A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cant rest my mind totally

Today, i get to know more abt Ms Atas. Strangely, after knowing more abt her, i realise i become more energetic, i cant zzz. I will normally doze of at the mrt on the way home, but tonight, i cant, my mind is occupied by a mystery object that i cant figure out. I diagnose myself as having a temporary fever

This 2 days, been observing she been bringing sandwitches for dinner. I suspect its either because she's feeling moody due to the departure of her 2 sisters or she do not want to leave the office to buy food. Thus been volunteering to buy food for her, dont want her go hungry, malnutrition or gastric or faint. I remember she once mention she can just faint while walking and have puked due to her stomach upset.

She is a direct person and she try her best not to lie. Today, surprising, we talk about many topics, covering office politices, her plans, her sisters, her view on life, beliefs, friendship. Found out that we can actually reach a common understanding on each other's view. Haha..or is it because im too easy to read?

She initiated to help the sales team to fold the letters, which is quite alot. Well, im a gentleman, and im doing the 2nd shift with her, thus, help her do lah. Duno if she's impressed with my fast pace of work..haha...her face is like stunned when i finish mine and her's share within an hour. Miracle worker.

When i see her helping with the letters, i recalled my previous "gf", the time when we are together doing duties at the library. She is holding the colour strips, while i was holding the scissors, slicing the strips into half. Not much was spoken, but lots of eye interaction and smiles. But, that was now just a memory.

Strangely, i being to notice the way she seat, her actions, her smile, laughter, perfume. Damn...dont tell me i going to have a crush...office romance...has been a no no for me..haha..one of my beliefs...of cos, with time, feelings will be nothing when there is no action taken.

1 need to know where 1 stands in the affairs of the heart.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Giving up the long wait?

A long wait after 6 months, if i do get bonded, that is get the license, i be working for this coy for nearly 1.5yrs. Something which i predict a high probability i will break the bond as the pay is damn low and i realise i love to learn new things and kept on exploring different markets, instead of sticking to one, which i will get bored.

Initially i hestiated to switch as i was offered the position of a night desk, however, since they had already broken the unofficial promise or it can be i cant live to their expectation, guess its alright for me to leave.

Whats the next comfortable range i will settled? 3k seems gd...of cos with the price, comes with the stress.

Giving up the license to become a assistance in derivaties management or a FX trader?

Seriously, i have become tired of waiting. The picture i painted now, is that to successful command high salary, 1 is to either work, gain exp in that 1 industry alone, or gain mulitple experiences of different pdts...

Hope to hear some news.

Monday, July 28, 2008

My Secret Self

A mental disorder, or really, a female personality is trap in the male body or a male personality trap in a female body.

How do you know you are a transgender? Its even tougher to admit you are one, cos its a absolute unwritten "law" or norm that one's sexual identity is define at birth?

Part 1/5

Learn to accept differences and love them who they are. I know its harder to do it than to just say it. But if this happens to oneself...where can one turn to?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Misc pics - Sg Garden Fes

Tribal masks with flower headdress

Swiss Roll

Think its a india theme flower garden, there are also pyramids and dome shape flowers structures.


Waterdrop garden

N shape flower decorations with water dripping from the bottom of this flower displays

Pitcher fansty garden. The size of these pods are huge

Went with my mum there, on the way to pay some course fees. Help a couple take picture at the festival, envy man...cute couple. i also kana jab by a chinese's high heel as she never notice i was beside her taking shots.

Overall, nice wonderful experience. Remember bri camera, spare batts, memory cards and jacket..listen to old man's advice...O, and thank you whoever bri the gardens to suntec city...must be alot of work, patient and time to transform this empty halls to a living fairytale garden..WELLDONE!!!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Flowers, fragent, colour and touch

Inside look of the pitcher plant :)

Flowers for all seasons

Sneaking into the Cage of Gems

Looks like being inside a fairy tale

Spirals made of mini leaves

Singapore Garden Festival 08

Initially thought it was a free event, never expect one need to pay to gain admission into the garden festival at suntec. The fees are 12 bucks for adults and there are some cards which will have discounts for the tickets. The garden festival is held at level 4 and 6.

