A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Asking for a clear answer

Rather than an indirect answer seem to be a definite sol.

I can't help think I'm a lost hope.

There is something. But I'm not sure is it enough for her to take the leap.

2 more weeks left till my last day.

I feel I need clear ans to move on. A sucidial to friendship or a strong bond of friendship

Haha...I already knw the ans. I just need to hear it. I getting to knw myself.


Waiting for the plane to Taiwan. Feeling nt as enthus as going to japan.

Most probably I dnt have the mood with all the recent happenings.

She msg me, wish me well for the trip. Feel ready to enjoy the moment I got her msg.

But now I back to my moody self.

Feeling infatuated. Still.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Her voice

Y she called? Haha.

I duno. I duno. I duno.

Plz dnt give me false hope.


I can't love e gal I want

I can't do the work I want

I can't live the way I want

What can I want?

Stop w Yr lies, I have enough

I want out, set me free

Let me go

A fool

I'm the fool who is being played around

I'm e fool who believes there is always hope

I'm the fool who is the last to find out

I'm always the fool who decieve myself

I'm the fool

I'm the fool

I'm the fool

Goodbye, that's all, thank you.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Hard being just a fren, it's hard.

U have to think u still can be there for her when she needs

But u can't stopped thinking what she's doing right now,
Who is she hanging out with, I dunwan to ask further cos it won't do me any good to knw more about
her life.

It will just drive me crazy...hw long will this selfish thought last...

How long can I last...pretending...lieing to myself...

Is tired of searching

2 more interviews later tis week. Im tired...it seems I'm no longer interested in the job scope
I jus wan a pay check...the higher the better...

But I know it won't be...im a tortorise...climb too slowly...

I'm tired.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What i fear

is if i leave her for 2 long, I will forget the feeling i have with her

Friday, November 19, 2010

HWZF advice

I faced a similar situation lately.

Hint the target's best friend about your feeling, the best friend must be on your side. Best friend will spread news over. If target is interested, you can expect her to get closer to you. She should txt/contact u more frequently.

Organize an outing which involve alcohol. Under alcohol influence and if she is interested in you, she will show body contacts (create chance for you).

The Beginning: Hold-Hand
You have to identify hints she drop like when she tries to hold your hand when you try to cut through the dance floor. Hold on the hand and don't let go. If she don't resist even after when you reach your destination, go on the step two.

The "high" factor
Use alcohol as an excuse to get more body contact. If she allow you to rest yourself on her, half the battle is won. If she started the ball, you stand a higher chance.

Sealed with a kiss
With such close body contact, peck her on the fore head. DO NOT aim for the lips immediately. If she accepts the kiss on the fore head, look her into her eyes. Tell her what she thought about you. If she does not back off, go to next step.

The confirmation
Next day, text or call her to apologize, and ask her if she had a hang over. Slowly change topic. Pop the question.

Back up plan
If all else fail, blame it on the alcohol.

I should have use this eariler...she allowed me to hug her..omg....i almost want to kiss her...but i dnt dare..FFFF

Thursday, November 18, 2010

She will be loved - Maroon 5

Favourite gal

Some love need to be mutual, some don't.

Mine has been a one sided all along, but i don't mind, bcos she knows...and she likes me as well, vy much, as a friends.

I wil become a better man n hope, one day, perhaps, if there is chance again, n if im not too late, she will still be my favorite gal

I always wondered why is it always so hard to say the 3 words...bcos u cant just say it out, its the actions over time that justifed the 3 words.

It takes commitment, trust and confidence to be that the love of your partner. N it takes more to put her always before yourself interest.


I hav too many bottled up emotions i wan to tell...after looking @ her...i wan to be there for her, lent her my support...always be with her

I went back to the platform, hoping i can find something or anything, if i do lost it on the way back when im drunk like f.

i send an sms, confess to her. I cant bear to c her cry again.

I went to her place next morning, she replied. I want to c her, accy her to her work place, her new role. I want her to feel nothing wrong has taken place yesterday, all is good. Im willing to wait for her.

When i asked abt the smses, she say she deleted it accidently and ask me what is it about. There was a awkward silence that i cant think what to say.

Why i didnt say it out? Cos i know i was drunk? Or cos i dnt have the balls to say it out, using sms to test the water? F...im not like this

Im now jobless, im not rich, im jus a simple joe...n i know her expectations.

All i want, is jus let her know i like her n do i have the chance to court her.

She convey the answer to me very well. Lets be friends, her indirect answer.

2nd time

i saw her drunk...n its bcos of the same similar reason.

Im too selfish..i didnt anticipate it coming...i have my own problems, drinking, getting myself drunk...i didnt look out for her....she has her gfs and friends to protect her....but....

im hopeless. I dnt own a transport, i dnt remb her address, only know how to walk to her place....crap...what sort of guy u r...

only know how to hug, take advantage of a gal. yr favourite gal. She let me hug her, i almost want to kiss her...we r both drunk

When i reach her hse, i saw the saddest face ever, her eyes were close, her lips were almost n, she cried...bcos of the reason i know.

Y cant she b happy. She kept meeting the wrong guys.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A drink

She came back today and I asked her out for a drink nearby. I be so much wanting to see her so badly...i really miss her.

It was great to see her. Her happy self. Her smile, her eyes, her everything. It was like winning the lottery,

Listening to her stories, looking @ her eyes, making fun of her. She is so cute.

She will be working in the diff shift, leaving to another team. She wanted to accompany me till i left this coy...all e way...i believe she really mean that...but knowing me, i will not allow her to do that..there is no reason to torture her self, sacrifice her rest for a mere me...

M i more than a friend, can i be more than a friend...or m i just a friend who need her more than ever? Most probably its the latter.

I just want her to be happy, to be comfortable with me. I just want that. And i think she is happy tonight.

Live for the present, the moment, cherish the time together, that's all i care being with her.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Can't zzz. Thinking abt hw e year will end.
I be leaving jus a week b4 Xmas n 2 weeks b4 her bday.

Jus wan to be there w her during these times. But I won't.

Bz making her gift. Can't get the technique right. Can I get it ready b4 Xmas?

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Miss her

Wondering what she is doing nw?

I wan to knw but I cant find out cos there is no reason.

Feel like chasing her shadow. It seems I can nv reach there.

Pushing my boundaries, pressing my buttons, becoming a better me

That's her effect.

I can only be there for her when she needs me, but not when I want to

Unconditional love is difficult cos all u do is give, n expect nothing in return.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Whats tough

is that I have to assure myself its a temporary set back, where u believe u have control over where you are going, where you are heading.

When future isn't unsure, confidence will fade, you will begin to doubt yourself. It is time at this, character will be tested, boundaries will be tested.

I need to be strong. Strong. Strong.

Mixed feelings

I have no control over when the company wants me to leave. I wasn't given any choice. Its just business, not personal.

What i dislike its coated in many empty promises and expectation. It feel deceiving.

But i'm still glad to have the chance to join this company, cos i get to meet her. I have to fail so many chances before, just to have this chance, to meet her.

I'm glad. With her, i realize what does it meant to really love a person.

That is something way harder to find than in a job description.

My video present is getting more polish. I have to say its only passion driven will the work produced be perfect. Cos all u think of is for that someone special.

I have planned another gift for her Xmas, but i may have to create it earlier because i doubt i have chance to see her again.

About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.