A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Can't win a heart without the parents' help and a 2k prada bag...she's so happy. Tribal chen chen can u help me get rich and handsome? Haha. Money is stability. Car is status. Guess the rest is up to the character to touch her heart.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

99 roses

That's the way to impress the gal cos u nv know hw many she is going to receive on vday

Saturday, June 26, 2010


First time actually visited a club, with the one I like. Although it's a grp gathering, I was around her, following her moves. It was great.

I also took a puff, duno y, perhaps since I already first time clubbing, might as well.

Her energy lvl is high, closing her eyes, dancing to the beat.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Can't help it

2mor going to marina bay sky park alone... Haha.. But nvm...if there is a person I wan to bri, it will b chen chen. Been doing ot these few days, many changes lately, ppl is goin to leave, change management, more tasks, my stress is increasing.

The view frm the sky park shld relax me abit.

Overheard her toking to a person, must be her pilot bf...hazi...rich...I'm can't help it...haha...such a great gal...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

First msg

Got her first MSG frm her, asking me to take care and gd nite. So sweet. Although this isn't our first MSG, this is her first to initiate. Feel so gd. But i have to remain my distance, to b her best guy friend at work that is. That's all Im contented. I dnt think I wan to risk this friendship. I hope she find someone who can complment her, meet her expectations and love her and she loves him back.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Im frustrated that just in these short period of time, the more I knw, the more I interact, the more aware it's difficult and it's best for me not to pursuit further. The optimum place I can be is being her best guy friend a one with a geniun heart with no intentions of getting her. Everytime we walked together, there will be someone looking at her, and I have to admit if I'm of them if I duno her.

I'm just a plain simple guy but can't I allow myself the chance to pursuit then to give up? Why do I heed to my friends' advice and not just do what I want to achieve...y?

If she is such a gd catch, she deserve someone better than u. U will be her last choice if lucky enough.

Learning to enjoy life

I started to have a "life". Activities with frens, weekend are booked, weekdays r busy...and I'm finding things to do. Why? For the sake of a woman I wish to be on the same wave length with, to let her knw I'm cool?

I can't cope with her energy level. Her lifestyle is different. These various differences are things I must accept if I want to continue, and there will be more hurdles.

But thanks to her, I have exceed myself, done many things, I feel like a different person. Perhaps I shld just be her a best guy friend then a partner...cos I afraid it seems impossible

What I have become

I scheme, plan, to get close to her. I find out more abt my competitor n other infor as well ... But I also realize I begin to lose myself as well. I no longer is the mr nice guy. But some1 who scheme, plan, make sure things r favourable to me. I feel so not myself.

Even I myself can c my actions r so obvious that I wan alone time with her....but being alone doesn't mean her heart is with u as well.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Need a car!

There is a grp activity for drinking. Afterwhich, a guy MSG her to pick her up and send her home. My heart was like...ok...suitors...and knowing her, she will accept. But I shouldn't have left her alone in the hotel lobby. She MSG there were 2 Ang mos trying to be funny....y wasn't I there to protect her even if she is waiting for another guy...I MSG her, keeping her engaged. I worried abt her, so after waiting for a while, I called...yep...she's in the car... I realized how nice to hear her voice...then receiving her MSG.

But she is with another guy nw, with the car. I gotto have 1!


She seems moody during yesterday dinner session. Thus accu her to 711 to get jap bread to microwave. Nv xpext her to be cured of her moodiness. Later chit chat with her, without no1 disturbing, the intern email us saying we laugh so loud that I don't even notice. We r having a gd time, seriously.

Feel that I got to knw more abt her and she is comfortable to reveal her self.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happier person

Met one of my x colleague in the mall. She is with her bf. So we didn't stop to talk, just smile. She send me a MSG, saying I look happier. I didn't realize it and begin to think the reasons y.

Lesser work stress, nice environment, nice colleagues, these are the factors. And there is 1 more I didn't tell. L.

