A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One of a Kind

You know during Birthday, you will be bombarded by many hp msges esp if you are those popular types. I guess she is one of them.

She is also the type who will "die" w/o msn and face book, always noticing her browsing facebook.

Thus i decided to send her a message via facebook, but i did not add her, knowing she will only add people as her friends whom she comfortable personally. Thus i did not initiate to add her, just send a message to her inbox.

She replied, haha..well, i did put some thought to make the msg unique to her alone in terms of her behaviour. Even if she didnt read it, its also ok, cos its me who want to express the wishes.

Duno 2mor c her, how shld i act, normal? haha...man...i really easily satisfied.

Well again, it can be jus a simple polite gesture. Yes, of cos its a simple gesture.

Her replied " u really are one of a kind... so thotful..."

Means what?

Shen Ri Kuai Le

Yesterday, she went for a buffet in the noon, go KTV afterwards. Thought she be spending her birthday with her other friends other than collegues.

Past 12, she drove past the office, calling Marcus, asking him what he is doing now.

How do i know these despite i was at the office doing work cos the US market is open. Well, her friends, Ms Jas, Mr Roy, Mr Dix came dwn to the office, thats why i heard this story.

You know, sometimes, when that day it can be special day, but when you are surrounded by friends or families, it seems no one seem to know you...like in a imaginery corner, you are by yourself despite physically companied by people.

When she call in past 12, driving past the empty lanes near our office, this is my impression.

But neverthless, who knows she may be on the way to clubbing.

My origami project i fail to complete it. And on friday, some1 gave her a real bouqet of fresh flowers. Haha...but i didn know who is this mysterious person...but she told me its from another female collegue, Pager...well i dont believe it.

Just send a simple B day msg...tats all i can give.

Zhu Wo Sheng Ri Kuai Le

Wo zhi dao shang xin bu neng gai bian shen me
I know that sadness will not be able to change anything

Na me rang wo cheng shi yi dian
If that's the case, then let me be honest a little bit

Cheng shi nan mian you bu neng kong zhi de xuan xie
To be honest that's it's difficult to avoid an unruly betrayal

Zhi you guan shang le men bu bi li shei
I can only close the door and ignore the world

Yi ge ren zuo zai kong de bao xiang li mian
Sitting alone inside this empty space

Shou ji rang ta xiu xi yi ye
Let the cellphone rest for a night

Nan, xiang qie ge qie diao hui yi de hua mian
[So] Difficult, [I feel like] cutting off all the frames of memory

Yan lei bu neng liu guo shi er dian
These tears can no longer shed past Midnight

生日快乐 我对自己说
Sheng ri kuai le wo dui zi ji shuo
Happy birthday, I said to myself

La zhu dian le
[As] The candles are blown

Ji mo liang le
Loneliness lit up

Sheng ri kuai le
Happy birthday

Lei ye rong le
Tears are melted away

Wo yao xia xia ni gei de ni na zou de yi qie
I want to thank for all that you gave and took away

Hai ai ni dai yi dian hen
Having to love you still, carries a little scar

Hai yao shi jian
Only time

Cai neng ping heng
Can heal the wound

Re lian shang hen
Passionate love leaves painful traces

Hua mian chong sheng
As the picture replays

Zhu wo sheng ri kuai le
Wish me a happy birthday


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Most Patience person

2day is weird...went lunch with this collegue, Ms Bean (she drink 1 pack of soya bean milk almost everyday). It was not my usual routine. Thus thats why it was weird.

It was drizzling and we are sharing this umbrella, strolling around the vicinity before going back to work. She say im the most patience person she ever met and my gf will be so fortunate...my reply to her, "People wear masks to work, this is just one of them i protray....a person may act like this at work, but will behave differently at home"

Miss Atas seem to notice this weird phenomenon about this lunch and make a comment, "So fast change target laio", after i ask another female collegue if she had her lunch when i come back from mine.

Jealous? Well...i hope it is...but most likely its she just want to disturb me.

If u leave

i will miss

your presense

your fragrance

your laughter

your conversations

your dependency

your emails

your smses

your voice

your sarcastic remarks

your cheese cake

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Jung Typology Test

Interested in personality test? Here is one for you to try. Click on the title which will lead you to this long test.

Often take many tests to have a general idea of what exactly i am, secondly, to validate how true do these different test results are similar so i can gauge what i really am and how others generally see me as. It helps to understand your strength, weakness and how to improve your existing capabilities to a new level. Haha..despite knowing these, some weakness also seem hard to overcome.

Im a INTJ based on this test.