Level 4 is where you see different type of orchids, local plants types, regional flower spieces and lots more. Level 6, its the fanstasy gardens, designed by professionals and experts, each protraying a theme.

Feels like snowing, but with snow white flowers

Piano in the garden..romantic atmosphere

Can you recognise who is it

Underwater garden with bubbles and spa music

Beautiful and captivating colours and shapes

I heavily recommend this festival is MUST GO for every1,family, couples, friends, photographers and nature lovers. If you are in a bad mood, do drop by, smell the flowers and feast your eyes and heighthen your five senses, you will feel better :)

You have to get ready a jacket as its pretty cold, get ready a good solid camera. Bring along spare batteries and memory cards for the camera. The level 6 fansty gardens won't make you regret...its almost like every garden can be used for wedding photoshoot and you won't feel like your in Sg.

The festival ends in 1 August. So theres still time to embark in this magical garden.

Letting go of grudges

Went for a training on friday and get to know a story by the trainer. Cant remember the exact details but basically this is how the story flows.

A teacher ask her class of primary school students, to take a potato, each representing a grudge. Some will take 1, some 2, some a dozen more. The teacher will then ask the students to use a fork to poke the potatoes, breaking it to samller pieces and put the pieces into a sack.

The students were to carry the bags every where they go, even when they go to toilet. After a week, the students were tired of carry the bags. The students complain of the weight of the bag and the smell due to the decompose potatoes.

The teacher say, if you have bear no grudges, you will no need to carry the grudge in yr heart. Others may have forgotten abt the grudge, but you choose to hold on like the smelly sack of potatoes which will drain you mentally and physcially. Learn to let go.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Office - The Sisters

Today will be my colleuage's last day, Ms Ok lah.

The triple sisters, Ms Atas, Ms WetWet and Ms Ok lah, the tripartitle, one by one is leaving, leaving Ms Atas. Heard from her that she want to do the 2nd shift from next month onwards...must be feeling the loneliness from her close kakis leaving.

Ms Ok lah, the mini ops of our department, think more than our department, faciliting the messages, processing of abt everything. Very knowlegable and almost consistent performance. She will definitely be some1 powerful, niu qiang ren. She's also not afraid to be honest, shooting arrows to both collegues and boss..haha..and that what i like abt her...honest, efficient.

Ms Atas, just a nickname she claim she is...well shes not atas, but sometimes i do find her a bit. Cant help it, she rich, got car, tink private property, wish to marry rich guy, love chocolates, like to be clean - a fetish, she is willingly to lent a helping hand to those in needs, but this depends on her mood, our flowerpot in my department, like to scream like "AHAhah..." 2day notice her chatting with another Prince charming, Mr Pilot, also rich guy. They are compatitable. Mayb a secret office romance perhaps. Well, it will be gd news then...do feel a bit envy...but cant be help

Just recently, the big boss hired a new guy, with experience from a diff backgrd, will be doing the night shift, which was originally intended to be me. I do not ask much, but i can sense the hints my supervisor telling me "in the future, he will be doing the night shift", "i will have to train him up fast"...high expectations for this guy. I...i just a deflect. I am angry that they have hired some1 to replace me, but in the 1st place, its me who cant live to their expectations..right? Haha...for a miserable of 2k plus pay...as my friend say..its peanuts...where i be heading then? For 6 mths, my probation was extended, my license was delayed, now my license processing is delay, HAHAHA..bravo bravo...well done..underdog!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

S$1M for Mas Nasi Lemak

Will heroes prevail and catch Mas Nasi Lemak to win S$1M??

Questions that ring in my mind imagining that i do quit my FT job and become a MAS Nasi Lemak hunter, the Dark knight:

1. Dead or alive? Fresh or Frozen? Do we still entitled to the reward?

2. Is the rewards monthly installments payout or in full? As payout in full will be better as inflation will reduce my money.

3. If more than 1 person catch him, do we get to split the reward like splitting lottery winnings, or must only be only one person entitled like amazing race? Like i catch him, but some1 saw him also and assit but waywang try to catch him. So who will be the one gaining this reward? The wayang one or me?

