A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Photography as a career

I read that money comes when u follow yr passion.

Hope this theory is right for me.

I only like photography, taking moments, strangers, capturing that emotion i want for the views to see or feel. That was 2 yrs ago, when i got my dslr.

When i met L, its a different thing, photography is about capturing the one you love. U wan to present the most beautiful side of her, the emotions, the happy moments. Its about expression. Protraits are the hardest especially you are taking the one you love the most as it never feel perfect. As every moment seems so perfect.

I have tried wedding photography once, but it was kinda amature, i did my best with my equipment...but now, im on a new level. Armed with more mature knowledge, going to get 17-55 and 70-200mm, 85mm 1.2f lens, and another wide range on my list to have...

Im going to be a wedding photographer....i cant find love, but i hope my pictures can capture your most important moments in both of your lifes, your true love, in this celebrated ceremony, of man and wife.

Goals are dreams with deadline, and realistic deadlines and plans.

Now is already Mar. 1 lens per month, shld be within my budget, I will consider rental for fish eye and wide lens. that leave me with purchase with 2 lens...and other accerories perhaps..budget wise, i can afford it.

Skills, i need training in studio photography, flash lights.

Video making, photo montage...are all essential skills, work flow, practising make perfect.

Marketing, establishing a website..one of the most important mile stone of my progress...i have gotten back my 1st wedding cd i make for a couple...going to remake them with effects, CS5, wedding photography effects and gave them back, asking for permission to advertise on my website...a flash one, with romantic music.

It seems alot...i need video grapher (outsource), 2nd camera (FF), assistant, meeting clients, undestanding what they want, getting to know them, is important to get the feeling right.

Sourcing of locations is one of the list to do as well.

Its quite alot, to earn a market rate of perhaps less than my salary for a deal. But its always hardest the first step...

One thing i learn, Im going to announce, that by year end, realistically, im going to do another wedding photoshoot. Im going to make it happen.

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.