A medium where i can reveal my feelings, thoughts w/o having to care about the consequences it had on others.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Youtube interactive and new goals

Its something i can play abt, unleash my imagination, using still photos, incorporating choices, making it a game, a drama, a sim city version or perhaps informative.

The goal of making a "SIMS GIRL" SG version is tempting, but, before that, i will have to make a few simple version, to win people to believe my cause and conviction to make it reality.

Still photos, videos can be use, this will allow me to play with my dslr, increase my desire to explore this island different places at different timing, to capture beautiful or timeless pics that one will feel is this SG?

UndergroundDV video has inspire me to take this project. Using disney land, hk local flavors and cute gals to make it a nice video that one will enjoy, mixing with popular game music,popular themes of otaku nature, i find it vy fun to play with, perhaps to curb the inner desire of what is it like not to get rejected.

All right, on with this, a long term video project, need to decide to theme to start. A short term one which is typical funny, but with a theme and plot as well.

And finally, funds, coming from 4everbloom flower at Vday? I promise myself to make a paper rose, but hasnt been successful and gave up after sometime as i cant make it before her bday...but i gave up the idea even before wanting to make one.

Looks like i can use those paper i bought after all, hopefully, it can be successful. Slight less than 1 mth now. With the green campaign going on, using paper plup will be great, saving cost.

Will it be talk or action? Time will be the judge

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Xmas eve

2nd yr in the row to do shift on this day. Kinda sucks when clients call in to ask lame questions.

Went for the xmas lunch with colleagues this noon, it was kinda nice.

Hazi...lonely lonely xmas...

Where shld i go...after im done...head to town with my trusted camera?


Merry Xmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


It was fun. Perhaps im the one who went there to play with them, instead of them asking to play.

Some of them kept to themselves, being void of contacts from the outsiders for a longtime.

Twight 4 Xmas

Bought the book New moon and has been reading it on the way to work. Its a easy read and it stirs my memories and emotion, while i recall the movie scenes. The main leading actor, "Edward" as well as the rest of the gang, "Alice" etc, all closely follow the novel very well.

I wish for a the first book Twight as a gift for the corporate xmas gift exchange. Now, i need to find the 3rd book, Eclipse.

Friday, December 18, 2009

2nd thoughts

There is a food distribution event on sun, but i turn it down as its too early. N sat im goin to be a regular of another group.

Begin to have 2nd thoughts, do i want to survey that area bcos its sort of taboo to me, or i really want to help. Perhaps its more like to want to know more about myself, facing this situation, whether m i normal or m i like one of them, who needs help, seeking them for answers by observing, being with them.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

70 cent for a bowl of rice!!!

Went to eat salmon hotplate from cavana express and order another bowl of additional rice. It cost 70 cent!!! I told the lady it is so expensive. She replied if i have not bought the meal, the rice will cost 1 dollar!!!

How much it cost for a bowl of normal rice? 50 cent at the coffee shop? 70 cent is a rip off!

From my experience in Japan, so far i been to 2 restaurants, the rice has been free flow. Ok, im in Singapore now. I been to the new shopping mall at Sommerset, think is 313, there is also another Japanses restaurant that offer free flow of rice, even though i didnt actually ask for it.

Hazi, this is the last time im going to patron this stall.


New goals for the year or repeating old unaccomplish ones

Ya, having a credit card make life easy, can buy stuff online, perhaps time to invest in a different hobby.

Bought a DSLR for photography, taking buildings, scenery, kawaii mei mei, people, anything that will make me want to snap. Going to invest in lenes, perhaps longer range type. Well, have to wait for my pay check or bounus....hazi, no luck in changing job.

Going to learn driving. Feels outdated, most of my friends they have a license. Well, time to get one, since i have time to make the trip down, end decemeber, Basic theory test, here i come,

National skin center, want to retain my hair..haha...y have i become so vain, nah, im not, perhaps i want to look young, thats all. Book an appointment, hopefully it will reply me. Google many hair growing services, seems like general review arent good, better consult NSC.

Otaku, m i? Feels like i have 2 much money to spend if i went to buy PVC figures. Want to get a Seras Victoria figureine. I will need to buy air pump, air brush, paint, to paint it, perhaps if im good, i can resell it, along with my other Mecha models, some, which i didnt open. M i becoming to otaku cos i dont have much social activites? I being to understand that social interaction to me seems like much of a time wasting event only when there is some exchange going on..basically. But im not like tat all the time.

