A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Satayman22 aka GGY aka Wu Vice Principal aka Massage Chair King aka LAO PENG YOU

His career switch to a amature videographer. Enjoy.

Special Day

Even though its over, there are times when i can still recall those days...but it will just be memories.

None other day is special than today, cos today is your day when ur born.

Hope she will be happy and be living a blissful life and i know you will, Ms Rosna.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Headlines that doesnt make sense

Stocks on win streak amid more bad economic news

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Chronicles of Underdog 25/11

If that fker havent left the coy before i resign or jump ship, i plan to send email to every1 before i leave. This will be a record of my test, patience and tolerance for this chao keng collegue.


There were 9 pages of documents and was share by 3 colleagues to work on it. Thus I pick up calls. I have to eat and pick up call at the same time. It wasn’t that I mind. Just that sometimes it piss me off why I can offer that bloody fker can have his personal time to eat at his own pace w/o ppl disturbing him, and I have to pause and eat at the same time just to clear the incoming call queues. U know, even if he has eaten, he will not pick up call also. So regardless what, Im the one who will pick up all the calls. He will WAYANG when u guys are still around, picking up calls. WHAT A ACTOR!! My blood boils when he say, “Sorry Lao Ban (Boss), I go eat first,” My inner thoughts was “F U..u eat first or eat last, im always the one who pick up call, u don’t have to REPORT to me whether your eating so I can be EVEN MORE DILLIGENT to pick up the calls…come on”

Checking of that 9 doc

I am always the one checking, unless its done by myself, I will give it to him for verification. U knw what, despite I have more work on hand than him and kept delaying the checking due to the incoming calls, however im always faster than him. He always take his time checking or I have to describe, Dili Daddli…take his own sweet time..what the hell hes doing…? Trying to siam the calls is it? Come on..U don’t have to siam..cos I know yr bloody pattern…its CHAO KENG. On 25/11, the incoming prority calls was especially a lot, and he is doing his own mandane stuff which of a DEFINITELY LESSER PRIORITY…he did not pick up the calls…and I was bloody checking the 9 docs. I had to initiate to pick up the calls, and restart the checking everytime. U knw what. If he is the one who checking, I have no doubt he will say, “Hey, priority call, pick up” So if im the one who checking, he can BLOODY BA LONG LONG is it????

Doing crap till late nite

He always say he got many people to call. I understand as I done his work before. However, jus comparing from my point of view, I fking has more task on hand than him, and he really take his time. I do D1, call logs, take on incoming calls during day time, emails, doing Full time CHAMPION taking calls, clearing my own call logs so the morning shift won’t complain. What he do….fking call his own precious non important work and nothing else. My blood boils cos I believe I can call faster than him if im not doing anything else….what is he fking doing…..CHAO KENGING AGAIN?

Moments of Boiling point

I was the one picking calls from 6-9plus at nite, bloody a lot of T call and many many more misc calls. Guess what, he fking doing his stupid calls, complaining to me how much he had to do, talking this clt is what is what, why cant he just SHUT UP and JUST DO IT? He tell me this when I was the only one picking up all the calls, “Hey, many incoming calls..” hinting to me to picking up faster??? My inner thoughts, “U NW THEN KNW..COME ON..U OLD BIRD, U TINK I CHO BO..DOING NOTHING IS IT ? MY HANDS HAVENT REST, TALKING NON STOP, BLOODY SYSTEM IS SPOILT, MANUALLY ENTERING ALL THE DETAILS. U TELLING ME THIS…what u doing instead if u know a lot of call…BLOODY FKING STUPID R U? U wan me to act like u, ORDER U TO PICK UP CALLS HUH?

Aftermath of duties

Since im the one who pick up most calls almost continuously, there are also other operation that can be done by the fker and me in this shift to lighten the burden of the morning crew. However, he will bo chap (cant be bothered), never assit to clear them. U know, everytime I sacrifice time not to do my own mandane task like – sendin emailing to clients, internal operations, doing operation stuff, clearing email (I know Ms BB is busy enough), unattended call logs (missed by us). He always went home on time..like a rat going back to his barrow. Its amazing to see his speed and vitality at which he pack his bag and sneaks off. The transformation of a worm to a dragon.

