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Sunday, November 2, 2008


Existentialism is about being a saint without God; being your own hero, without all the sanction and support of religion or society
Quote: Anita Brookner
Source: http://www.philosophy-index.com/existentialism/religion.php

Qn: How is it different from a atheist?

Branch of Existenialism: Absurdism

The absurd is born out of this confrontation between the human need and the unreasonable silence of the world
Quote: Camus

Camus presented the reader with dualisms: happiness and sadness, dark and light, life and death, etc. His aim was to emphasize the fact that happiness is fleeting and that the human condition is one of mortality.

He did this not to be morbid, but to reflect a greater appreciation for life and happiness.

In Le Mythe, this dualism becomes a paradox:
We value our lives and existence so greatly, but at the same time we know we will eventually die, and ultimately our endeavours are meaningless. While we can live with a dualism (I can accept periods of unhappiness, because I know I will also experience happiness to come), we cannot live with the paradox (I think my life is of great importance, but I also think it is meaningless).

In Le Mythe, Camus was interested in how we experience the Absurd and how we live with it. Our life must have meaning for us to value it.
Quote: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Camus

Is paying taxes, working for 10 hrs a day, having a pay slip, called having a meaning in life or simply surviving? What the purpose in your life? Seeking happiness? Define what is happiness? Happiness, one can be happy right now at this moment without reason...right? If so, why are we seeking happiness? Maybe its not happiness, but not being satisfied with our current way of life and hoping to reach the standards set or achieved by others or our fellow human beings who seem to have what you cant have or dont have yet. But it will be meaningless again as we will still die...haha...wtf im talking..life is a paradox...theres no meaning, only you can define whats meaningful instead of chasing behind others' shadow or follow the norms or conform to society unspoken expectations and peer pressure.

We do need goals or unreachable dreams to keep us moving, so call having a self decided purpose to live, look forward to the next sunrise, thus we wont be like cage chickens, where there is a routine feeding session, and once your are ready, you heading to the chopping board and being transported to the wetmarket...thats the purpose of life for chickens, to live and being eaten in the food chain. Sad isnt it?


Love is the kind of illness that does not spare the inteligent or the dull.
Albert Camus, Caligula

Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Walk beside me and be my friend.

If there is a sin against life, it consists perhaps not so much in despairing of life as in hoping for another life and in eluding the implacable grandeur of this life.

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.