How real is yr percerived reality? Can some1 else in yr same situation factors with all the same variables, turn out to be the same?
What if u can just simply choose to be happy regardless of what happen to u...u can simply change the outlook of the world u look.
Y u choose to be unhappy, unsatisfied? y do u compare to others better than not comparing to others who r worse off? Society benchmarks? Does it matter? If u can choose do be, y dont u? Is it because ur deciving yrself hey im happy although the situation im at shitty? What if ur ill, yr bankcrupt, yr family, lovers, friends, leave u, what if ur burn in a fire, but ur alive in the bed with 80 degree burn, disfigured, amputated, been to jail, kill some1, done a terrible thing to a person living in the Earth, kill an ant which possess the right the live, or indirect action which cause harm to others, killing the Earth, Can u still bluff or pyscho yrself to feel better of the mess u make or situation u worse off than others? Can u?
R u choosing to live in a lie due to being optimistic or self delusion?
In transistion stages, such as moving on from a new stage of life cycle to another, or big decisions, perhaps ppl will have a tendency to lost their directions due to the spolit of choices, their extend of their capability against the general competitors of the same species, and the time they r at making the choices.
Theres no ans to whats real and whats not, cos we r humans...our thoughts and feelings r rule by 2 different organs (although i read some articles some parts of our brain control our feeling or can recall how we shld react to this feeling stimulation). Weird is that we can have a heart transplant, a change of heart, but we cant have a brain transplant, perhaps theres already a brain transplant which i duno off.
5 years ago
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