A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Settling down?

If u have high expectation frm yr partner, make sure u yourself have high expectation of yourself.

Personally, i feel, the woman here are highly educated, and are capable of higher earning power. They, or even me, will choose to settle down with one who can provide better quality of life, having a car, having their own house, income of at least more than 5k minimum (my own view of comfortable living), and of cos, with the essentials, to be humorous, caring..blah blah blah, which most guys have.

Love is overrated. Anyone can provide u love...if they want to, and if you allow them. $, takes capability. It seems society uses $ as a measure of self worth.

This is my view of life. Saddening, but seems to be truth. No $, no talk.

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.