A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Transparent, non existence

Unaware, not noticed or ignored

only the observer will know

We choose what we want to see, and avoid or pretend those that we wont want to acknowledge

I am invisible.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Ghost or Spirit

I sometimes wonder...deep down

that if i do not believe the existance of god

but can i say i believe the existance of ghost or spirit?

Can one exist without the other, co-existance or its simply independent?

Why do i believe in spirits?

It seems there are plenty of "evidence" or sightings being recorded for spirits.

Does everyone has a spirit after they die?

Guess i know the answer when im dead.

If one die in peace, perhaps they wont mantisfest into ghost,

it is only those who one to stick around, will be spirits.

Sad thought...1 life to live, and yet we are afraid to live...

What does it mean to live? To love, to be successful?

Life is so unpredictable and there are choices that one has to make and forgo,

Life is what we made up to be...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Paper craft business?

Feel like making paper gifts, something i can do, within my means,

focusing my time, hoping generating some revenue out of it.

A egg yet to hatch to something feasible.

Hope my passion will last.

Paint ball

Kinda fun. Won the tourment, first, with my team...haha

Unbelievable. I was late, came abt 1/2hr later, making a entrance during the briefing.

Saw my AVP, crawling beside me, kana shot, was kinda interesting...haha..

We have to capture a flag, a brick, and plant a flag to win. Beaten 3 other teams to be crown the champion.

Took a few photos, hopefuly can get my hands on them.

Thats all for a sat and i slept till sun.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

She came

with Mr S.

I knew it, he is a good catch after all, rich, well manner.

I drank duno how many shots of voka at a poker game, just to vent my own frustration, why is it that i cant get what i want, but i know that if im her, i will chose him as well...admiting my own defeat to a better player.

Life isnt suppose be fair, the best player win.

Im not her friend, im not her colleague, im not someone she knew...im just a stranger...like many others...

i want to be drunk, to puke like no tomorrow...im a fool.

a bloody fool.

i finally learnt

how to cycle..haha..ya. i knw at a late age.

I was determined, and manage to cycle a distance..within 4 hrs of training, before heading to the bbq, with my arms and legs beaten.

Cos i do not want to embarass myself..haha...im so full of pride, especially infront of the one i like.

I am so proud of myself..now im able to do night cycling adventure...when i comfortable with long distance balancing on the new found skill and tool.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

BBQ at sat

nervous abt it, you know, many people around, you seem to slip among the crowd, but actually u are truly alone.

She will be there, i heard. Nice to see her again, but weird. Perhaps its been numerous time i saw her, but never in this setting.

If she stayin overnite, my heart will definitely tell me to stay as well. But my mind told me its pointless...haha...why, man learn from experience, when a girl make up her mind, its pointless to change her decision.

She will be surrounded by flowerly guys, rich, charmastic people, im none of those. im jus a passer by in this small part of her working life.

A passing rain in the hot noon, thats it.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Went vist ally's booth at Expo, a mother fair event. She is driven, handing brochures to potential customers. business is great.

Never expect, that 2day is the day where Atas is having her CFA exam as well. Haha..perhaps its 2mor. A 1 day event in the month of June.

Walking pass the halls, with the doors lock, i can see her sitting at the table, filling up the mcq.

She must be stressed, thinking she will fail, but she will sit through the whole paper, i hope.

After which, she will hang out with her friends, or go home, to rest after this long day.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Not in FB

It has been a month plus since i request to add her in the FB. It seems she add almost everyone except me...

So means what?

Hazi...wth im thinking, add or no add got diff meh?

Is she that dumb to tink i like someone else other than her? Really sucks.

Y im even bothered?

About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.