Social activities, what shld i endulge in? Hmm, hip hop dancing seems nice, but cant find a time slot due to my work commitments...how....headache. Kickboxing, or evolve marital arts seems to rough, im ugly enough, dont want to make matters worst, haha. So, what activities i like to learn as well increase my social circle?? Food for thought for te next yr...

Voluntery activies, only been to one activity when i volunteer as a misc helper for a forum. Now, there is a chance for me to be serious contributer to a organisation. Need to write a letter on why i choose to do this for this organisation, what is my motive. My reason is i want to understand view from the other party, how they percive life around them. Told this to a close buddy, he says my reason is wrong. Do i really want to help them??? Or is it i want to gain something from them???

Saturday, October 10, 2009


im a sucker for praise...haha...feels gd

Being on mc for 1 day, and returning back feels like they treasure me even more...perhaps i clear more "sai".

People calling my alias, teasing me, and Atas asking me what happen to me, why im on mc, as much as i want to fanatise that she is interested in me...haha...but i know she is the sort who cares....but ultimately shes concern, thats all i care.

But so what....haha...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Market worth

After the interview, i have a general idea on how things work at the other houses compared to mine. I feel how sad that others have a wider supportive backup while ours are doom to die if anything happen.

Hazi...the HR manager was asking me, how come im asking for such a huge pay increment. Guess she is shock when i replied her at the amont of overtime claims im getting. Crossing to a different company, the feeling of getting interview is different. Im asking for compensation to leave this company to join yours, but not im begging to enter yours.

Chances are if they are willing to pay the price, will i still consider? I really went there just to test my market worth

Hope i will be hopping to a foreign mnc.

Friday, October 2, 2009

To go further down this path or to choose another?

Generalisation or specialization? If i am to continue in this field, most likely i will not be able to switch easily to another. Sending resumes to other related fields seems useless as there are no replies except typical insurance sales agents.

Leaving for a better job? Define better? Life isnt about how much money u can earn, but about doing what u love, that should be the end destination. I tink i know whats important, sadly, i didnt progress much.

Time to gather inspiration for a birthday poem.

Mix thoughts

Its only when u decide to do something, u realise its not a simple decision to do it.

2mor will be heading for a interview, but somehow i dont feel comfortable about it, perhaps i just want to test my market value? Im not the sort of person who will try on clothes without the intention of buying. Cos it waste my time as well as the other person.

But decision as a job hunt, career switch or progression to another new level, guess i cant avoid finding out more on the interview itself.

I hope i can get the expected paycheck i want, perhaps, i feel better going off without the variable bonus.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

So many shock in one day

1. Shock at the preinterview question that i just received, make me feel so little i know about my job

2. shock to see my p mates wedding photos, and asking why i wasnt there but i cant even be there

3. shock my hardworking friend was laid off

4. shock that i am still awake due to all these news

5. actually the real shock is why so many shocks happen on the same time when i open my facebook account and reading my emails.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


This is the 2nd time attending, this time round is for a company training event. Nice to group up with my colleagues, especially cute ones. haha.

Got to hold hands, tease around, tease me more lightly, nice...feels like reading a boy's manga, and im the main character.

The gal has a boyfriend, and she knows i like the other person. Feels like a good story plot to write a drama series.

She looks cute wearing the helment, influencing the positive energy to us.

Thats all, a day where i live as a real life character in a plot that can be found in a boy's manga.

Slow Turtle, thats the OBS group name. Jas, u brighten my day.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Goals being accomplished

Feels great to move forward, at least something to look forward.

Book a tour package to Japan, one of a dream i have, being with my mum, feels good. Will be there for 7 days during end of Nov.

Manage to find my licence, haha, can bring it for interview.

Feels good. What left is a miracle, to pass the CFA. HAHA...truly a miracle.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Life after reverist

It seems im back to work. Dont tink im happy cos i dont feel like goin to work, but i know i miss my colleagues, some of them.

My boss bias attitude towards one still prevails after sending him a email "complaining" to him regarding this, but his reply is the same.

Gotten 3 interviews coming next week. One of them, from another local bank. I was thinking perhaps i shld change my mind, and switch to a foreign one. Im septical about how much they can offer me. I want average of minimum 3k plus after cpf, can i have it? But do i really one to carry on this career path? Optimum average will have to be more than 4k if i want to live a comfortable life style.

I have given up on the lady of my dreams. Its better this way, otherwise it getting out of hand with others disturbing and spreading rumours that i like her. Well, its seems childish that this news spread like wildfire even i didnt acknowledge. but i dont tink we are suitable for each other...haha...Loser's excuse, no, i think its mine own perception of true. Some things are better not known than to find out.