She will always smile. I didn't notice I begin to smile as much. Sometimes when I'm alone, I will think of the conversations we have, and just smile. She's so cute and adorable. Guess, it's also because of her, I learn to be more comfortable, more happy at everyday things which I normally didn't even be bothered. Her energy is infectious that it change my mood.

That is why she is so attractive

Monday, June 14, 2010

A sign that things are nv meant to be

Spoken with my 2 closest friends who knw me for years, they said we r incompatible. I knew it but I knw I can change but not this much, not this fast. I saw my crush in the ex coy in a mall yesterday with her rumored bf. Ppl also say the same thing, it's impossible, we r 2 worlds apart.

It's a reminder to me that some things ate never meant to be even if we try, that is for relationships. Feel like a loser. Haha. What's new?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Nearly a date, guess not

Today she told me abt a SMS she got. She say this suitor say i miss u, abt taking medicine. He ask her out for movie tonight. She went out with him last week, and dnt like him. But she dnt want to waste this fri nite. She hint she wanted to catch the movie karate kid. So I took the opportunity...but not sure I want to include the rest of the gang since she told me this alone. I finally just send the invite to every1...which I regret...I want to be with her alone....

It turns out later, every1 can't make it..I was smiling in my heart...except one thing...she didn't give an ans as well. She mention this b4,"if she dnt like someone,or dnt wan to mislead someone, she won't give the opportunity...I thgt of this...I kist kept quiet...when she reaches the met stop... She tolde she hope not miss her train..I guess she dnt wan to mislead me as well.

There will be event on next sat, a beach party...if I have car...I sure chio...but no car...no charm...what shld I do....so many challenge...so attractive....I wish I know what to do

Friday, June 11, 2010


I never been in love b4. All I have is crushes, infatuation, but nv cross the line to love. All I know is wiki definition of these various feelings I can catergorise to be aware of what I'm in.

Having been thru 1 office pursuit, not exactly a gd one, Now, I'm face with the same situation. Ppl say humans fall in love, but I more agreeable to the phase ppl choose who to fall in love with.

My fren told me, I'm ren Qian ren ai, I c one, I like one. It's seems to be the case for my past experiences. So I'm by doubtful of my feelings.

I can't deny she is a looker. I think I'm the luckiest guy. To be sifted across her desk, smiling at her everyday when I start my day. Stealing glances, smiling, sending email bet us only, goosiping abt others, flirting in some way...asking her to accy me to pantry, chatting abt hws her day, work, her skills in making Milo...she say the pantry sucks.

Going for dinner with her almost everyday, getting more and more comfortable with her. Today I was sitting beside her...for the first time, I really feel so relaxed...I can't explain. Then when I went to get something else, some idot take my seat...that's my place! But of cos, that's the voice from my heart.

Colleagues, friends, the line to cross is hard if it's only 1 sided. Worst still, I c her everyday, jus beside me...it's upsetting if I wasn't given the chance to woo her.

My experience tell me, not to confess, but to ask her out for innocent appointments, test water.

I really like her, but symptoms tell me it's a crush...it's not love. Is crush a pre requistive of love?

She ask to shake my hand today, her reason, her hands is cold. I really can c her in my life. But that's my picture. Can she c me in her life ahead?

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Life has evolved 2 a faster pace. There is something to look 4ward 2, it seems. Sign up for gym classes, going 4 photo shoots, drinking. But it seems stagnate again. Is it I'm trying to be busy, to avoid thinking of settling down?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Muay Thai?

Went 4 a trial session 4 muay Thai. It's diff from gym as there is no weight training. Coordinating the hands n legs, while moving yr body, focusing on the target. I feel different. The abs actually strain even though I didn't do crunches. My legs seems more lively, without the running injuries I commonly hav. Can I truly be a muay Thai fighter for good.

Something abt octupus L

Become closer 2 her each day, more comfortable with her. She like red colour,told me abt her habits for tissues, her hobbies. She is happy. I guess u meet ppl in different stages 2 knw 2 live...glad 2 meet her, really brightens my day. So adorable hugging the octupus doll. She does that when she is headache abt work. There is something abt her that make her glow, not just her smile, her talking eyes, it's everything.

About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.