A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Office - The Sisters

Today will be my colleuage's last day, Ms Ok lah.

The triple sisters, Ms Atas, Ms WetWet and Ms Ok lah, the tripartitle, one by one is leaving, leaving Ms Atas. Heard from her that she want to do the 2nd shift from next month onwards...must be feeling the loneliness from her close kakis leaving.

Ms Ok lah, the mini ops of our department, think more than our department, faciliting the messages, processing of abt everything. Very knowlegable and almost consistent performance. She will definitely be some1 powerful, niu qiang ren. She's also not afraid to be honest, shooting arrows to both collegues and boss..haha..and that what i like abt her...honest, efficient.

Ms Atas, just a nickname she claim she is...well shes not atas, but sometimes i do find her a bit. Cant help it, she rich, got car, tink private property, wish to marry rich guy, love chocolates, like to be clean - a fetish, she is willingly to lent a helping hand to those in needs, but this depends on her mood, our flowerpot in my department, like to scream like "AHAhah..." 2day notice her chatting with another Prince charming, Mr Pilot, also rich guy. They are compatitable. Mayb a secret office romance perhaps. Well, it will be gd news then...do feel a bit envy...but cant be help

Just recently, the big boss hired a new guy, with experience from a diff backgrd, will be doing the night shift, which was originally intended to be me. I do not ask much, but i can sense the hints my supervisor telling me "in the future, he will be doing the night shift", "i will have to train him up fast"...high expectations for this guy. I...i just a deflect. I am angry that they have hired some1 to replace me, but in the 1st place, its me who cant live to their expectations..right? Haha...for a miserable of 2k plus pay...as my friend say..its peanuts...where i be heading then? For 6 mths, my probation was extended, my license was delayed, now my license processing is delay, HAHAHA..bravo bravo...well done..underdog!

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.