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:
distinctively expressed introvert - 67

slightly expressed intuitive personality - 19

moderately expressed thinking personality - 25

slightly expressed judging personality - 1

Details for type INTJ description

Masterminds are rare, comprising no more than, say, one percent of the population, and they are rarely encountered outside their office, factory, school, or laboratory. Although they are highly capable leaders, Masterminds are not at all eager to take command, preferring to stay in the background until others demonstrate their inability to lead. Once they take charge, however, they are thoroughgoing pragmatists. Masterminds are certain that efficiency is indispensable in a well-run organization, and if they encounter inefficiency-any waste of human and material resources-they are quick to realign operations and reassign personnel. Masterminds do not feel bound by established rules and procedures, and traditional authority does not impress them, nor do slogans or catchwords. Only ideas that make sense to them are adopted; those that don't, aren't, no matter who thought of them. Remember, their aim is always maximum efficiency

Source: http://keirsey.com/handler.aspx?s=keirsey&f=fourtemps&tab=5&c=mastermind

Personal relationships, particularly romantic ones, can be the INTJ's Achilles heel. While they are capable of caring deeply for others (usually a select few), and are willing to spend a great deal of time and effort on a relationship, the knowledge and self-confidence that make them so successful in other areas can suddenly abandon or mislead them in interpersonal situations

Source: http://typelogic.com/intj.html

Tua Liap

Think they are models posing for Swatch watches. Asides the ang mo, there is a tall male model whose face is painted white and a dark skinned model who is almost naked, except with a short, and another guy who vampire fangs.

Dark, White, Brown and a Ang mo Babe

Upclose and personal

Check out the SIZE.
Reminds me of Marge Simpson....yup, the headdress..its huge

A Nation Cheated

Bought my so call first political book asides from my social studies education books and news papers.

As stingy as i know i can be, i seldom spend stuff on things, i kinda hard to swallow what motivate me to buy this book. But perhaps, deep inside me, i want to know or hear information that wont be that readily be easily accessable or make known to me.

It will be up to me to decifer this information how true to a certain extend in shaping my impression about this island's political arena.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Ever since i do the 2nd shift now, work seem to be expotentially increase. No 1 will appreciate even as its consist of task that has no audit trail or checks...but if i dont do it, no one will.

My complaint to my management was useless. I just had to do it. On friday, there is this special task i had to do, thus take up quite alot of time and focus, and i had to give up doing my mandane tasks. My collegue, just joined about a month, clearly wasnt efficient, and passed her work to me. Sometimes i feel she duno the amount of work i had on hand.

Guess what, a system outage, which cause many complaint call to come in, thus effecting the work im doing...which also wil lead to monday more work to do...and i have no choice to stay, slept in my office till sat morning and call clients to minmise the amount of work i have to carry forward to monday.

If im a bystander, looking at myself, i really pity this guy. No 1 in this noon shift really slog this hard and gone thru this amount of crap. And you know, on friday afternoon, he was scolded by the management for some dispute. The managment as ususal didnt do a thorough check before scolding him. It was a rude shock as the clt was difficult and verbally abuse this poor fellow, tats me. No 1 else could had swallow this except this lowly lifely employee who owns his life to this coy.

Im being stretch...stretch so thin...work from 2pm on friday till 12 noon on sat, sleep 3 hrs in the company sofa...a dog..a fking dog. Im tired of coming to work early and leaving work late. I dont want the overtime. Its maddness.

When will my other cash flow plan will take off? when? i really need this motivation and the feel of $ in my pocket to make me feel better off

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The 5mil Chicken

At the end of the show, i notice every chq given by each organisation, the amount of donated figure was added to the figures reflecting in the top left counter. Thus wahlah...5mil plus was donated. If im not wrong, for the whole show, 7.30 - 10,2.5 hrs, only a figure of estimate 500k was donated from the hotline, thus 500k/5m = 10 percent from calls, 90 percent from corporations.

If the chq was presented eariler or so call reflected in the donated amount eariler, guess the amount called in will be less than 500k.

During the time when the president was writing the chinese letters, i guess the band has to synchronise with the timing when will he finish his chinese carligraphy. Notice the hasten ending of the band. Think the picture shows a chicken, with the chinese words: FU PING JING KUN. Dont know if he draw the rooster or some1 did that. Must give some credit to the fellower who draw the pic. Probably without the picture, the words need to be amplified to fill up the whole blank paper right? That will take time and the band will need to play longer as a result. And we need to keep to the TV timing schedule so we wont miss the news abt recent financial turmoil.

BTW, how does the words relate to this picture of the chicken???

