A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

4 blessings

Got an ang bao from my mum, i knew it since she has been doing this practise. It has been tough on her, since her marriage wit the guy she thought she loved. He will always be a stranger which i will never get to know him. But i can say he is lucky to have a wife like my mum who loves him.

Got an sms from Goof, my old pal i known since my secondary sch days. Was 70 percent sure he will send me an sms, but he can be too busy to forget abt 2day.

Met Joey, my JC friend, for dinner. Didnt expect her to bring a cake aside from the wonderful dinner. It was wonderful not because of the food we ate, not because i was hungry and thirsty, but because i had forgotten how pleasant it felt to have some1 u never expect to remember and celebrate this occassion which seems so belittle to myself and yet her gesture was thoughtful and i felt heart warmed. Thanks for making my day Joey!

Got another sms from SJ. Didnt expect sms from her, since its a long long time i last seen her. I was pleasantly surprise. One thing i know, from my own experience, its kinda hard to forgot people whom u loved, so u tend to remember their special days which is unique to them alone, to make them feel outstanding.

I dont expect greetings, nor blessings from ppl i luv or care all the time, and not even for special occassion because i believe in caring for others dont limit to that 1 special day, but it should be practise as a daily event, being there and supportive for them when they are in need. This is the best gift i will want to receive. Haha..cos its the hardest gift i think to be able to be there for some1 u love despite being tied down with other priorities, but u choose to help out this person cos u care. This is what i deem as the best gift.

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.