4. If i snap a photo showing im the one who spotted Mas nasi lemak, do i still entitled to the reward? Shld have some commission.

5. If he is to stab me or im injured in the process, do i still entitled to my insurance as i fully well aware that he is a dangerous criminal..and yet i want to risk it. This is public service with compensation leh.

6. Can i broke traffic rules, damage the environment like the "demolition man" just to catch one criminal in the case there is a high speed pursuit along CTE or PIE w/o paying fines?

7. Can i dont reveal myself to the media when i successfully caught him as most likely i be the next target on the terrorist's wanted list to bomb? I worry they track me down then i may end up need to jump across HDB rooftops and become the next dark knight.

8. If i use unlawful method to catch Mas Nasi Lemak, will i still be penalised even i caught the criminal as i become a criminal?

9. If Mas Selmat is to testify and say he surrender instead of admitting being caught red handed by us, what will happen to my reward?

10. If the reward givers were to escape to avoid giving the reward or disappear...who do i claim this reward from?

11. Got Ghament tax anot? I already kana shock to know even charity need pay tax one...

12. If i catch him, i turn down reward...will people say i siao or say i saint??? HAHAHAHA....tan gu gu...

13. If i caught him when i serving reserve, can i still claim reward as i still serving my duty as a county man but i seek financial rewards by doing this public service? Chieem rite...i learn this in Sg law...got a law like if work in public service, like protecting ppl one..like cops...cant get reward one...cos their duties...

14. Can i claim transport fees and misc charges while i in the process of catching him? Must show u the receipts anot? Even detectives also got receipts one.

Disclaimer: Some random thoughts in my head regarding the "What if" for situations like the above to happen...not to be taken serious :)..and i purposely tried to write in as singlish as possible...haha..time to zzzz

Lost my cert after 3 months

Welcome to the elephant company.

Today the HR call me...telling me indirectly they have lost my test results which i gave them on early April. I cant believe now they then tell me.

They have time to plan outing like "amazing race","improving the customer service program",blah blah....okok..they are humans...maybe they have shortage of man power..maybe they have more priorities to handle..maybe...

If its the company outside clients..i guarantee they be screwed upside down,side ways and inside out.

Advice: Take care of your internal customers..PLZ...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lessons from a private trader 2

Consolidation price patterns

BB are big investors, while the rest of the investors are known as retail investors. When these BB do want to invest, their amount will be millions and be vested into stocks for a period, buying in smaller volume within a price range. This price pattern should be able to identifed using TA, when price hovers between the resistance and support level for a period of time. For more details, you have do more research.

Once this amount has been vested, they will make entry into the mkt with a larger amount to cause a spike or large increase in the share price. With crowd effect, retail investors will soon follow, driving the share price up. Once the price has soar to the price the BB has expected to sell, its about time for retail investors to time their exit also..as the price will plunge back down...

1 lession i learn is to sell your shares when it appreciate..haha..but not blindly holding on to it unless you are a long time investor.

% to cut loss vs % to break even

Have a rule to cut losses, dont be afraid to do that as holding on to the stock in a down trend for a long time, will be harder for you to break even.

If you loss 15%, you need additional 15% to break even, and more than that to earn a profit. If you cut losses eariler, you be able to break even quicker.

Generally, it take a shorter time for a share price to wipe out its paper profit than it take to increase.

Shorting in bear mkt

In a bull mkt, one can buy low sell high, in a bear market, one can sell high buy low. The latter can be done using CFDs. Do check with your local brokages as how it will be done. Do note that each have its risks such as knowing what price to cover back. Warning: Dont do naked shorting...its illegal.

Question: I recall a friend ask if he trades intra day, one will not have to monitor the long term charting trend. Yesterday i got my answer to his question:

A breakout in the trend for a longer time period holds more significant and shorter trends will generally be following the patterns of this longer trend.