WOW gaming is back, and my lifestyle seems 2 go back to the fansty world. Guss i have to control myself, time to swim, pick up martial arts, wind surfing again?

CFA, plan to fail or plan to study? Plan to pass?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

First video!

Glowing Roses


Glowing Flower DIY - Celebrity bloopers here

Mountain dew, baking soda, etc can be use for glow in the dark materials as well.


But it seems it doesnt actually work,


Glow in the Dark Mountain Dew
Tuesday October 16, 2007
There is a really cool video circulating the internet (I saw it on Metacafe, but it's hosted elsewhere, too) where a guy takes a 20-oz bottle of Mountain Dew™, pours all but about a quarter inch of it into a glass, then adds about a quarter teaspoon of baking soda and 3 capfuls of hydrogen peroxide to the nearly-empty bottle. He puts the cap back on the bottle, shakes it, and it glows with an incredible eerie green light. I thought.. oooh... there's an awesome Halloween project! Unfortunately, it doesn't work, or at least it didn't work for my test subject. He added more baking soda, more peroxide, more Mountain Dew. He tested the peroxide to make sure it was still active. I think this project is a dud. If you get it to work, by all means let me know. I suspect the maker of the video probably had some zinc sulfide in with his baking soda.

FB chat

i wish i dare to click on it and say something

but i more afraid of the respond i get

to be exact, i more afraid of no respond, or being blocked

haha...think i rate myself vy badly in her eyes

Thus i do not wish do "ruin" the current status.

im really tinking too much.

You have thousand things to say, but when you want to put into action,

You simply cant say it out.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

CFA online prep


Haha...a online learning for CFA exams...great to browse at work.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Why till now


I feel like cancelling the invitation...tat was last week

now i cant

Whats the reason behind it

shld be nothing, perhaps god tell her so.

She looks so lovely

More than a fever

A lingering illness that make me loss my appetite. Almost a week.

Feel like telling the doctor whats going on...but i dont want to be examined.

Haha...feel vy moody, restless, tired despite sleeping for most of the time..

still feeling no energy

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

MJ Conspiracy Theory

We do wish he is alive and somewhere when he can be himself.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Xuesha at WCG

Originally uploaded by binsiong

One nice find is S-Factor, my favourite S model Xuesha was there. 2 bad my camera phone sucks. She is promoting this game, and invite people to the stage, wearing shirts given free to the audience. She must be standing there for hrs, looking pretty and professional when posing for cameras. I wanted to take a shirt and pose with her...haha..but end up i didnt..

Crazy gals cosplay

Originally uploaded by binsiong

Girl Samurai

Originally uploaded by binsiong
This cosplayer is quite chio...and surrounded by photograhers

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Cyber world games

Kinda interesting, c experts from korea, sg, japan pit against each other in Street fighter 4.

The sg representive, say when he first play this game, he choose this character, and win against this uncle many times. The uncle told him, yr character is indeed world champion. From then on, he went undefeated when he took part in the game competition. Truly inspiration! Haha

There was also cosplay event and models..woo.

This year cosplay event is quite different, with a live symphony.

Friday, July 3, 2009

H1N1 plans

The coy want to shift one person from my dept to another destination for 3 mths till the alert status is over.

Atas suggested me when she came in to visit her close pals.

So sad...want me to leave...haha...im so what...

Maybe i shld volunteer myself...

Theres nothing here for me to retain in this place.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I can hear the laughter over the phone.

Do miss the laughter

Does distress me a bit.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Transparent, non existence

Unaware, not noticed or ignored

only the observer will know

We choose what we want to see, and avoid or pretend those that we wont want to acknowledge

I am invisible.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Ghost or Spirit

I sometimes wonder...deep down

that if i do not believe the existance of god

but can i say i believe the existance of ghost or spirit?

Can one exist without the other, co-existance or its simply independent?

Why do i believe in spirits?

It seems there are plenty of "evidence" or sightings being recorded for spirits.

Does everyone has a spirit after they die?

Guess i know the answer when im dead.

If one die in peace, perhaps they wont mantisfest into ghost,

it is only those who one to stick around, will be spirits.

Sad thought...1 life to live, and yet we are afraid to live...

What does it mean to live? To love, to be successful?

Life is so unpredictable and there are choices that one has to make and forgo,

Life is what we made up to be...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Paper craft business?

Feel like making paper gifts, something i can do, within my means,

focusing my time, hoping generating some revenue out of it.