He always calls me boss

I fking hate it when he call me boss…Im not the boss…im his slave, doing all his shit work coy pay him to do nothing cos im taking on the blows. What he do…BARE MINIMUM. He always say he seldom make mistakes, u know why..cos he fking do so little work… This coy is great, having this parasite to suck the life out of me.

Did u know..

that he is ask to leave by his previous company
that he once work in this company before and left
that he take bundles of free coffee and tea mixes and put them in his bag during events
that he make weird noises at night as if hes..ahem....
that he take old newspapaer lyin ard in the office and put them in his bag

Christmas Carol 08

Latest Christmas carol for 2008!!!
Sing to the famous tune of the Christmas song...

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.

It's hitting you once,
It's hitting you twice
It doesn't care if you've been careful and wise
Recession is coming to town

It's worthless if you've got shares
It's worthless if you've got bonds
It's safe when you've got cash in hand
So keep cash for goodness sake, HEY

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town!

Finance products are confusing
Finance products are so vague
The banks make you bear the cost of risk
So keep out for goodness sake, OH

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.

From various websites, cant find the source..brillant

Monday, November 24, 2008

Taste of Toothpaste

Its like whip cream, just much thicker, denser. Depending on the type of toothpaste ur using, it can have a mint and hot favour.

Due to its higher viscosity compare to a whip cream, you may have some paste stick to the side walls of your throat.

There may be rumours that consuming toothpaste induces fever, but they never say how much...Furthermore, its like consuming poison due to fluoride

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dream Time Live Show

Held at Raffles City Shopping Centre.
Forgotten abt the video view and the poor quality. But its worth a watch. Amazing.

Dream Time Live Show
14-30 Nov, 1pm and 7pm (Tue and Fri),1pm,4pm and 7pm (Sat and Sun)

Christmas Tree

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Saw a sign on the Xmas tree, high voltage

Understanding Cosplayers

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Yu Kanda from D Gray-man

Although Cosplayers dress up for the occassion, adding colours to the event, one need to understand that they are also tired of posing for a long time and eventually, they may get frustrated...haha...so plz.

Jia You Young Cosplayers 2 be!

Yuna and Rikku Kawaii!

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Misc shots

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Couresty of Goofy and his reliable camera


Rikku and Yuna

Zero from Code Geass

Code Geass, C.C

Couresty of Goofy and his reliable camera


Couresty of Goofy and his reliable camera

Q Anime

Couresty of Goofy Goh and his reliable camera


Green, cheap, what can be better than making a GunBox during recession times.

Couresty of Goofy and his reliable camera

Anime Fest 08b

Couresty of Goofy and his reliable camera

Anime Fest 08

Misa from Deathnote


Rei in a sexy posture from Evangelion

Couresty of Goofy and his reliable camera

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fufiling life on his own


This is a question that i often ask myself. How do you considered fufilling? Any criterias? Or just be contended with what you have?


I'm tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless lost under the surface
Don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
Become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

Can't you see that you're smothering me
Holding too tightly afraid to lose control
Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
And every second I waste is more than I can take

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
Become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

And I know
I may end up failing too
But I know
You were just like me with someone disappointed in you

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
Become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
I'm tired of being what you want me to be
I've become so numb I can't feel you there
I'm tired of being what you want me to be

Source: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/linkinpark/numb.html

Friday, November 21, 2008

Volunteerism at work

Seems like the organisation i applied to be a volunteer doesnt reply to me. Duno is it they are busy, or they have enough volunteers or im not capable yet to be qualifed as a volunteer. I do know it does carry risk being as the volunteer. Perhaps i can share my experience as being a volunteer as part of my day job.

Dear Sir/Mdm

I have doing volunteer work as part of my day job. Even im being paid to do so, I actually doing a 2 person's job as my collegue is a disable in his own sense. I have to say he is a challenge as his mentally capacity and attitude is the worst i came across so far, and he denials of having this mental disorder.

