Movies like hannibal series, talented mr Ripedly, SAW, anime such as Death note, Code Geass all consisted of twisted minds with their own sense of justice, what is right, what is wrong, having power or i have to say, having the decisive and determination to do accordance to what they want.
But not only that, they manage to escape the law, the boundaries that is set by unspoken and accepted social and legal law with their strategic mind, plotting against each other, see who will have the final checkmate.
Although its just a movie, frictional make ups, it does reflect realtiy of society, imprefections of the human created law, corruption of utmost power by means of money, information, status and moral values.
Moral values in the sense that to protect individual self interest rather than for the sake of the group. Selfishness vs Selflessness.
The law can it be impartial, unbias...regardless of all human beings. How true is this reality...
I believe in human are born selfishness but will seek those with power for survival. N those with power, bending the majority population with lesser power to their will, achieving their objective.
This is what i related from this movies..for now
5 years ago
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