A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Yummy models

Surfing the local forums, there are plenty of opportunities to have photo sessions with models, with a price tag of cos, ranging from 40 bucks to 150 bucks. Some of them from Japan, Taiwan and local talent.

As much as i want to, i have to know that i want to take great portraits rather than ogling at the models wear their lingerie. Its good money for the models.

Perhaps i should invest on how to get the correct technique than to pay to shoot these gorgeous mei meis. Or better yet, get a galfriend to do shoots for me...haha

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

12 min on the treadmill

Clear 2.4km on the treadmill after about 4 days of rest, that is no exercise.

Not sure if i can do the same on the tracks, with hot sun, and after my static station.

I was running 2.10min for the 1st rd, 2min for the 2nd, i cant remb my 3rd and 4th. By the 5th round, i check it was about 9min plus.

Wish this was my 2.4km test, i will be jumping to the sky.

Can i create this miracle...

Hooked on action photography

Got sun burn after standing in the sun over the weekend to catch the formula drift. 1st day we are under a bridge, there is shade. The 2nd day we are at a better position, but it was directly under the sun.

It was tough, standing, taking pictures continuously. I was tired, after the 1st day of shooting. But looking at the photos, i knew a large chunk of photos are meaningless, despite the speed and quality. Im looking for the feel, the atmosphere rather than just how sharp is the picture. Im glad the 2nd day i have better rewards. The drivers are tired as well haha...

The race queens from Taiwan are also a nice addition to my portfolio, but it seems my photos didn't catch the right lighting and exposure. I also didn't manage to get emotions portrayed by the race queens.

My holidays is ending, and i saw there is a martial art road show at RWS. Hot gals and demo fights. Maybe i should make the trip down on Sat...if im interested after the 1st day, perhaps i come down on the 2nd day as well...haha

Friday, April 23, 2010

Boring...wihout work...im nuts

today is the 6th day of my long leave...doing exercising, reading books, surfing forums, looking at market... it seems little to do...haha...im a boring person.

Finish War of gods 3 normal mode, gave up on GTA Vice City which is a old game.

Been reading CFA book 6, Derivatives, which is useful in the new job im taking. I feel more assure having the knowledge at my fingertips. Do not want to feel alien when the colleagues speak of these technical jargons

I have already made a few plans to make my weekend more fruitful...but somehow it feels to me if its plan, it doesnt feel that exciting anymore...perhaps im afraid of the turnout.

Sat, RT again for me, evening, not sure if i still want to do a make up for it on Sat morning.

Sat, there will be a ceremony opening of the helix bridge at IR, suppose to have firework and parade and 930pm, ppl can use that bridge...hmm...since i have nothing much to do, and i have bought a tripod, y not join in the fun??? Define fun??? Photograph ppl having fun while i act like a "professional" photographer....well...i just want to make use of my investment...haha.

Sun, actually, Sat also have, that is the drift formula at F1 pit. Aside from the fast car, drift actions, there will be race queens as well. Not sure if i can get the tixs on that day itself. Panning is a technique i wish to use, focusing on the moving object, while blurring the surrounding.

To live as a monster or die as a good man

This is a quote from Shutter island movie. It started off slow, soon it grasp my attention and i totally stay awake to finish the show.

The ending was totally unexpected. Leonardo DiCaprio is brilliant in his role. There are times i wonder if the scenes protraying are his imagination or are they real. Great movie!

I guess the when Teddy say this above quote, most probably he is hinting he is sane, but choose to remain delusional to received whatever treatment he is getting.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Question about citizenship

I came across a article in a HWZ forum, about a person blogging about leaving Singapore to Canada. The thought of traveling overseas for a holiday did occur to me, but to stay permanently there i never really serious consider about it.

But when i read these various comments and sources, i also feel i shouldn't be bonded to an island where i was born and should explore overseas opportunities if i can. Before i do consider, i should also think of my parents, friends, work that i be leaving and how feasible for me to leave to that designated country.