There are times when i almost gave up the the heaps of work load to complete within the pressing time, but im always ready to extend my assistance to this disable college. He is so slow and so inefficient as if he wasnt there, and no traces of work done by him can be found. But the company adores him as a free loader.

His physical capacity cant even handle the only one task assigned to him and he needs the whole day to do that work. His disorential sense of time also reduce his efficiency in work. His disability seem disappear once he can leave home after work.

I have to say its a challenge and its good to know that my company hired him as give him salary so he will not starve and assign me to help this poor, old, self centered middle age man who seems to be incapable to work as a team but as a parasite sucking the life out of me.

Asides from my this disable collegue who gave me adequate training in terms of tolerance, patience, self sacrifice, i also have to serve disable people who calls in and pour out their frustration.

Yes, im also a counsellor who lends a listening ear to those who have unfortunately invest in this white elephant company and want to hurl verbal abuse and vent their unpleansant experiences. I am a sponge,a punching bag who will absorb all their blows and reducing the damage to my elephant coy as i believe this coy is a good coy as it feeds my disable worker and fires all the rest just to provide a living for him. What a wise choice! The company knows those capable workers who left are strong and leaving the weak under the care of their wings. And of cos, im the care taker, who assigned to take charge of this poor old man.

Thus, i believe i have sufficient experience as being a volunteer and will be of a great help in the upcoming events ahead. Another reason for me to be a volunteer asides from the joy of assiting people who are less fortunate, i also want to distinct my senses as who are the really disable and those who are not as it seems even people who are mentally well, physicall well, seems to be disable which really distort my sense of judegement. I have to say, its a being to volunteer for a cause, i can seek this answer to this question.



Always readily to assit

Thursday, November 20, 2008

New Year Eve Question

She ask if one of us want to do shift with her that day as she volunteer.

I wish i can rely i wouldn't mind spending the new year eve in your company.

A more rational reply will be i rather not spend my eve with slacker king.

A more gracious reply will be why not i do this shift, you need not go to work on that day, i rather do it alone than do it with slacker king.

Haha...sucks man...spend the eve at work, guess option 3 will be better. I rather her enjoy the eve than stuck in the company and i wouldnt like to be with slacker king as well.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


語言:國語, 曲長:4m51s
作曲:Adrian Fu, 編曲:劉志遠
監製:Jim Lee, 填詞:林夕

趕著下班的計程車 一嘯而過
下班後不想回家的我 誰要理我
很多年之前我問 朋友來陪我 有誰來愛我

買醉的時候你認識我 最後還一起生活
為怕寂寞我們做了很多 最沒空寂寞
偶遇你之後我說 想有人愛我 就有人愛我

可是我 我不知道想要什麼
不知道擁有什麼 可能我們都寂寞

迎面一個老尼姑走過 把路燈看破
有你在家裡苦等的我 難道比她幸福得多
現在不想下班的我 沒愛好難過 有愛算什麼

我恨我 我不知道想要什麼
我不知道擁有什麼 可能我們都寂寞

走過馬路的我說 一個人寂寞 兩個人寂寞

可能我 我不知道擁有什麼
而我又缺少什麼 我還怕什麼 OOH 怕什麼
我不知道愛算什麼 YEAH
而我又算什麼 我們都寂寞

Source: http://www.chlyrics.net/idx.php/act-lrc/sid-25/did-349/lid-2071


Applied to be a volunteer for an organisation. Not sure if the application will go through.

Sometimes they say act of volunteerism is because you want to give to people who are underprivileged or misfortunate at their current state, unable to live life or sustain a basic standard of living such as food, shelter.

Volunteerism is the willingness of people to work on behalf of others without being motivated by financial or material gain
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volunteerism

One will ask, why do you help others for when you are not so well off or say not satisfied with your life? Do i have a intention to help them because of my own motives? I believe i do.