Reason: From a longer trend, one can idenified the number of times a zone has been able to halt rallies and reactions and the length of time that has elaspes since the zone was previously attack. Thus knowing the breakout point in a longer time trend is more significant, allowing pre anticpating of the coming trend to be more accurate

Reference:Martin Pring's: Introduction to Technical Analysis and a mix of my own interpretation.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Travel around the world

This is a dream but not a impossible. Question is when and how u want to go abt doing it. 1 can choose to go on a short term holiday and come back to reality to work, daily routine, or 1 can choose to take a long break, journey across the globe. I pefer the latter. But that will means i be financially free, no obligations to any1if i were to gone missing in this journey.


Mayb i shld make a video dancing in sg, diff parts of sg..amk,serangoon,bukit timah, the new ERPS,paliment houses,cementries,police station, dedention barracks,hortpark,zoo..hw abt it guys? Interested to make this? haha...

A spoof of batman trailer, the Dark Knight, nicely make..of cos, i be catching the show...

Thursday, July 17, 2008

CNA, another reason to watch it

Recently notice her doing the morning news again...has been a while i watch CNA attentively...Her name, Andrea Chow, one of my favourite news castor which i listen and no matter what she's reporting. Some sources mentioned that she just gave birth.


The Slacker King 3 step combo

He is my senior, he is always busy (with nothing), he is proud that he make no mistakes (cos he do minimal work), he will make sure you do his work (cos he senior), his work is more important than yours (i have no idea what he do)...he is the king of slackers..and he is good in covering his ass..covering his tracks...today i will show you the skills you need to be a slacker but the flaw is that you must have a guai guai collegue like me to take yr shit.

SK Skill 1: Use tools to show your collegues you are super busy

Today, the same collegue mc again. thus slack king is taking over her duities, working over time.

As predicted, he shows me his book, from afar, saying he have so much clients to call. As usual, i just smile and say nothing. I already know i going to pick up all calls.

He do no emails, no extra works, no arrows, he just do that name list for the morning till night..a total of 14 hrs...doing that. When he left for home, i check the book..and it turns out theres only 10 names to contact..he had show me the name list for a previous day which is longer...Im tinking.."WTH?!?!...i already know you r a slacker, but you dont have to lie about what ur busy with????"

SK skill 2: Shoot the arrow when your collegue is not on guard

Calls will be routed from desk to desk till some1 picks up. Thus i was having my dinner and i was picking up call also..while he do his "fake" or lazy calls...i missed one phone call and the call was routed to him, while mine was "logged out" automatic. Later i went to the loo..when i come back, my phone was "logged in" again.

When the phone was logged out, one need to manually log in to receive call again. So guess wat...i imagine him creeping to my desk, press the login button, and ENSURE ME THAT I WILL NOT WAYWANG LIKE HIM----> this is the only reason i can think of as why did he do that...since IM ALREADY THE ONE PICKING UP ALL THE CALLS!!!!

SK skill 3: Plead for aid and use the weakness of the opponent heart to do your chore

SK king kept on repeating he so busy, so many to call. He ask me to help him call one of his client. Guess what...i done it within FREAKING 15 mins...OMG...shake my head....guess how i feel when i saw his list and its just 10 names..i just did 10percent of his work for him.

PS: i mayb wrong in my interpretations of his above actions...but im just too frustrated...i wish i can tell him " you are byfar the most chao keng, most wayang, most lazy collegue and im truely marvel that the coy has hired you to train me to take up more work load and as a result, i have become more efficient. Thank you"

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Strategic helping hand

Today my collegue is sick. Heard she sms my boss that she's sick. She puke and have stomach upset. Yet she turn up for work at noon, doing the noon shift, taking over another collegue who also take mc.

It was raining and she didnt went up buy dinner due to the rain. Looking at her pale face, i know volunteering to buy for her will lead to my boss and collegues making jokes and i expect of her character, wont want ppl to walk in the pouring rain to buy food for her, that is w/o a reason.

Thus i have to come up with a execuse to buy coffee (theres a pantry in the office) to buy for her.

Changing the variable in the same situation, if its some1 else, guess i will do the same, but if its a guy, most likely i just tell him straight i will buy for him..haha..different people, different strategy, to offer help to them w/o letting them know of your intention...

What i will gain..nothing..but at least..they are better off.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lesson from private trader

Stock mkt is the largest casino. It is a negative sum game.

Know when to buy, when to sell, how much to buy and sell and lastly know when to cut losses and tell yourself you are wrong.