When the celebrities all gathered, somehow i forgotten abt the military personal who stand beside the president, where did he go?

Being to miss Ren Chi monk. Duno what happen to him now. Cheers to all people who donated and hope the people who ought to receive these benefits will be better off.

Friday, October 10, 2008

She rang

2day for the first time, she call my mobile, 09-10-2008, 22:08. Haha. But its purely business...but i never pick it up as i was on the line. But i ask another collegue to help me ans as i believe it must be urgent to call me this late. Think she may be having difficulties calling the coy line.

My collegue ask me, "Y dont you just later call her back?"

My rely was "Never keep a lady waiting"

1st official email to "FEEDBACK"

Just 2 days in the 2nd shift, i cant seem to handle the increase work load. Thus i written an email to my supervisor on ways to improve the work process as i knw i will crumble under this work load. Im under the mercy of the another department which kept sending work late and this hinders me doing the 2nd shift. Hope i able to hear some gd news from my supervisor.

This department shoot my department with "unfriendly replies" such as "ASSIT THE CLIENT" with caps and clearly the client already states what he want and still want my department to clear the shit for them. Thus after i done it, i reply " ASSITED" with caps back to them. Haha.

I also sort of regret thinking Slacker king was indeed slack...but he was initally in the first place. After doing his work, i just realise i was paralyzed by the amount of work, despite its a simple task. Reason is that we dont notice the amount of work as its like a mild poison that is slowly injected to your body, w/o you knowing, 6 hrs later, ur doomed. Thats the nature of this work.

Linkin Park - Given Up (OFFICIAL Video)

Verse 1]
Wake in a sweat again
Another day's been laid to waste
In my disgrace
Stuck in my head again
Feels like I'll never leave this place
There's no escape
I'm my own worst enemy

I've given up
I'm sick of feeling
Is there nothing you can say?
Take this all away
I'm suffocating
Tell me what the fuck is wrong with me!

[Verse 2]
I don't know what to take
Thought I was focused but I'm scared
I'm not prepared
I hyperventilate
Looking for help somehow somewhere
And no one cares
I'm my own worst enemy

I've given up
I'm sick of feeling
Is there nothing you can say?
Take this all away
I'm suffocating
Tell me what the fuck is wrong with me!

*GOD !!!!!!!!*

I've given up
I'm sick of living
Is there nothing you can say?
Take this all away
I'm suffocating
Tell me what the fuck is wrong with me!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pay Peanuts

With influx of FT, whats next to reduce the cost of labour? Our relative, Monkeys.


1 monkey head work for 2hrs, thus 12hr shift, you need 6 monkeys, only need pay them soya beans, no CPF, no bonus, no holiday, mayb sick leaves.


Do you hire female monkey? If she get pregnant, hw? Got maternity leave?

What if the monkeys do the act of mating infront of paying customers in the food court? Will the owner of the food court be charged? How abt indecent explosure by the monkey?

What do you do about the animal activitist demostrating against the actions of the owners who make the monkeys work in this environment, when they should be in their natural habitals plucking fruits?

What if a monkey infected a client with a new strain of epic disease, who will compensate? You choose to be at risk to be served by the monkey.

What if the monkeys decided to leave for better pay such as orange, apple instead of soy beans, can they just leave since they never sign a black and white contract at the 1st place?

What is the hiring age for the monkeys, what breed, which nationality (need apply PR status or work permit), what gender (cross gender, trans gender acceptable by the family?).

What is the retirement age for monkeys?

Will there be insurance coverage for the monkeys at work since they mayb facing nasty clients?

Can you complain about a monkey who provide you poor service to the relevent authorities?

How about gorillas? orang utan? Are they employable since they belong to the monkey spieces? How about humans who act like monkeys?

Future potential business setups

Monkey hiring agencies: We provide well trained, experience monkeys.

Health care for monkey: To bring better health to your needs

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

1st trial

What seems to be easy folding steps, turns up to be difficult. When it comes to the twirling of the paper into the petals, i was lost. Need more square paper.

The folded paper before the twirling procedure

Lost in the twirling

Following this tutorial

Came across websites which sell origmai gifts. I was thinking if i can master this art, it can be a niche, a business opportunity, which may lead to my pot of gold?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Having a life

The it guy n Atas seems to be together like glue, go lunch, go home, on the phone, although with the company with other parties, but its soft of a no brainer, that the it guy has made his move.


She asked to change some shift with me, but i cant confirm, telling her its just next week, so still got some time. Immediately she responded something like, " i got a life ok, i need to plan"

I was dumbfolded, at 7pm plus at the office...but of cos, i didnt show it on my face, straight away replying to her with some logical reasons y i cant confirm with her right now.

