A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Looking back at 07

A brief snapshot of the ups and downs moments in the year 07 in random order. haha, can get a chance to post my photos and videos. Think blog is a excuse to be your own star, your own biography, everything our you. haha...think im deprived of attention perhaps.

The worst job i had done so far: IT Expo in June 07. I was instructed to sell laptop cooler. I was also a ad hoc helper, moving estimated i think 100-300 cartons of mineral water which is given along with the purchase. There was so much people, i had hardly no space to stand, go toilet, no time to enjoy my food, had to keep on shouting, explaing the different lap top cooler properties..come on lah...its a nightmare.

The bravest thing i done so far: also at IT Expo, ask a gal for her hp number and expressing my interest in at 2am while we are moving the stores. This is CRAZY! But i never get her number. Her reason, "our age are too far apart!" A difference of 6 years is it too far, or was it just a excuse. I think its a excuse because the turth hurts. Haha, i was glad i ask, but wasnt impress with the way i handle the consequences. It was a impulse i havnt had in years, something like if u dont ask, u will regret for the rest of the year.

The most stressful position i had: dealing with my group mates not doing their best in their assigned task (what i think) and pushing the workload to every1 else. I really dislike their attitude...to think i had been working with them for so long. Hazi, no 1 is perfect, there will be times you will also not able to be perform, this is what i say to myself to convince myself, hey, its alright...oh man...i really hope this is the truth...not that they just dont want to make any effort.

The most outrageous thing i done: do a robotic dance (jus a brief minute) in front of the lecture. haha its was a impromptu presentation, thus i jus did it. Its a shocker, even for my close friends...haha...im a person who wear many masks, when its time to change, i will need to.

The saddest point in 07: my dear friend, KK, had passed away and i missed him dearly. He had been a inspiration and a kind, sincere person whom i can pour my thoughts, share my weirdest ideas, be myself with. He is the first friend i had in mind to share my problems, my pain, my happiness. He is truely a reliable friend and earns a special place in my heart. Thanks for being part of my life, its a honour to know you.

The happiest point in 07: its hard to think of one, perhaps i never been really delighted. Theres no one defining moment, perhaps only some laughts at stupid, funny, lame moments along the journey. Think i was relieve i manage to finish my 3 year degree, although i never did achieve my goal of attaining 3.0 gpa. Initially my goal was becoming a top student, haha, there will always be a mountain higher than another.

This is all i can think of in an hour. Hope next year i can have more memorable moments, more good ones that is.

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About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.