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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Pay Peanuts

With influx of FT, whats next to reduce the cost of labour? Our relative, Monkeys.


1 monkey head work for 2hrs, thus 12hr shift, you need 6 monkeys, only need pay them soya beans, no CPF, no bonus, no holiday, mayb sick leaves.


Do you hire female monkey? If she get pregnant, hw? Got maternity leave?

What if the monkeys do the act of mating infront of paying customers in the food court? Will the owner of the food court be charged? How abt indecent explosure by the monkey?

What do you do about the animal activitist demostrating against the actions of the owners who make the monkeys work in this environment, when they should be in their natural habitals plucking fruits?

What if a monkey infected a client with a new strain of epic disease, who will compensate? You choose to be at risk to be served by the monkey.

What if the monkeys decided to leave for better pay such as orange, apple instead of soy beans, can they just leave since they never sign a black and white contract at the 1st place?

What is the hiring age for the monkeys, what breed, which nationality (need apply PR status or work permit), what gender (cross gender, trans gender acceptable by the family?).

What is the retirement age for monkeys?

Will there be insurance coverage for the monkeys at work since they mayb facing nasty clients?

Can you complain about a monkey who provide you poor service to the relevent authorities?

How about gorillas? orang utan? Are they employable since they belong to the monkey spieces? How about humans who act like monkeys?

Future potential business setups

Monkey hiring agencies: We provide well trained, experience monkeys.

Health care for monkey: To bring better health to your needs

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.