I duno...but i do know, life is a journey and death is the destination. 1 need to appreciate this journey and we leave behind this small imprint, the size of a sand, which will be wash away by the incoming time of tide, erasing the traces of our individual existence. But the human race as a whole, will progress, based upon these individuals' contribution and advancing into another level like a beach being build on based on the sediments brought by the tides.

Another thing is the life i have has been clearly split into 2 parts, a work life and a personal life, and the fact that despite focusing on my goals, it seems to be not progressing as much as i want to be. Why not donating my time to the less privileged, have their empty cups be filled with happiness to live till their end of days.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Being there

How i wish i can be there

to express my concerns

but yet to hide and retain composure

so not to create suspicion

She is sick but still stubbornly adhere to her principles which makes her beautiful

Only those who really knows her will appreciate

As much I want to help, i cant do anything but

Simply hoping she will be better

and some1 will be there for her when she needs

Mental Disability

One cant live w/o the mind and the mind determines everything of what you are or percived to be. The mind is what make us unqiue as individuals.

From the way we communicate, act, behave, choices we make from the clothes we wear, the goals we pursuit, the emotions we attached to events, are all due to our brain. Heart can be replace by machine, but a mind cant be replace...yet.

A person whom society claims as mental disable or inability to perform basic acts of surviving in life, perhaps to feed themselves, to clean need aid from normal people. I wonder from their insights, do they see us as mental disable as well since we are different from them.

A person whose obsessed about a certain ideal or a physical entity, is deemed to have a mental disorder...but can be consider as passionate if the goals the individual focus is accepted as "good" for the overall society.

Can i say every1 is mentally ill since every1 is different from each other despite making up of the same generic codes?

Guess i decide to be volunteer for a mental hospital. From my view, its that its sad they cant "fit" into this reality or they lack the survival skills to enquire the basic needs. Are they much happier in this imaginery world of theirs? I suppose i cant say that till i experience it myself.

Retrenchment Letter

Today, 2 of my collegues were ask to go due to the retrenchment act imposed by the brains of the company. Though i wasnt particularly close to them but think to a certain extend, i do will be affected by their absence, especially Ms Bean. Her path in during this period with this coy has been difficult and today, it was a rude shock to know once you received notification to go, its straight away dont have to come back, no negotiation, bye bye.

Somehow, i think, if a quote on a headcount to retrench from various departments, i guess, if not for her presence, i should be the one to go....but of cos, this headcount reduction has not end yet, it has just begun. Heard rumours, there will be a series of waves of retrenchments being send, slowly reducing the workforce. I am not spare from the chopping board.

What will i do if i get retrench? I have to say im damn lucky. Haha...being in this line, extended probation, and less than a year, im retrenched...haha...that will be an experience to share with the younger generation who will enter into this rat race. Looking for a job in this current economic outlook where companies are freezing hiring will be difficult, but not impossible. But it will take time, patience and luck...hope that Ms Bean will not be too upset.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Worlds apart

Despite being at the same world

Even at the same physical location

it seems so distant from each other

Even being at the same time together

Yet it seems their paths never cross before

Despite being in the same physical world

they are still worlds apart

Separated by an invisible glass

Reflecting only your inner self in this mental prison

Why not choose to be free instead?

Non Chinese PM?

Hmm...we can have presidents of different races in the past years, so having a non chinese pm should be possible...but no so soon?

Thought we are one singaporean, so it just a matter of peoples' choice to vote, and determine who will be the one to helm Singapore's direction and growth. And PM is not the sole decision maker, but his decision need to be supported by his consitutent and people.

How about a woman prime minister, how about a PR being a PM, how about a FT to be a PM? I guess a greater shock with not be of a different race or a non chinese PM, but our opposition member to become a PM one day, due to his/her capabilities and supported by the faith of the people.

