looking for something to inspire me to dream and work towards something. For now, i feel like a non living entity, waking up without goals. Can it be i have become complacent or just become realistic with my current resources and capabilities to achieve goals within my preceived achieveable objectives?

Hopes this mv inspire you as well.

Familiar stranger

I saw a familiar back walking away from me.

I reduced my usual pace, my eyes trail this stranger's back from afar.

The stranger sensed someone is behind her despite my heighten measures.

She saw a familiar face and smile with a giggle which i can never expect nor forget.

Her once long wavy hair has been straighten and trimmed but she is still as capativating, but today is specially mesmerizing.

I dare not look at her in the eyes but i tried to peek while she is unaware.

Her mascara is messed up but still add charm to her lovey dovey eyes.

I tried to breathe when she's close to me so i can remember the scent when she's away.

She will always try to be honest and remain true to her conscious and makes everyone happy with her laughing toes.

I tried to be rational with my mind without mixing realtiy with make up hypothesis about what if's.

Life goes on with my gaze on this familiar stranger at a distance as always.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Wtih great power comes great reponsibility.

In this case, with inaccurate execution, it will spell condemnation and one will have the possibility not being able to work in the same line anymore. The downside is risky.

The upside, is dependant to mkt experience, exposure to different instrustments, unique situations, thus pay will be increase as well, same with other industries.

Now, with this partner who do practically nothing, i feel like im working alone, exposing to increase level of making mistake and carelessness. Now armed with the license, he will be doing nothing. Haha.

My patience of hoping my work attitude can change his ways, but it seems, its useless and he take advantage of it. With X ray eyes, his wayang tactics are exposed and just merely increase my blood pressure watching him "work"

Y cant he do what he required to do...Seriously...if u do care abt your collegues, yr friends, or family, please do not inconvenience them and show it in your actions. Dont make empty promises and pretend to help but actually you dont have the intention.

haha..im a saint is it....no....but i will always try to live by these beliefs.

Most negative person

Yesterday got the license to deal. I was initially happy... i tink, but later i realise i wasn't. Haha...irony. Something which i initially wanted to have..now i despise having it.

I have thoughts of leaving but so far, no replys from other positions. Im now not so sure whether im looking for a career, or appropriate job, pay, work environment or just the right people to work with.

Now im working with the worst possible person ever. Heard he is asked to leave by his previous coy and his name smell in this industry. Just my luck to work with this idiot.

Life is like standstill, no clear indication whats install in the future, but just surviving. Life i imagine after finishing my degree wasn't as rosy. Many unexpected factors have change the circumstances i have thought.

Whatever it is, things can be worse...haha...miss atas say me: im the most negative person she ever met...a compliment? haha.

i also agree...but i feel im also the kindest person as i will just take the crap, the blames, the black wok, w/o giving myself a chance to forgive myself.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sourcing for new cash inflows

How can i increase my pool my dough asides from my work income?

1. Part times? Tution? More feasible during weekend, cons, commitment to students.

2. Moonlighting? Thats even harder, need lobang, very often, pt jobs need sign contract. This need luck and depend on the job description.

3. Business? Haha..what can i offer? Handmade cards? Selling my gundam colllection? More like grudges sales. Perhas i can do reselling of goods on online aution sites, buying and selling, earning the spread? Haha. Need capital. Need to know what goods i be focusing into, the capital i be investing and prepare for losses if i cant clear my inventory and faulty goods.

4. Advertisements!! Ad sense! Haha.yaya...its not easy. To increase a substantial human traffic to one's blog is hard. Its a skill, marketing. As for how to do it, im still exploring..so far no $ from my blogs..haha.

5. Cant think of anymore beyond my capabilities...looks like the most feasible is to find a better paying job..HAHAHA

Lessons from private trader 3

Dont "cook" share until you become a long term investor

Stock market is a game of give and take, take care of your downside and let the market take care of your upside.

Share rise like climbing the stairs and shares plunge like taking the elevator.

Leverage is a double edge sword, your gains will increase so is your losses.

One can't always buy at the cheapest price and sell at the highest price, but one can know when to enter and exit in between this range.

A good stock is a stock that give you profit and a bad stock is a stock that cost you money.

There is no stable market, but only stable traders as 2 traders will have different outcome trading in the same market.

Rule of Compounding and inflation

How long it will take to earn the 1st pot of gold?

Current inflation rate is 7.5%

Using Rule of 72,

Suppose i be investing S$500 000, with compounding interest of 10%. the rule of 72 gives 72/ (10 + 7.5) = 4.11 years for my initial investment to double and offsetting the inflation. Do take note im assuming inflation remains at 7.5...which most likely will not be the case.

Qn how is it possible to maintain 10 percent or more returns from investment with this bearish mkt? We also have to consider losses.

Then again, how do i have this 500k in the first place? Haha.

Lets say, 1.5k a month, funds which you can throw away without heart pain into trading without regrets, a year equals to 1.5 x 12 = 18k. 4 years to double at 10 percent, 18 x 2 = 36k. 1 year returns will be 9k (36/4), equivalent to 750 additional bucks per month. Wooo...haha..not bad...almost 1/2 of the 1.5k per mth vested in trading. Haha..of cos... assuming no losses..no increase inflation.

Target...15% returns per year. Possible?

Start from small, build up my mental capacity. Like my mentor say, if you can't do 10push ups, how you going to do 100 push ups?

About Me

My photo
A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.