Trend is your friend till it starts to bends

Dont ever fall in love with a stock

Good trading is boring as you have pre anticated what will happen.

In good times, there will be ridiculous share price falls and in bad times, there will be ridiculous share price rally. There is opportunity in risky times and vice versa.

Dont catch a falling knife. Like a bouncing ball, 1 have to wait for the ball to bounce a few times.

One need to have a edge by setting up the entry/exit point with tools to have consistency in reaping profits. Trading is a game of give and takes..its no holy grail.

Long term is creating wealth. Short term is creating income. Theres a difference...(Really?)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Macquarie Warrant Hotshot

Its a warrant trading competition starting on 14 July and will last for 8 weeks.

You will use virtual money and there are 4 categories where one can participate.

Sign up now if your are interested. The link can be found by clicking on the title heading.

Dont worry..there will be instructions on how to play..as for how to win...this i not sure..cos i also amature...haha.

Improve Customer service

A program lanuch by the parent company based on a survey..so call to improve the company...

This is my suggestions that im sure wont reach the leaders or the brain child of the slow elephant corporation

You pay peanuts..you get monkeys..so raise the pay..you will get better service

Give shares to your employees..so they will be part of the company and will perform better

Please listen to our suggestions...if you do want to listen to them

Please look at our operation systems....as how i see it...i have to say..our customer service is good...our clients are willingly...its our OPERATING SYSTEM WHICH IS A OIL AND WATER COMBINATION THAT CREATES THE INCONVINENCE.

Helping internal customers

Internal customers refer to our colleagues.

I have this IT issue for quite some time. I used this program often than the rest of the whole department..yet for 2 months..nothing is done...i have email the IT guys twice, spoken to them directly 2 twice...yet nothing is done....i wish i can tell them " Hey Mr X and mr Y...i understand you are busy with nothing...and i knw u say with tis software glitch, i can still do this and this....YES i knw...but u have any bloody idea i need to do this possibly 10000000x times more than you...and this minor inconvinence is causing me MAJOR INCONVINENCE AND WILL EFFECT MY INSTRUCTIONS TO BOTH MY CLIENTS AND THE COMPANY...hope you will understand"

After constant reminders, walking pass their office, looking at them doing NOTHING...OK..CLEANING MOUSE..WIPING THEIR MONITORS...ENSURING THEIR OFFICE HYGIENE, busy with petty issues, i decided not to tell them anymore...What angers me is whenever they ask for my "help", i just do it promptly...i really hope they recipocate...

Yesterday, my supervisor and another pretty gal collegue..request to change monitor..to flat screen..when the IT guys come in..they see my dinosaur monitor..more lousier than my collegues..thought i request to change..my reply " im used to it...and i never ask for the change..thanks"

I was thinking..i been waiting for yr bloody assistance to fix my soft ware issues which is clearly more critical, and im using the worst possible monitor in the whole of the department..i didnt complaint...yet just 1 request from my gal collegue and my boss...you come rushing down to install the flat screens.

I have given up on the it department guys...bias or not...or slacker

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Xchanging msn?

As usual...monday is always blue. Thus being to check my mail in be2.sg. Thus i reply to the gal...something to look forward...never did i expect i really got myself her msn...when i check my hotmail after work.

I was stunned..is it because shes just have GCE's cert thus, being being more easily "persuaded" to reveal her msn to strangers or is it im actually the prey being the one lured into her trap or m i just to close up? Giving msn is no big deal???...regardless i wasnt expecting a reply...let alone..a msn...i can really being a search in facebook, friendster, finding out that person's photo's, details..even before communicating to her....

Qn...as a sign of good gesture..i shld give her my msn too...omg...i feel like a sly...cos perhaps i wasnt really interested into her...but just testing water...but again...it may turn out im a turn off if i really do meet or talk to her...

What shall be the next optimum step...i also begin to feel..i may also regret if i gave my msn...

After the search in facebook n friendster...it turns out shes the smart one...haha..no such email...need to invite her...smart gal...time to give another new hotmail address...or it can be a guy impersonating a gal...who knows?