List of Presidents of the Republic of Singapore

1 Yusof bin Ishak, 9 August 1965 - 23 November 1970

2 Benjamin Henry Sheares, 2 January 1971 - 12 May 1981

3 C. V. (Chengara Veetil) Devan Nair, 23 October 1981 - 27 March 1985

4 Wee Kim Wee, 3 September 1985 - 1 September 1993

5 Ong Teng Cheong, 1 September 1993 - 1 September 1999

6 S. R. Nathan (Sellapan Ramanathan, 1 September 1999 - Present

Prior to the introduction of elections for the Presidency, between 1965 and 1993, the Presidents of Singapore were Malay, Eurasian, Indian and Chinese in turn. While there might have been some general expectation that a system of rotation among the ethnic groups in Singapore would have continued to apply, this possibility was put to rest by the introduction of an elected Presidency in 1991. There are no constitutional provisions specifying that such system should apply.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_Singapore

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Today is a Sunday...and im called to report to work...weird. I begin to imagine things like i will pick up a call from the person saying, "Thank you for your service during this period with us, this is to inform you this month of Nov will be your last month"

My supervisor was agitated when he was on the phone with me yesterday. The thought of working on sun was weird. Furthermore, recently, i cause the company to compensate a client due to my mistake...haha. Hmm...if i do get retrench, guess i wouldn't be state of shock since im mentally prepared.

Reason to be retrench
1. U make mistakes more than others
2. Yr easily replacable
3. U do not fit to the corporate culture
4. Ur young, u can move to other corporates
5. Johnny walker style...we fired you so you can pursuit your dream

If i do go, i dont mind since i wasnt the one who decide to leave. I will miss some collegues esp Ms Atas. Guess she will add me into her FB by then since i left.

Where will i head to then?

Johnnie Walking Retrenched Style to me
You remember what your promise when u go for the interview?
You have achieved it.
So now you are now fired.
Its time to follow your dream
Even you leave, you still have a bright future
Keep walking.
Clap clap clap (background)

U know, the last part when the fired guy turn ard with his box, looking at the people clapping...i think it was part of his imagination cos he is drunk...who the hell want to be fired??? Unless he win toto...HAHAHAHA...i will like to have retrenchment in Johnnie Walker Style.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Colour for the day

Stylish Silver Dragons

Modest Purplish Red

Classic Faded Purple

Bright Glossy Red

Mysterious Dull Black

Cute Peachy Pink

Comfortable Dirty Green

Pink Polka Dots White Stripes

Silky black

Rainbow strips

Bold leafy green with striking black

Sunny yellow with modest black

Dark alluring violet

Checker grey and black

Classic silver and dirty black

Moody black with a shy pink...is she sad

Flashy green with black

Green cover with black, match with bache colour

Snow white curves

Pink with black

Black cover, green with inner sexy black

Sunflower yellow bloom

Black with flirty pink

Curly white

Really like this colours very much

Love you
I cant take you off my mind, your always on my mind

I always worry for you silently whenever you are sad, unhappy or angry

And im always happy when your laughing but disappointed as im not laughting with you

I wanted to show concern but not too excessively thus i choose to shut myself in.

You seems so perfect but i know you are not

But its what you are right now whom i know that i like about you

Your laughter, your attitude, your expressions.

Just simply everything, i want to adore, hug and embrace you.

I think i fall in love with you.

But love is a 2 sided affair, where the underdog will choose not to take a chance.

Carrying the touch, hoping the fire will burn out one day, living life with regrets.

I wish i can tell you how much I care about you, how much i want to be more than just friends.

But the consequence of a declaration of love does not equal to a happy ending.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I seem to lack it. I always have to work the hard way to get things i want, and thru crap and difficulties. Others seem to do it easily. Perhaps its the fate of a dog, to slot and guard the house at nite when the owners are zzz.

Luck in trading
I have miss the bull run, now i have to miss the bear run...and now what i have, is a bull run again...and i have to make an entry in this early bull stage when the bear start to cease....crap man...just when i just have my "shorting" mechanism.

Even with my system in place, odds of making entry still is consider volatile as it recognised momentum and set ups before signalling an entry point despite the so call "bottom" prices.

When 1 face with losses despite having or armed with strategies, 1 still need luck.

