A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Bad luck

Ya..finaly the customer svc job called, but it called at 1800 when i was at camp doing remedial training. it call me twice and once at my hm. Will it b the end of my chance to apply for this entry position in the banking industry?

To others, it seems so easy to gain access to it, because they possessed the edge. For me, an ordinary guy, its like i need luck as a factor to gain an interview and to be expecting an rejection or no rejection, leave u to die notice. I didnt tell the agent im having RT at this time and date, fear of killing my chances, cos the job required shift, which i tink i wont be able to fit inside the schedule unless they allow flexibility for the dates. Now at RT phase 1, with 2 more sessions to ippt, i hav not much confident in passing. This means im goin to phase 2, with 3 days of RT, this definitely KILL my chances if i mention it to my agent or the bank. Y m i so unlucky? Im mad at myself.

2mor goin to call that miss call, hope they wil give me another chance. I had to beg jus for a stupid customer service job at the worst posible far place from my hm at working shifts. I have to admit, im indeed despo, and im in no bargaining position.


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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.