A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Unexpected help and support

Haha...a unexpected long lost friend, aka kongming, went to demostrate his techniques, secrets and skills to revamp my resume. Definitely looks professional now. Weird its that i had to met him in the mrt last year when i was on my way home after my trip to Credit Sussie Career Talk. I have learnt this very important tool to use the phase "Support administrative duties such as .." to make my ad hoc no brainer work routine sounds so important and productive. Haha.

He's from my secondary gang. I remember theres Daniel, Zhiqiang, Hock Lye, Shu ming, Yi Hang, Kian Ann from my class. Its like they are my play mates in school, mayb not really play, but just to have fun with..haha..esp after final papers, every1 will bring board games, uno cards, n jus play "HEART ATTACK" Shu ming will crack stupid joke, its was very lame thinking back on his joke, but i did laugh madly. Secondary school days are the best and also the turning point of my life where i fall into my mental abyss of shame.

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.