Luck at work
With me doing everthing at 2nd shift, i have to take all calls, take all orders and have to work ot jus to finish up my own mandane stuff...it seems my collegue is incorrigible. I understand his work is important, thus i take all work without complaints, but cant he at least help out a bit instead of doing his non work related stuff and have to come and so call "monitor" me that i do all the bloody work....i really wish he can leave, leave for good...but if he leave, his work will be pass to me... and no 1 will be able to help me...as offering the aid i offer to him to enable that bloody slacker king to finish his work...

More work for me, mroe mistakes for me, for things to follow up. While he can leave work on time, be happy like a fox.

Luck at romance
Luck? theres no such thing as luck.

I have to work harder to get things done and expectations achieve. It had never been easy. Perhaps, there are also others who always had to go thru the hard way...hazi...comparsion against people who are better offs or have the stuff which you dont have...life will be miserable. U dont need a reason to be happy, but its hard to remain satisfy...man are greedy. I feel deprived of luck.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Hawking Paradox

A 5 part series about Hawking's equation which seek to explain the working of blackholes and this equation upset physic's common law, that is information cant be destroy.

Hope this open your mind to the understanding of this universe surrounding you although it may mean little impact or influence in your life. Haha..do appreciate you may be viewing a 5 part video, but the the amount of time and research to come up with this...its just unbelievable.


Hawking seek to explain the expansion of universe...btw universe do expand. But it can expand, so does it contract or collapse as well?


Existentialism is about being a saint without God; being your own hero, without all the sanction and support of religion or society
Quote: Anita Brookner
Source: http://www.philosophy-index.com/existentialism/religion.php

Qn: How is it different from a atheist?

Branch of Existenialism: Absurdism

The absurd is born out of this confrontation between the human need and the unreasonable silence of the world
Quote: Camus

Camus presented the reader with dualisms: happiness and sadness, dark and light, life and death, etc. His aim was to emphasize the fact that happiness is fleeting and that the human condition is one of mortality.

He did this not to be morbid, but to reflect a greater appreciation for life and happiness.

In Le Mythe, this dualism becomes a paradox:
We value our lives and existence so greatly, but at the same time we know we will eventually die, and ultimately our endeavours are meaningless. While we can live with a dualism (I can accept periods of unhappiness, because I know I will also experience happiness to come), we cannot live with the paradox (I think my life is of great importance, but I also think it is meaningless).

In Le Mythe, Camus was interested in how we experience the Absurd and how we live with it. Our life must have meaning for us to value it.
Quote: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Camus

Is paying taxes, working for 10 hrs a day, having a pay slip, called having a meaning in life or simply surviving? What the purpose in your life? Seeking happiness? Define what is happiness? Happiness, one can be happy right now at this moment without reason...right? If so, why are we seeking happiness? Maybe its not happiness, but not being satisfied with our current way of life and hoping to reach the standards set or achieved by others or our fellow human beings who seem to have what you cant have or dont have yet. But it will be meaningless again as we will still die...haha...wtf im talking..life is a paradox...theres no meaning, only you can define whats meaningful instead of chasing behind others' shadow or follow the norms or conform to society unspoken expectations and peer pressure.

We do need goals or unreachable dreams to keep us moving, so call having a self decided purpose to live, look forward to the next sunrise, thus we wont be like cage chickens, where there is a routine feeding session, and once your are ready, you heading to the chopping board and being transported to the wetmarket...thats the purpose of life for chickens, to live and being eaten in the food chain. Sad isnt it?


Love is the kind of illness that does not spare the inteligent or the dull.
Albert Camus, Caligula

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend.

If there is a sin against life, it consists perhaps not so much in despairing of life as in hoping for another life and in eluding the implacable grandeur of this life.

Relationship are build not sought

Given by Sage RK

Power right...haha...true, what i can do now is just improve or build on the current "friend" status. 1 doesnt need to really go beyond being friends just to care for that some1 even you have a affection.

If 1 cant be with that person as a special some1 in his/her life, there are many ways to be with that person you care. Its better than not being there for them at all.

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About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.