A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Ever since i do the 2nd shift now, work seem to be expotentially increase. No 1 will appreciate even as its consist of task that has no audit trail or checks...but if i dont do it, no one will.

My complaint to my management was useless. I just had to do it. On friday, there is this special task i had to do, thus take up quite alot of time and focus, and i had to give up doing my mandane tasks. My collegue, just joined about a month, clearly wasnt efficient, and passed her work to me. Sometimes i feel she duno the amount of work i had on hand.

Guess what, a system outage, which cause many complaint call to come in, thus effecting the work im doing...which also wil lead to monday more work to do...and i have no choice to stay, slept in my office till sat morning and call clients to minmise the amount of work i have to carry forward to monday.

If im a bystander, looking at myself, i really pity this guy. No 1 in this noon shift really slog this hard and gone thru this amount of crap. And you know, on friday afternoon, he was scolded by the management for some dispute. The managment as ususal didnt do a thorough check before scolding him. It was a rude shock as the clt was difficult and verbally abuse this poor fellow, tats me. No 1 else could had swallow this except this lowly lifely employee who owns his life to this coy.

Im being stretch...stretch so thin...work from 2pm on friday till 12 noon on sat, sleep 3 hrs in the company sofa...a dog..a fking dog. Im tired of coming to work early and leaving work late. I dont want the overtime. Its maddness.

When will my other cash flow plan will take off? when? i really need this motivation and the feel of $ in my pocket to make me feel better off

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.