A egg yet to hatch to something feasible.

Hope my passion will last.

Paint ball

Kinda fun. Won the tourment, first, with my team...haha

Unbelievable. I was late, came abt 1/2hr later, making a entrance during the briefing.

Saw my AVP, crawling beside me, kana shot, was kinda interesting...haha..

We have to capture a flag, a brick, and plant a flag to win. Beaten 3 other teams to be crown the champion.

Took a few photos, hopefuly can get my hands on them.

Thats all for a sat and i slept till sun.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

She came

with Mr S.

I knew it, he is a good catch after all, rich, well manner.

I drank duno how many shots of voka at a poker game, just to vent my own frustration, why is it that i cant get what i want, but i know that if im her, i will chose him as well...admiting my own defeat to a better player.

Life isnt suppose be fair, the best player win.

Im not her friend, im not her colleague, im not someone she knew...im just a stranger...like many others...

i want to be drunk, to puke like no tomorrow...im a fool.

a bloody fool.

i finally learnt

how to cycle..haha..ya. i knw at a late age.

I was determined, and manage to cycle a distance..within 4 hrs of training, before heading to the bbq, with my arms and legs beaten.

Cos i do not want to embarass myself..haha...im so full of pride, especially infront of the one i like.

I am so proud of myself..now im able to do night cycling adventure...when i comfortable with long distance balancing on the new found skill and tool.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

BBQ at sat

nervous abt it, you know, many people around, you seem to slip among the crowd, but actually u are truly alone.

She will be there, i heard. Nice to see her again, but weird. Perhaps its been numerous time i saw her, but never in this setting.

If she stayin overnite, my heart will definitely tell me to stay as well. But my mind told me its pointless...haha...why, man learn from experience, when a girl make up her mind, its pointless to change her decision.

She will be surrounded by flowerly guys, rich, charmastic people, im none of those. im jus a passer by in this small part of her working life.

A passing rain in the hot noon, thats it.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Went vist ally's booth at Expo, a mother fair event. She is driven, handing brochures to potential customers. business is great.

Never expect, that 2day is the day where Atas is having her CFA exam as well. Haha..perhaps its 2mor. A 1 day event in the month of June.

Walking pass the halls, with the doors lock, i can see her sitting at the table, filling up the mcq.

She must be stressed, thinking she will fail, but she will sit through the whole paper, i hope.

After which, she will hang out with her friends, or go home, to rest after this long day.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Not in FB

It has been a month plus since i request to add her in the FB. It seems she add almost everyone except me...

So means what?

Hazi...wth im thinking, add or no add got diff meh?

Is she that dumb to tink i like someone else other than her? Really sucks.

Y im even bothered?

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bday wish moment

I will pray that this birthday isn't lonely

and is a day filled with happy things

Reversed seat

Kinda sick of stompers posting stories about people occupying reserved seats, and not giving up to those who need it.

Its like people have their reasons to occupy those seats. If they are selfish, they themselves know. If you are unhappy about it, please go and talk to them, and stop posting on forum and complaining about it.

Boys before flowers

Of cos,

if a guy is rich, handsome,

he can get any1 he want...rite?

Haha..its just a show...but it reflect certain truth

A girl can only have one,

of cos she will choose the perfect one.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Double Star

Went to cc before catching a show. Felicia is cute and Ping hui has funny expressions...haha

Hazi, my camera for stars, scenaries, but i cant take for those i want dearly...so sad...so sad

4 days

4 days, then she is off to another place in the same building.

What difference does it make even if she stay here? Perhaps i should rephase, what diff bet me and her it makes whether she stays or leave...none.

If one can leave this forsaken place, please do.

Wont be able to get updates about her, but only thru her true friends.

If can, i rather get the details myself, but it seems if she want to shut me out,

Then it shall be.

Cable Skiing?

A cheaper version to wake boarding?


Looks intersting, dont tink need to even take lessons..haha

There is even a knee board skiing.

Abt Cable Ski

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Life quote

They say a pessimist is never disappointed

But an optimist has a much happier life

Albert Einstein say "The most fundamental question you will ever as yourself, is do i believe in a friendly or a hostile universe?"

Our state of mind is a choice - and the choices we make become the life we create.

Quote from "Dare, take your life on and win"

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Yah, finally a noobish Wind Surfer i become

Drink a lot of sea water and suffer brusies and cuts on my legs and arms.

But it seems quite worth it, as it make me forgotten abt the love i can never have, the daunting task which i have to do next week, and all the things i want to forgot to reduce my mental stress.

