A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cant rest my mind totally

Today, i get to know more abt Ms Atas. Strangely, after knowing more abt her, i realise i become more energetic, i cant zzz. I will normally doze of at the mrt on the way home, but tonight, i cant, my mind is occupied by a mystery object that i cant figure out. I diagnose myself as having a temporary fever

This 2 days, been observing she been bringing sandwitches for dinner. I suspect its either because she's feeling moody due to the departure of her 2 sisters or she do not want to leave the office to buy food. Thus been volunteering to buy food for her, dont want her go hungry, malnutrition or gastric or faint. I remember she once mention she can just faint while walking and have puked due to her stomach upset.

She is a direct person and she try her best not to lie. Today, surprising, we talk about many topics, covering office politices, her plans, her sisters, her view on life, beliefs, friendship. Found out that we can actually reach a common understanding on each other's view. Haha..or is it because im too easy to read?

She initiated to help the sales team to fold the letters, which is quite alot. Well, im a gentleman, and im doing the 2nd shift with her, thus, help her do lah. Duno if she's impressed with my fast pace of work..haha...her face is like stunned when i finish mine and her's share within an hour. Miracle worker.

When i see her helping with the letters, i recalled my previous "gf", the time when we are together doing duties at the library. She is holding the colour strips, while i was holding the scissors, slicing the strips into half. Not much was spoken, but lots of eye interaction and smiles. But, that was now just a memory.

Strangely, i being to notice the way she seat, her actions, her smile, laughter, perfume. Damn...dont tell me i going to have a crush...office romance...has been a no no for me..haha..one of my beliefs...of cos, with time, feelings will be nothing when there is no action taken.

1 need to know where 1 stands in the affairs of the heart.

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.