But i was dumbfolded. "Having a life?" Exactly what and how you defined having a life? Perhaps i know she had other priorities in life now, with new people coming to her circle. Her time will be more meaningful ever. And she will be spending it with someone else. Perhaps, that is why, i cant rebutt...cos its suppose to be good for her and im jealous cos i wont be in this picture.

I think everyone is having a life, but to what extend are you satisfied about spending this time, to experience what you want. If you are willingly to spend tis time doing this thing, guess it must be "life" then?

My good buddy, Mr Kelvin, reply me this to my following query:
Qn: Hw u define "havin a life" in yr perspective?

His reply: i guess u never live ur life now. u only know u had it,

Quote: Kelvin T., 1015pm via msn online


2day seems more hectic than usual, even when the market is bleeding. Seems like more work to do. Ya...its because 1 of the new collegues, Mr RK has left.

He join us just 2 months ago, leaving his engineering background, to purse his passion in the finance sector. However, just 2 mths into the job, he have to resign due events that cant be reverse and had left a mark on his advancement in this career if he is to stay on this course.

He is a self learn technical analyst, a fx trader, a humble, friendly young adult, that one can be good friends with.

With few good men left in this sinking ship in the middle of a storm, and him leaving us, adrift on a boat, life at work seems less joyful as theres 1 less person to share your burden, your joy at work and be yr listening ear.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

18 Days Challenge: Perfect Origami Rose

Finally, i know what to get for her gift. Im going to make it, but whether im satisfy with the gift or i have no idea how to give it, its another matter. Neverthless, i like to learn to make it.

Oct 5th is today. Can i master this art and make at least 1 satisfactory rose of the appropriate colour and feel which i desire or think she will like?

My plan now:

1. Source for tutorial for making the rose. Problem is that there are many of them, videos, website, but their roses range from simple to complex folding and different types, and its the complex type thats nice. And i cant find one that shows how they make the stem.

2.Finding paper. Practice sessions on making the roses.

3. Time management. With me working in the 2nd shift, its going to be rush. Since she leaving before her birthday, leaves me with 18 days.

4. How do i give it to her w/o her knowing its me or to even suspect its some1 from the office?

Then wats my motive to do with all this effort? I duno. Im a walking contradiction.

Friday, October 3, 2008

What desert are you?

This is interesting......

If all of the eight desserts listed below were sitting in front of you,
which would you choose (sorry, you can only pick one)! Trust me...this is very accurate.
Pick your dessert, and then look to see what psychiatrists think about

REMEMBER - No Cheating. Make your choice before you check the meaning.

After taking this dessert personality test, send this e-mail on to
others, but when you do, be sure to put your choice of dessert in the subject box above.


Here are your choices:

1. Angel Food Cake

2. Brownies

3. Lemon Meringue Pie

4. Vanilla Cake With Chocolate Icing

5. Strawberry Short Cake

6. Chocolate Cake With Chocolate Icing

7. Ice Cream

8. Carrot Cake

Click on the link in the title heading "What desert are you?" to see the answers.

Ms BB send this to everyone. Wonder Miss Atas is which? Strawberry short cake? Well she didnt say...and she had to read mine out loud for every1 to hear... Mine is 6, what's yours?

Birthday Celebration for the Oct babies

Today theres a celebration for collegues born for the month of Oct. Miss Atas is one of them, as well as my supervisor, another collegue nickname Pager, and Ms Lacoste.

All of them received presents, gifts. Today's celebration food is Sakae Sushi...and its hardly filling...haha..finger food. But the cake is nice. Think it should be a mango flavour ice cream cake.

Ms BB ask me to light the 4 candles on the cake. Thus i took the lighter, lit each of them. Miss Atas bludge in, saying "You pathatic leh", taking one of the lited candles, and lighting the other one. Haha..ya..she is always right...y bother do to it the hard way...

Her gift wasnt really a gift compare to others. Hers is a voucher. Of cos, personally, to me, voucher, is like money, just that you can buy what u want. But the purpose of a gift, is suppose to get one for the person, despite whether it be a useless junk or of a practical use right?

Somehow, i sense she feel a bit disappointed, but she wont take it hard, as she understand. What can be a better gift then a gift from your friends? Perhaps one of the reasons for choosing a voucher, is that she seems to afford whatever she want to afford, thus one cant decide what to buy for her, except vouchers.

She dress down today, perhaps she know shes going to be the center of attraction. Still, she look cute, with a pink adidas jacket, an attempt to shelter her from all the attention shes getting. Think of it though, it seems to be the first time she bring this jacket.