Friday, July 4, 2008

Plunging Mkt...

Unbelieveable...we have to go thru this period of high mkt volatility just after graduation...the good bull run seems to run out of steam ever since the first sign of credit warning been given...from bear sterns, ubs, C shares, speculative oil prices reach crazy price...even blue chips kana maul...

Cant continue averaging down with the support levels being penetrated by the plunging prices...mkt sentiments is unstable...R majority shorting the mkt?

Heart pain..pocket burn...money just disappear within hours...time spend gone...inflation...gov say - practice self reliance...malaysia stock mkt just got suspended for technical glitch...2day US independence day...duno whether ppl got mood to celebrate...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Babies Bellies

Ally's business has taken on another major step, providing Javanese massage and spa. Her webpage can be visited by clicking the title link.

Babies Bellies

Babies Bellies is a spa which provides quality massage and spa services at your own convenience. Our objectives are to meet the tailored needs of each and every customer, above and beyond their expectations. We place a high standard on our quality services and product, because you deserve the finer things in life- at an affordable price.

Our Mission
Our mission is to bring maximum satisfaction to our clients and customers with our dedication and commitment towards health and wellness. We believe that every customer deserves to be pampered and nurtured, and we ensure that this is done by using safe products, providing excellent services and personal consultation.

Our Focus
Is you! We believe in taking care of our customers, and we value every guest who walks in through our doors. Health and wellness is central to having a sound body and mind- and that’s exactly what we want to accomplish for you.

They provide many services. Body scrubs consists of javanese, green tea, lemon types.
Flora, milk, lavender sea salt bath. Slimming treatment, Elasticity body wrap...too many...you have to see it for yourself.


Feel free to visit :) and her another blessing is going to due soon.

Haha...manage to see me and ZR makaning. It was at the buffet for her new outlet opening.


Makaning while kana photoshot...pricesless...with everything else..u have master card

ZR is beside me, wearing formal, he kana block by the ladies. Man..i look fat..i do.

2nd look at the pic, if the photographer want to take the pic of the 2 ladies, why is it not centered? Dont tell me actually its the photographer's intention to picture me and ZR??? Jus a thought.

HAHAHA...wt...manage to see little pieces of me in the pics...haha..damn funny

ZR and Me outside Ally's outlet drinking beverage

C my head? and a partial head of ZR? HAha

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Life is twice as wonderful twogether

Thats the coy slogan. be2.sg. Seems more and more online match making coy are spawning for these island. Mayb a gd business if there are ppl subscribing to them.

Whats interesting its that it had soft of a technical analysis, a personality based test with different parameters, such as distance vs attachment, traditional vs innovation. Upon submitting, it will show a name list of those who's attributes matches closely or complement your character with a 0 - 100 percent match. It measures your "personality" and matches to ppl whose personality complement and gave explainations on the possibility of future conflicts and areas where 2 can have a common interest. Thats interesting.

Compare to match and love link, Match.com perhaps have a larger database, but all you can do is "wink", haha, u have to pay to send email or use up your 3 day free trial or you can sorf of sneak in your email in your profile i guess to allow ppl who interested in you to drop u a email. Match do have a personality test, but its used its more of a what are you looking for in a partner and show to what degree do you fit or match what the other is looking for the opposite gender.

Singaporelovelink.com has also quite a huge number of database. For this, theres a option to send interest to the other party and even send email msg throught their intranet..but i never realy get to send the msg..so i wont really know.

For Be2.sg, one can also send email thru its intranet. But for now, its databased seem small..haha...i also not vy sure.

Just applied, got a much younger gal...5yrs younger reply to me. GCE lvl. Hmm...duno leh...m i shallow or shld i be taking chances?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Upcoming Car-nival 13-7

Happen to see the advertisement from the Cats classified - Car-nival.

Cant find the actual event in xpo website

13 July, 10am - 8pm, Singapore Xpo Hall 4

Ferrari car display - take note no "s" so must be 1 car
Photo sessions with CATs Race queen :)

Ice creams for your tummy and eyes.

300 over new and pre-owned cars and related pdts and services.

Mayb will drop by snap a few pics if realy no plans by then.

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About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.