Nature is never wrong, the gusty wind, the choppy waters, are mere conditions, as a surfer, had to know to use the sail, the board, the techniques, to enable equilibrium and surf across the blue sea.

Feel so accomplish to attain a goal which i set, but it seem meaningless now..haha..why, cos the things i want to forget all come back. But i feel stronger now.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

U can do nothing about it

Yes, i cant do anything.

Somethings are like this, and cant be forced.

As long they are happy, thats all it matters.

This is life, its not a drama, not a book with happy ending.

There will be winners and losers.

So lets just accept it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One boy One girl

One Boy One Girl -


He finally gave in to his friend's girlfriend when she said "there's someone you should meet"
At a crowded restaurant way cross town, he waited impatiently
When she walked in, their eyes met,
And they both stared
Right there and then,
Everyone else disappeared, but


One boy, one girl,
Two hearts beating wildly,
To put it mildly, it was love at first sight.
He smiled, she smiled, and they knew right away
This was the day they'd been waiting for all their lives.
For a moment the whole world
Revolved around one boy, and one girl

In no time at all, they were standing there in the front of a little church
Among their friends and family, repeating those sacred words.
The preacher said "son, kiss your bride"
And he raised her veil
Like the night they met,
Time just stood still, for


He was holding her hand when the doctor looked up and grinned,
"Congratulations, twins"

One boy, one girl
Two hearts beating wildly
To put it mildly, it was love at first sight.
He smiled, she smiled, and they knew right away
This was the day they'd been waiting for all their lives,
And for a moment the whole world,
Revolved around one boy, and one girl

HAha..she is looking for the full streaming version in imeem, but i check its not available, only 30s. Thus the only way to loop this full version by playing under videos, and loop it!!! Im a genius!!! Guess she never thought i actually remember despite all this work stress going around.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Fried worms, taste like nothing, jus oily.

Can be the case of my illness this week. Somethings got to try once rite?

Friday, May 8, 2009

MC 2 days and still working

Gotten MC this wednesday and thur, but i still went for work despite a fever of 38 degree.


I dont want my collegues to suffer. The amount of calls and emails has reach to the point where your asking is it real.

I have to work till 12noon to 4am and i cant finish it. This is how bad the situation is.

Ms Atas, a fighter, didnt even have time to visit the ladies, didnt get out of the office to have lunch, all way, picking up calls.

The boss, he was a slacker once, now, i guess he change, think when he saw that we have reach our maximum capacity, more work still just came pouring in from everywhere. Our department is like the filter where all CRAP have to go through.

Its not a place to work anymore. This is a torture.

Im glad she is leaving this place for good.

Idoit Slacker King

Thks to him, just 1 nite when he take over the 3rd shift, he just wont pick up calls, the scaarey management, w/o finding what is the problem, change the shift structure.

This causing the day shift people to bear more work, but in the first place, he is doing nothing. He is a sucker, a leech, a fake.

A waywang king.

Worst Work Week

It seems finally the day when previous warnings signs had fall on deaf ears, the day of armageddon has arrived.

A series of news break record of technical failures over this week and now, a phone line outage, well done.

I really hope it will lead to another outrage similar for the lehman brothers saga, things will be written all over the press.

With growing client base, the head will say "we have capture increase market", but we do not have the facilties to support this kind of growth.

The head will say "we will venture to another market", but how can we do that we having severe problem with our existing one DOH?

The head will say" Lets cut cost, freeze hiring, and increase efficieny", but it seems whatever idea we pull thur, its not being use.


Do you know we have been fire fighting while you are cudding on your bed? How many times had we been screwed and feedback and i know its pointless that you guys wont heel and tink everything is fine?

Monday, May 4, 2009

What is life? - something i always ask

I tink i ask myself many times when i have nothing to do or i encounter something which i cant resolve...

There was this answer, life is what you made up to be...
my metaphor of life also changes...

when ur in love, life is being with someone you love

when ur in business, life is about taking risk

when ur ill, life is about living like there is no tomorrow.

Life is indeed what you made up to be.

Look Cool in Blue

My colleagues say i look bloody cool when i stress. Haha..i tink so too...but theres drawback...I DONT WANT TO BE STRESS!!!

Well, im a star of my own blog. I want to award my self..."Cool blue dude"

Too much physically actvities is frying my brain under the hotsun.

Theresa's US muchies

It has already melted. Its peanuts but in powder form, wrapped in soft chocolate. Sinfull and nice to put inside the mouth.