She saw it

I used the mosaic i created as the background for my desktop on the very next day i created it.

Think today, she came to me, request to see my desktop, early in the morning, which caught me surprise. As it doesnt seem logical...

Firstly, she will not have seen that i have change my desktop since she busy with her own work.

2nd, none of my co workers know about this blog, except one

3rd, why would some1 care what u put on your desktop, especially its a mosaic which doesnt make sense...

Of cos, when she request to see the pic, i willingly showed her, wanting to know what's her reaction. My fear was that she recognise its her in the first place, haha...but i dont believe people can see that as its take at a angle with her back. But who knows?

She ask" What is it?", "Its a mosaic" i replied. "That Atas" she say.

Thats Atas? What she meant? Im snobbish? Haha....seriously, i wonder she know the meaning of this term, which is a nick given to her.

But wait, thats Atas...ya, ITS HER..MISS ATAS...

Atas: (ah-tahs)
Malay for "upstairs", it describes someone as snobbish, hoity-toity, affected or arrogant. "Wah, you nowsaday do'wan to eat ikan bilis, only eat caviar. Become damn atas oreddy."

Source: http://www.talkingcock.com/html/lexec.php?op=LexLink&lexicon=lexicon&keyword=ATAS

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Secret

This documentry is titled" The Secret"

The secret which this show is sharing is about the law of attraction. Whichever you focus, you want to achieve, you need to visualise you have what you want to achieve, and it will come true.

Its about the power of the mind, to focus on goals, kept on practising this visualisation, and the goal will be realised.

So far, only seen part 2 and 3, but its interesting to know how negative how one can be when they choose to focus what they don't want rather than what they want. People spend as much energy to focus more on what they don't want than they want.

Universe is made of energy, Energy cant be created nor destroyed but merely changes it form. From the universe to the microscopic view of the atoms that made up our bodies, we are energy. This physical body we have is a container, a physical form which contains our spirit, our energy...thus when one focus on what they want, they will attract this positive energy and goals will be attained.

Of cos, its can just be positive thinking, making life more positive, making events more pleasant, and to the extend, of getting what you want in life.

JB Jeyaretnam

I do not know well about this politician, but i do know he recently came back to politics, and has been fighting for his ideas dispite paying a hefty price which one can easily admit defeat. But he didnt give up.

At his age, one may expect to retire, and enjoy their golden years. But he didnt. He choose not to continue his goal, to be a freedom fighter, to stand firm, advocating his ideas to reform or improve the current government.

His relentless spirit of not giving up, his conviction, is one which one can appreciate, admired and be awed at.

He may be gone, but his ideas will stay on.

Thank you Mr Jeyaretnam.

Tributes to JB Jeyartnam


Anti Life Equation

Just saw a 1hr special on Justice league where Darkside was unintentionally revived by Lex. Initially Lew want to revive Braniac, but never expected to resurrect Darkside instead.

The ending show Lew guided by Metron to find the weakness of Darkside, that is to give him the "Anti life equation". After receiving it, Darkside leave Superman alife, and in a bright light, both Lex and Darkside is gone.

Anti life Equation

loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=dark side

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Life_Equation

Nice frictional story. But what an equation. Hmm...is there a Life equation? For every opposide action, there should be a reaction to counter this force.

Cheese cake

Homemade cheese cake with hands and love. Althought it doesnt look pleasant to the eye, it was nice. The cake was soft, creamy, with a chocolate biscuit underneath. It wasn't too sweet and i ate it, slowly savour its flavour, imagining the amount of work she had to put in, to make this cake.

But i cant anything good about it to her..just ask her "Got china milk anot?" its like asking for it. Haha..i dont have anything good to say to her, especially infront of my collegues. After eating the cake, I understand the term, the way to a man's heart, is through his stomach. If its make by the one you love, it taste good no matter how bad its made.

I noticed recently she been togther with another collegue. She had been "missing" from the office, i suppose she doing errands, but cant help thinking she should be chatting with that collegue. She also been going home together with him. And he also has been coming in, suppose to do some errands, but i sense its just a excuse to see and chat with her. Haha...jealously...well, initially it was, but he is definitely seen more compatable to her. I also didnt make any moves at all.

She seemed happier now, with friends and love, her journey ahead with be more fruitful.

There is a saying, "To love someone, is wish that person to be happy" that should be the ultimate love one can give, right? Hmm...mayb not, as love has no boundaries, self sacrifical to the one you love, giving away yr life to protect the one you cherish and kept them from life threating harm...that maybe is love's most empowered act.

About Me

My photo
A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.