Maybe i should take a 1 yr break, traveling around the world, ok, not the world, but across the main major cities and experience living aboard for a considerable amount of time. This will be a major plan that will upset my career path, but if i do choose business building or other sources of income that i manage to build, that would be optimum.

Goal, to take a yr break just traveling and living abroad.
Goal, to grow business, other income to generate cash flow in my absence, to sustain my way of life and family.
Deadline: 2015..seems long, but feasible....hehe

I have to remind myself to update this blog 5 yrs later whether did i accomplish this goal or done it in another way.

HWZ forum: http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=2739018&page=6
Another source: http://intelligentsingaporean.wordpress.com/2006/09/21/why-i-would-like-to-leave/

A tripod makes sense

Gotten my tripod and a another complementary lens to my kit lens, 18-250 mm lens after persuasion from the sales guy at my favorite camera shop.

Took a few night shot of the CBD area and the IR, it turns out great...but still it lacks the feel i'm seeking.

A photograph is just a picture and it will be interpretable by others perception on the focus subject. I hope i get to produce quality works and i can bear my own signature on the shots.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Finally my last day

I have say my goodbyes and returned my staff pass. Gotten my testimonial from my boss. There is no reason to visit my work place anymore.

I miss my colleagues badly. Having been together, facing many tough and happy moments together, i miss the feeling of being comfortable in this 2nd home.

I kept their best wishes and know that i will relied on their support when i face the uncertainty in the new company.

Received a friendster email, today looks like is my friend birthday as well, but he is physically no longer with us, but still alive in my memories. Im sure he will be happy for me.

Best pizza

I bought pizzas for ETNA restaurant at lau pa sau. It was the best pizza i ever eaten. Trust me. All my colleagues also say the same thing.

Its the type of pizza where u can eat more without feeling sick of it. And u can even eat it when its cold and the texture is still as good. The cheese is still soft, the bread is still fresh...unbelievable.

I was goggling what pizza is the best, and this came out tops in the reviews. I ordered a squid/prawn side dish and tiramisu (another favorite).

Im glad i ordered it, and think the next time round, i going to visit that restaurant for a dinner in.

Learning not to chase a rally too late

Despite having a system, guess, i cant resist looking at counter which rallys like a rocket within a few working days.

Day 1, the stock jump up by 20c, i was tempted to buy, although system already told me its too high a price to go in and its beginning to shown overbought indication.

Day 2, it rallys another 10c more, i was in, making a day paper profit of nearly a 100 bucks with just 1 lot, unbelievable. Same trend, same indication

Day 3, guess what, it rallys again, i have place in order to queue but i cancel it each time the bids kept on moving to the next higher price. The greed or fear of losing this potential opportunity to ride on the wave makes me jump into this man made rally.

Day 4, the wave die down, i was back to square one, or worse, haha...exactly still not so bad a loss, but having free up the exiting holds to get the cash flow, still makes a overall loss. Well, my those tortoise stocks which i held on, they move up instead.

Trust yr system, follow the rules, if i still kept on to my initial foresight, well, im still in the money. Lesson learned and i pay a price for it. Lets hope we will see another wave to bring this mighty ship back to full sail.

Monday, April 12, 2010


My last day with my current employee is till this Wednesday. I don't actually feel happy at all, but moody. Perhaps i miss my colleagues, i miss the graveyard shift doing nothing, i miss the confidence of knowing everything about the business and afraid that i not able to adapt to changes to the new environment.

There is a mental block that everytime i experience something good, i fear i will lose it soon.

Perhaps i fear i'm not ready to make the career move. There are plans i have arranged to make this transition successful. Hope by end of April, i am ready to make it.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Killer apps

A feasible business model, a start up business where anyone with good ideas and creativity to share with the iphone community.

Read it in today's paper, abt people getting passive income from having successful downloads.

Its something i remember i wanted to try but forgotten. But first, to launch a app for iphone, i got to own a iphone first.

What i can do now, is brain storm for ideas.

About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.