She also bought some famous cookies, which i didnt take as the people have finish them all!

Seems US is still the shopping haven..she bought 10 bags, couches, xoxo, duno what other brand..o Guess, and clothes for all her family members and friends...haha..destress from the stupid work.

Stressed? Visit Ally's Place

Ideal spokes person, looks so song song

ZZZ at sofa

Relax ambience

Pay Ally a visit tink abt 2-3 weeks ago. She is doing GREAT despite the economic situation. HAHA! Doing promotions, and sourcing for productions, marketing, what a women...

If u wonder where i run? haha..who cares but ME!!!

Influenze by ZR, finally move gradually to longer distances and short time completed. Nice rite...Langao smell (sewage smell) and bbq (during the weekend) along this stretch of running pathment.

Think i will change this route when i complete running a full 1 round within 20mins back to my house...haha..possible..i guess so..20mins.

I read somewhere, that the best way to run, is not to run the same running route but to change it, so u will be motivated as you may something interesting.

Yup, i agree.

Wind Surfer

Remote part of east coast near changi airport where surfing can be learned

Ya..finally sign up for the 1 day course but not today, next week...hopefully will not give like my guitar and cycling (will be done before june cos got shalet)

Plan to take up blading after learning surfing..haha..too ambitious..cant event ride the small waves.

Saw people falling into the murky water, getting up onto the board, struggling to balance on the board, holding on to the filmsy sail..haha..and falling into the water again.

I wonder if i do surf into the deeper water, wont i be scared of falling into the water and i will be like the only one who can save myself...haha

Why do i do it...i dont know. Subway diet, going to swim for another weekday and running to boost my endurance for this uphill new experience.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Random poem thoughts

Green slippers to high heels

Sneekering to sweet laughters

ban mian, prata and sandwitchs

Christmas kit kats, bau kua, melon snacks from taiwan, ties for the guys

your scream of the sales' teams guys' names

your cheese cake, one white, one chocolate

your daily fashion show, from green sweater, pink adidas coat, to your frequenst silverish skirt, white cutie frills, match with pink stipe top to clubbing sexy black.

your emails shooting all those who deserved to be shot

your customers who shower you with gifts, chocolate durian, sweet cakes.

your great reliable ability to clear emails, call logs

your laughing toes (which you stop saying anymore)

your Hui Hu Xi De Tong

Your Ai Xiao Te Leh

your back

your stories

straight hair to perm curlies which doesnt last long

black nails

Purple, pink, black are your frequent colours

your gray scarf

pony tails, to head band, to letting down of your hair

Farewell gift ideas

Guess the company may gave her a thank you card.

She want a coach bag, iphone, thats all i knw she desire other than findin a rich, good guy.

Hmm...what else

A poem via facebook?

A scrapbook with her photos in the company?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Career move 2009

Bond will end in Aug, preferable w/o breaking the bond, i can leave in Oct, but i will deprive my bonus on next feb.

Y not? If opportunity comes.

Thinking to go into FX or derivatives. But need to increase my knowledge in this field before i can have any chance to succeed in the interviews.

At least, i have a few goals in mind now to keep myself busy, that is my own goals, for my own sake, not for this stupid company.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Whats on my mind?

i always wanted to put

She is on my mind, in the FB.

But whats e point?


She say she will cry if she didnt get out of here.

Please let her leave, to greener pasture.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Wat FB is for

Haha...quite agreeable with this video.

Windsurfing in SG?

Yup, there are courses. But once you have learn the "skill", how practical can u surf in SG waters? More research needed before venturing into this sport




Friday, April 17, 2009

Shes Leaving

It is gd news for her to move on..after all its expected

Just that, i still cant accept it..not seeing her...

Funny, its that she is leaving, it seems my chance is coming again??

Nope, chance will die off...

Time to plan for another next move?

Do i have a chance anot???


WT Crap..didnt you say dont have chance already???

Now it seems the whole office seems to know i got liking for her....

CRAP MAN...does she mean she already know?

Hmm...what my NEXT MOVE?!?!?!

To stop dreaming or pursuit and die a hero or hide as a coward?

How to leave the stage a man and as a friend

and not a shadow behind her back...

or to do nothing at all?

Time is the antidote

which fades the poison

that effects the heart, the mind and your intinct

which make you do things you never thought possible.

Regardles how potent this love will be,

time will dilute this toxic

if one choose to stop thinking about it.

Question, is how long will it take...

Love is a poison

but one which gladly take whole heartily

Despite it drains the soul, the time and effort

it seems worth it to take this poison pill

A poison which effect one's thought, temporary bluring life as you know,

making living so fufilling


as if your existance has a valid reason

That is to protect her

to accompany her

to be with that special person

till end of time regardless what happen

But its a temporary fab

as no one is perfect and one will grow wary with each other

time will then tell if this imperfections will make us perfect for one another

Will then love prevail

Live it once, live it good, live it as if its the last

3mths of WOW

Mage with ???

New DK with Lich King

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How to detox this love poison

Do u

Like her?

A colleague ask me this question.

Guess my actions aint that bad...so it must be oblivious.

So her responds must be telling me what i need to know as well.

She is happy, thats all i i care...whether i like her or not, it doesnt matter.

Haha...trying to be a saint is it...please...

Wake up dude..wake up

Indirect Kiss

Luv Cheese Cake

i feel so pervert...savour the flavour from the fork

Friday, April 10, 2009

Hate myself for being so jealous

Learn to look

Learn not to imagine

Learn to control

This is the choice you make and these are theirs.

Get yrself busy...and move on...

At least you know whom she is with

and she is happy.

Grow up and be a man.

Hating, Jealous being imperfect...

How can i b jealous to a friend whom lead

me to where i am today

and i know its best for both of them

What can i do now

But to hope they find each other

and hopefully be blissful in their journey

Whatever! Haha...ur out of the picture!


Ur are never in the picture in the first place

Ur started running when others are finishing

Its too late? No its not, but ur the permisstic type where you see yrself lose

but whats there to lose

Cos to like someone is wish for them to be happy

And thats whats happening

Just its without you.

This is life.

Green sour numbing feeling which cause rib cages to close in to yr chest

The taste of jealously

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Wax Apple

Wear for whom to see





Chump Chump



Standing near

Far from friends

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


To pyscho oneself that its not possible, but cant help thinking there is hope.

Hazi..easy to say lets move on, but haha...i rather stay in my dream...

Sleep my live away...living in a fanatize world...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Move on

Glad she accept it and she did the worst thing possible despite what i told her.

Well, guess this is it...friend zone looks definite.

Time to stop poking, and move on.

Fill up my life, busy busy, being a new man.

Her Fav Song

Hui Hu Xi De Tong 会呼吸的痛 - Fish (Leong) Liang Jing Ru

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Volcano Erupts

M i responsible? I tink so.

Time to give up, throw in the towel?

Haha...2nd plan fail miserably

Monday, March 23, 2009

Attraction works but still lacking

7 days fashion show

Specs to lens

From fat to trim

From passive to active

Confidence, purpose, planning

2nd week into the pursuit.

I wonder am i in a daze and will wake up once the fire is no longer there.

It takes a lighter and wood to set a fire burning.

The fire is dimming and the clouds are starting to gather.

Can a moth become a butterfly?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Shedding the underdog skin to win

Cant recognise myself...even though its isnt much, but its isnt me.

To went out to such extend.

To be open of one's feeling and remain compose after

it will can be relieve for me

But need to make it comfortable for her

So she wont be in difficult position with the daily surrounding

Accept whats been say is what a man should do.

At least i knew i cant have done it another way more appropriate.

What will be the way and the plan which is tormenting me now.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

Roses and oragami Heart letter?

Love declaration?

I can still remember

your smile, laughter, what you have spoken.

From the aroma of your bakery

the scent of your perfume

the colors you have bought left a impression on me.

I just want you to know i like you

It's ok if you don't like me

I'm not a doctor nor a lawyer

I may not be social able nor charming

I'm square and dull as you have mentioned

But regardless i still want you to know

i will be here for you as a colleague

as a friend

and hopefully as a Soul mate.

Fear of rejection

The truth is that the only people who never experience rejection are those who never have any interaction with other people which in effect, makes for a pretty reclusive and lonely existence.

A confident person realises that rejection is simply a part of the risk of living and that, in order to grow spiritually, we all have to take the occasional risk and step outside of our comfort zone.

If we continually hold back from interacting with people because of our fear of rejection, we simultaneously miss out on the potential happiness, warmth, fun and excitement that other people can bring to us


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Idealist way of loving or naive?

There is always a possibility.

Perhaps the one who loved will feel true to their heart with their on going commitment to give.

Only time will tell if this unconditional love will be diluted.

Can this unmeasurable feeling be conditional or unconditional?

If 1 don't expect love to be reciprocate, why will he or she be willingly to wait while the other whisper someone's else name?

Can you really let go and love any person and still love the previous lover unconditionally?

There will be boundaries how much one can give. Till this boundary is reach and as one ages, only then perhaps i be able to tell.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Action speaks louder than words

Tough being patient

Tough making choices

Tough to interpret actions and responses

When 1 tries hard, it seems harder to get.

There are many things i still wont know.

Can i carry on with this?

Despite what i have done, there is no regrets, im glad i did it.

To carry on to

Love unconditionally and Expect nothing in return.

Friday, February 27, 2009

My Valkyrie

Like the commander who hesitated to call the battlion to activate the man despite action has already confirmed by the executor.

But the confirmation doesn't meant anything until he heard its true.

Plans don't do as plan when executed always, thats why theres always back up plan.

Does her radar pick up unusually activities?

Action speak louder than words, execution is correct, but the results may not be what i expected.

What can i do now but to wait patiently for the package?

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Doctor, lawyer, rich, professional....

is it necessary that the bar is set so high,

is it even possible?

What to expect from a princess?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Date set 6 Dec

The Level I exams will include 240 total multiple choice questions, 120 on the morning session of the exam and 120 on the afternoon session. Each multiple choice question is free-standing (not dependent on other questions) and has three possible answers: A, B, and C. All questions are equally weighted and there is no penalty for guessing

Completing the CFA Program exams can take you as little as 18 months. But on average, it takes about four years to earn a CFA charter

She say no need to take, sure fail.

Cant believe she say that to me...but i will not die without a fight.

For so long
You and me been finding each other for so long
And the feeling that I feel for you is more then strong , girl
Take it from me
If you give a little more then youre asking for
Your love will turn the key
Darling mine
I would wait forever for those lips of wine
Build my world around you , darling
This love will shine girl
Watch it and see
If you give a little more then youre asking for
Your love will turn the key

I , I just want to be your evrything
Open up the heaven in your heart and let me be
The things you are to me and not some puppet on a string
Oh , if I stay here without you , darling , I will die
I want you laying in the love I have to bring
Id do anything to be your evrything

Darling for so long
You and me been finding each other for so long
And the feeling that I feel for you is more then strong girl
Take it from me
If you give a little more then youre asking for
Your love will turn the key

I , I just want to be your everything
Open up the heaven in your heart and let me be
The things you are to me and not some puppet on a string
Oh, if I stay here without you , darling , I will die
I want you laying in the love I have to bring
Id do anything to be your evrything

Source: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/b/bee+gees/i+just+want+to+be+your+everything_20015898.html

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

CFA and Meimei

A plot scheme by the Underdog to aim 2 object with 1 decision.

Will he make it or fail?

He is getting excited as he doesnt know what to expect.

But he know the directions to go when the time comes.

Hail CFA Meimei!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Like its impossible?

Dont you hate it when ppl put u down?

Like its impossible?

Be realistic

Come on!

But they can mean well, and its may be true.

Question, if will you know if you did not try?

Will Wright brothers invented the aeroplane?

Will Einstein invented the light blub?

Will i even graduate and landed in the work i want? Although now i dont like doing what im doing?

27 club

27th, never visualise at 27, this is what i will be.

Sort of like a old youth to man stage. But my mentality seems to be more permisstic as i age.

How to feel youthful again? Fall in love? Courtship? Success in career? Money?

These are the gauge to measure happiness?

Nope, these are just mine. 1 dont need anything to be happy.

How can one be so disatisfied abt life when u live it once?

Hazi, my dream to be a dealer, to engage in the passion of the equity market seems to die off. The only reason to keep me goin is just to see her. But what happen when she is gone, haha...what a weak fool.

Waiting, waiting and waiting, for things to happen?

You know the chances of winning the lottery, thats are the exact odds, you tell yourself. Thus you decide not to gamble.

But life is a game. U wont know where ur going to land when u roll the dice. Or rather you choose not to move while others take their turn.

What will i say, when i hit 28th?

Will i be around to vent my regrets, or shld be spread word of happiness?

Life is a choice. Hope i can paint a brilliant colourful picture for this year round.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

S.H.E eastpoint

Arriving at east point

Ella dancing

Not my videos thou, haha...nice shots

Fans who made the day happen!

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About Me

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A typical underdog among the 6.6 billion homo sapiens who seeks to spend its remaining time to bring happiness to his loved ones. Constantly questioning how much and when is enough to attain a balance of success n happiness and to define one's purpose of existance instead conforming to unspoken society's pressures n norms.